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Advice for a casual button-masher/clicker


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I am a GW2 vet but always play VERY casual, PVE only.  I want survivability more than anything else.  I'm playing the expansion and considering what to use the level 80 for.  It will provide me a full Celestial set so I want to put that to good use.  I have enough gold to buy other exotic pieces, runes, sigils etc as needed.  My existing mains are a Trailblazer Renegade, Celestial Mechanist, Assassin's (I think) Reaper, Condi Soulbeast (I forget what gear),  Assassin's Deadeye/Acrobat, and Chronomancer (I forget the gear), in that order.

I was thinking Warrior or Guardian, but I don't know what Celestial builds have good survivability and also decent damage for a VERY casual player.  When I say "button-mashing", yeah, that's what I mean.  When I see it come off cooldown I generally (within reason), click it again.  No "rotations" and only rarely swap weapons mid-combat.  My wife plays the same way and we enjoy the game that way, as long as we don't die all the time.  Just how we roll.  Not trying to offend anyone with our "newbishness" and laziness.  Surely this world is big enough for all types of players.

Thanks in advance for the advice!

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Guardian should work very well with celestial. Its a natural hybrid like elementalist only less buttons to press. I would say Firebrand that can really do everything due to its tome mechanic but other elites should be fine also.

If you play with your wife guardian (especially Firebrand) is good with many group support abilities.

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3 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Guardian should work very well with celestial. Its a natural hybrid like elementalist only less buttons to press. I would say Firebrand that can really do everything due to its tome mechanic but other elites should be fine also.

If you play with your wife guardian (especially Firebrand) is good with many group support abilities.

Thanks.  What would the casual "button mashing" firebrand build look like?

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5 minutes ago, fourhim.3584 said:

Thanks.  What would the casual "button mashing" firebrand build look like?

Huh kinda hard with hybrid builds from the top of my head. This is really just a quick guess, a condition setup. I dont play one myself.

Axe/torch, because axe is good condi weapon and has also decent power values very good hybrid weapon. And torch is just condi weapon.

If you have soto and weapon mastery I would try longbow for secondary. Its fun, its a bit of a hybrid and feels good.

You could even try staff for secondary. not for dmg but for constant swiftness, healing and uber might for both you and your wife.

For traits I would just take a standard condi dps firebrand setup. Firebrand, radiance and virtues. Focus on burning stuff, that will be your main dmg. Its a squishy setup but youre in celestial youll be fine. Get familiar with your tomes and different utility skills, guardian is super versatile with them.

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Hmm, you already have the best casual class in the game made, the necromancer. Both reaper and scourge are solid. Reaper you just use your greatsword 4 and 3 and go into shroud, rinse repeat til the thing dies. Scourge is a little more complicated but it's an easy rotation considered at this moment it's the TOP dps in the game(might get nerfed next patch) rip akeem relic. Check out snowcrows.com benchmark tab for the rotations, gearing, and dps. Maybe you'll find another build you like on there

Edited by Neptune.4926
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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Guardian should work very well with celestial. Its a natural hybrid like elementalist only less buttons to press. I would say Firebrand that can really do everything due to its tome mechanic but other elites should be fine also.

If you play with your wife guardian (especially Firebrand) is good with many group support abilities.


Guardian gets a lot of utility out of the hybrid nature of celestial stats. 

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Lol.  I forgot that I have a Guardian Firebrand already with Carrion gear - Cond Damage, Power, Vitality.  Will that work OK or should I spend 200 gold to get Celestial gear instead?  Also I can't craft runes or sigils, so what are the best ones from the marketplace.  I like the idea of running with Greatbow as secondary, since I have SOTO now.  Thanks again guys.

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21 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

Firebrand is boring as hell, if you are searching something other than necro, is because is already bored.

try DragonHunter with Marauder or Dragon stats, otherwise will fall asleep on keyboard.

Yeah but hes looking for an ow build where he can button mash and click.

DH is a combo based build. Condi hybrid FB he can prolly random button mash through raids. Go into f1, mash everything but 3, when out of tome button mash everything and everything will burn. He can just camp axe torch, mantra of flame, that consecration i dont remember the name and mash away.

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Yeah but hes looking for an ow build where he can button mash and click.

DH is a combo based build. Condi hybrid FB he can prolly random button mash through raids. Go into f1, mash everything but 3, when out of tome button mash everything and everything will burn. He can just camp axe torch, mantra of flame, that consecration i dont remember the name and mash away.

DH is in balanced a balanced spot, not so masher like necro, but not complicated combos, gs 4 , traps, whirls.

i have a support FB too, and yes, is very chill, only the wvw version i have to put more effort because wvw is lots about positioning.

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