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Willbender not as advertise base on the elite spec description Arenanet please listen to your players.


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So i bought EoD because i like the idea of willbender as the description below.

"Chase and control your foes with superior martial arts. Virtues now move you around the battlefield, enhancing your strikes and scorching the earth with Willbender Flames. Grants access to off-hand swords and physical skills."

but compared to previous elite spec of guardian this elite spec doesnt fit the description it can chase yes a bit but not control and the physical skills isn't really that usefull well except for one whirling light. I'm not sure what are the devs thinking during the elite spec design collaboration compared to other elite spec especially with range burst classes willbender is feels rush and doesn't really give a careful planning.

I was hoping arenanet could rework the physical skills of willbender to be useful not only for spvp but to all game modes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/14/2023 at 3:17 AM, jayson.6512 said:

I was hoping arenanet could rework the physical skills of willbender to be useful not only for spvp but to all game modes.

Besides whirling light, not even spvp since all of them locks you in animation. Heavens Palm is a meme since animation is so long, you can just easily dodge or even cast something to block the knockback

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1 hour ago, Supernova Starr.2069 said:

Besides whirling light, not even spvp since all of them locks you in animation. Heavens Palm is a meme since animation is so long, you can just easily dodge or even cast something to block the knockback

Heaven's Palm should seriously have a pull effect to draw enemies into the AOE. 

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I was todays year old when I learnt there are willbenders that complain about the espec. Thats gold. You guys go get 100 pages worth of nerf in WvW, and 50 pages worth of nerf for PVE to become less ubiquitous then we talk about some gimmicky changes.

On 9/14/2023 at 10:17 AM, jayson.6512 said:

chase yes a bit

😄😄 😄 What do you mean "a bit" man? This is the fastest class available to mankind surpassed only by thief. In my WvW career not once I've seen myself or anyone else catch a willbender let alone defeat it without taking him 3 to 1. And trust me, like a rabid homeless pervert, I watched some of those encounters/chases from far away.

Requiring any form of CC (which you do have by the way) is just asking to be Thanos. At this point be honorable players and go to other classes forum tab and beg for buffs so that you can get worthy foes.

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9 minutes ago, Gaiawolf.8261 said:

Come watch me play! I get caught 40-50% of the time, and I usually lose even 1v1. 😅

That makes us 2 man. I dont play guardian but I am also terrible, you are not alone. But objectively Willbender is THE roaming build. Firebrand is THE zerg build, Dragonhunter is THE burst/gimmick build. At this point I am convinced every single developer and designer at ANET is die hard guardian fan because ever since willbender released (been 1.5-2 years now.) not a single substantial nerf are given to them. Guardian, like necro, are always nerfed so carefully, as a last resort as if if they nerf the class their revenue would decrease %60. Thats how afraid ANET is at nerfing guardian. It took them not even a month to nerf soulbeast + staff interaction, thats almost a hotfix while willbender required a different kind of hotfix each day. It is insane what this class can achieve lol.

Risk and reward ratio + mobility is the problem with the Espec. You guys are singlehandedly, along with thiefs (just due to stealth) and arguably cele ele/harbs, killing roaming scene. Give it 2 more years and there will only be ZvZ's. Funny because Willbender is totally useless in ZvZ so it is in your best interest to be nerfed or get other classes buffed.

Edited by MalekithDG.6124
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I hear you. It's just something about Willbender that I can't lock down its mobility accurately. I end up zooming off into no man's land when trying to target someone that's moving around so much. I'm fine against NPCs tho. 

Since SOTO, I actually do pretty well on my firebrand when roaming now. 😀 The speed relic and offhand sword make a really big difference when paired with all the CC and stability firebrand can offer up. 

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7 minutes ago, Supernova Starr.2069 said:


After lurking for 50 mins you really couldnt come up with anything worthwhile to offer and instead nitpicked that part of the sentence?

Sorry man, I forgot we really cant talk about balance unless we play the class for 7 years straight, read the wiki page of every trait, skill, weapon, class lore and write 5 different essays on each of the gamemodes from the view point of every single class and every single of their espec.

You are completely right there lol.

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5 minutes ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

After lurking for 50 mins you really couldnt come up with anything worthwhile to offer and instead nitpicked that part of the sentence?

Sorry man, I forgot we really cant talk about balance unless we play the class for 7 years straight, read the wiki page of every trait, skill, weapon, class lore and write 5 different essays on each of the gamemodes from the view point of every single class and every single of their espec.

You are completely right there lol.

Sorry, I went out to eat my lunch and left this page open, didn't know you were waiting for a serious reply lmao.

Edited by Supernova Starr.2069
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2 minutes ago, Supernova Starr.2069 said:

Sorry, I went out to eat my lunch and left this page open, didn't know you were waiting for a serious reply lmao.

A fellow troller on the forums, much like me. Even I leave something serious on the table after doing my deed man. I doubt anyone uses forums for their recreational/social purposes, gotta respect the discussions.

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16 minutes ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

After lurking for 50 mins you really couldnt come up with anything worthwhile to offer and instead nitpicked that part of the sentence?

Sorry man, I forgot we really cant talk about balance unless we play the class for 7 years straight, read the wiki page of every trait, skill, weapon, class lore and write 5 different essays on each of the gamemodes from the view point of every single class and every single of their espec.

You are completely right there lol.

I mean, you even changed your banner at the bottom just to be petty.
OP wasn't even necessarily asking for raw buffs, more like reworks, and nobody said adjusting WB to not be toxic was off the table.

The problem wasn't your lack of time spent with Guardian, it was your obvious intention of obliterating the entire class (including Especs) into the ground without discussion, because you aren't interested in one.

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I mean, you even changed your banner at the bottom just to be petty.

That banner is there for 2 weeks now... What are you talking about lol. If you scroll down on my profile and read some of my replies to others in different topics you will see that I bring willbender a lot to the discussions where balance is concerned.


The problem wasn't your lack of time spent with Guardian, it was your obvious intention of obliterating the entire class (including Especs) into the ground without discussion, because you aren't interested in one.

If that was my intention I wouldnt have said "nerf yourself or buff others." So you are suggesting that willbender would be obliterated if he fought against similar power level foes? I have no qualms against FB or DH. A good DH still deletes me in 1 second but at least it never feels like they had unfair advantage. I still feel like I am playing GW2 and just got gimmicked by DH. Against WB, its complete one sided domination and obliteration and if you ever, by some insane luck or huge gap in skill, get even a *minuscule* amount of advantage the WB phases out of existence, never to be seen again.

Im giving you guys the freedom to stay the same but buffing others to similar power level. I hope you do realize that its infinitely more generous than what you get from people that dont play the class these days mind you.


and nobody said adjusting WB to not be toxic was off the table

...And nobody brought it up other than me either ;). Stop rhetoric'ing me man, I study that lol.


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13 hours ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

That banner is there for 2 weeks now... What are you talking about lol. If you scroll down on my profile and read some of my replies to others in different topics you will see that I bring willbender a lot to the discussions where balance is concerned.

If that was my intention I wouldnt have said "nerf yourself or buff others." So you are suggesting that willbender would be obliterated if he fought against similar power level foes? I have no qualms against FB or DH. A good DH still deletes me in 1 second but at least it never feels like they had unfair advantage. I still feel like I am playing GW2 and just got gimmicked by DH. Against WB, its complete one sided domination and obliteration and if you ever, by some insane luck or huge gap in skill, get even a *minuscule* amount of advantage the WB phases out of existence, never to be seen again.

Im giving you guys the freedom to stay the same but buffing others to similar power level. I hope you do realize that its infinitely more generous than what you get from people that dont play the class these days mind you.

...And nobody brought it up other than me either ;). Stop rhetoric'ing me man, I study that lol.


most people don't even whine about wb anymore because any semi decent player realised that they are pretty easy to fight. When i see a wb somewhere it's my first target because most of the time they just explode. If you die to wb you have the reaction time of a sloth and eat the initial burst without any reaction or the wb simply outskilled you.

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10 hours ago, Ferus.3165 said:

most people don't even whine about wb anymore because any semi decent player realised that they are pretty easy to fight. When i see a wb somewhere it's my first target because most of the time they just explode. If you die to wb you have the reaction time of a sloth and eat the initial burst without any reaction or the wb simply outskilled you.

After 2 years without any action taken by ANET, I think they kinda internalized the problem man. If nothing can be done about it only thing that can be done is via ignoring/going around it. How? Mind gymnastics and various copes. Dont let anyone fool you into thinking WB is not toxic and broken.


most people don't even whine about wb anymore because any semi decent player realised that they are pretty easy to fight

From which dark, meaty, smelly and god forgotten cave did you pull this conclusion from? Was there any public announcement from these "most people" saying "WB is actually easy to fight!"?


reaction time of a sloth

I operate within the time the game is giving me man. I press dodge button and god knows how much iFrame is that, I operate within that time to dodge the "initial burst".


When i see a wb somewhere it's my first target because most of the time they just explode

Dont do that to yourself.


I think you are misunderstanding me. My problems with the Espec in order:

  1.  Mobility.
  2.  Risk and reward ratio.
  3.  Hard to read animations/effects/audio q's.
  4.  Survivability.
  5.  Ease of play. (ties in with number 2)

As you can see "damage" is nowhere to be found. Because my problems are not with the "initial burst".

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30 minutes ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:

After 2 years without any action taken by ANET, I think they kinda internalized the problem man. If nothing can be done about it only thing that can be done is via ignoring/going around it. How? Mind gymnastics and various copes. Dont let anyone fool you into thinking WB is not toxic and broken.

From which dark, meaty, smelly and god forgotten cave did you pull this conclusion from? Was there any public announcement from these "most people" saying "WB is actually easy to fight!"?

I operate within the time the game is giving me man. I press dodge button and god knows how much iFrame is that, I operate within that time to dodge the "initial burst".

Dont do that to yourself.


I think you are misunderstanding me. My problems with the Espec in order:

  1.  Mobility.
  2.  Risk and reward ratio.
  3.  Hard to read animations/effects/audio q's.
  4.  Survivability.
  5.  Ease of play. (ties in with number 2)

As you can see "damage" is nowhere to be found. Because my problems are not with the "initial burst".

The only thing toxic and broken around here seems to be you. I don't have the slightest problems when i fight wbs. Little sustain, little cc, many visible and readable animations, has to be melee to deal dmg and only one instant cast spell that is not even wb exclusive.

And it's still funny that you argue about surviveability when talking about wbs. They explode, they are pure glass 90% of the time, their only surviveability is their mobility.

And apparently it's not easy enough to play for you because as you said: " I dont play guardian but I am also terrible"

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1 hour ago, Ferus.3165 said:

The only thing toxic and broken around here seems to be you. I don't have the slightest problems when i fight wbs. Little sustain, little cc, many visible and readable animations, has to be melee to deal dmg and only one instant cast spell that is not even wb exclusive.

And it's still funny that you argue about surviveability when talking about wbs. They explode, they are pure glass 90% of the time, their only surviveability is their mobility.

And apparently it's not easy enough to play for you because as you said: " I dont play guardian but I am also terrible"

Great "no u" reply. Im sure many would agree with your opinions and there is definitely not a single "Willbender is destroying roaming" / "Why isnt willbender being nerfed?" post going on in WvW forum. I have no idea whichever "most people" you are playing the game with but I do speak from general experience directly gained from WvW. Anyone who logs in and play enough WvW and DOESNT DOWNPLAY their favourite spec can clearly see all the willbenders running around that isnt anywhere close to death anytime soon. Im not saying I've never killed a WB, I did. With 10 other people.

Its okay man. You dont have to be scared. Like I said that espec has the benefit of being guardian. You guys will never get nerfed or reworked. Actually there is a good chance you might get even buffed. Enjoy the game man, all the love to you.



And apparently it's not easy enough to play for you because as you said: " I dont play guardian but I am also terrible"

PS: This line doesnt make any sense if you think about it for a sec. Were you shaking out of anger while writing this?

Edited by MalekithDG.6124
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On 9/28/2023 at 11:13 PM, MalekithDG.6124 said:

I was todays year old when I learnt there are willbenders that complain about the espec. Thats gold. You guys go get 100 pages worth of nerf in WvW, and 50 pages worth of nerf for PVE to become less ubiquitous then we talk about some gimmicky changes.

😄😄 😄 What do you mean "a bit" man? This is the fastest class available to mankind surpassed only by thief. In my WvW career not once I've seen myself or anyone else catch a willbender let alone defeat it without taking him 3 to 1. And trust me, like a rabid homeless pervert, I watched some of those encounters/chases from far away.

Requiring any form of CC (which you do have by the way) is just asking to be Thanos. At this point be honorable players and go to other classes forum tab and beg for buffs so that you can get worthy foes.

I dunno what you on about but if you are happy about every class getting useless utilities in every new elite specs in every expansions well you are one of the big problem. Most guardians runs the same elite skills in wvw and pvp because other elite skills are not worth picking up. Some pick FMW but most guardians use RF for obvious reason and spending my hard earned money to get the expansion and play my favorite class in game with a new elite spec then knowing 90% of its utilities are useless and feels like just a filler or random skill thrown by the dev.

Tell me which content in the game WB can use all those utilities that is more worth other than the current existing guardian utilities?  sure you can play with it in open world pve doing random stuff but for a more serious content like fractals,strike,raids,spvp,wvw only whirling light is worth using on all those physical utilities of the WB.

If you cant win 1v1 against a WB thats a skill issue because there are a lot of other elite specs out there that can melt a WB.

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