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Studio update makes it look like the game is abandoned


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2 hours ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

I love how Dragonstorm is being heralded as good content, while people tried to drag it through glass on release for being boring, too long and unrewarding.

Not the same people. DS was popular from the very beginning, and the complains were pretty much coming only from the more hardcore player crowd, that expected some raid-style encounter instead. What was being "dragged through glass" by pretty much everyone were the Dragon Response Missions. And they still aren't considered to be examples of good content.

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5 hours ago, Poormany.4507 said:

Anet said IBS is "expansion level" content too, and that clearly wasn't true.

They used the same phrase ("expansion level content") about LS 2 as well, in case anyone has forgotten. By now in truth it's just a name for something that replaces expansion, without being any real comment on the quality of said replacement.

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On 9/19/2023 at 5:20 AM, DarcShriek.5829 said:

Raids were dead before they even started.  Not enough people interested.  So, they were replaced with strike missions, which are strongly supported.  The design was changed to meet the desires of the community.

Raids were not dead before they even started. Raids were a big success (Anets words, not mine) at the start. Anet said themselves back then that they knew that challenging 10-player content was only interesting for a small part of the player base. But the raids in GW2 were a success because a much higher proportion of players raided in GW2 than in other comparable games.

What essentially killed raids over the years (at least to the point that Anet said no more raids would be created) were two things. First: Far too little new content/raids. Second: No obvious difficulty ladder. Third: No easy mode/story mode so that even non-raiders can experience the content/environment/story.

Anet tried to learn from these mistakes and started strikes as a successor to raids with IBS. And starting with the EOD strikes, Anet tried to further optimize strike creation.

By using the same assets for the story and strikes, Anet kills two birds with one stone: the content production of strikes costs less and non-raid non-strike players can experience the same content in “story mode”. So, all in all, Anet seems to have made a lot of mistakes with challenging-10-player-content, but seems to have learned something from them and obviously wants to keep challenging-10-player-content in the game and produce new content for it.


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17 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

They used the same phrase ("expansion level content") about LS 2 as well, in case anyone has forgotten.

Thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten that.

18 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

By now in truth it's just a name for something that replaces expansion, without being any real comment on the quality of said replacement.

Sure, first of all the phrase just replaces “expansion”. But the expectation that is created by the wording in the context in which it is said is of course that it will be at least as good as an expansion. So every player will compare it in their head with what they understand as an expansion. So a certain quality is indirectly implied.

At least that was the case until HoT was released. Because from then on we have a real expansion with the quality of which other expansions can be compared.

In this respect, it was a little more concrete when IBS was announced as “expansion level content”. Because at that time we already had HoT and PoF as a benchmark and therefore that was also a statement about quality.

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I feel bad for anet, theirs just no way for you guys to be happy. The game aint dying, we have another expac on the run, dev are updating their tech. Soto was great quality wise, a bit smaller but that was the point. Some system were not fully fleshout but at the same time anet try to fix some huge pain point in gw2. No matter what anet will do, people here will always cry. I think its more a reflection of their personnal live, rather than the quality of the game. Is the game perfect? No of course not, no game is. But its still one of the best and consumer friendly mmo out there, its probably the mose friendly game. Its oky to have opinion, but jizzz you guays are doomer.

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On 9/18/2023 at 7:15 PM, Kozumi.5816 said:

MMO doesn't mean WoW clone. MMO means repeatable content and long term goals, not a single player one and done experience.

No, youre totaly wrong. MMO mean Massivly Multiplayer Online, wich to be fair gw2 is probably the most mmo of all mmo. I dont remember in any modern mmo running in a zerk of houdred of player beside gw2. All mmo have single player element, this is how mmo had survive.

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1 hour ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

No, youre totaly wrong. MMO mean Massivly Multiplayer Online, wich to be fair gw2 is probably the most mmo of all mmo. I dont remember in any modern mmo running in a zerk of houdred of player beside gw2. All mmo have single player element, this is how mmo had survive.

Indeed. The only other MMO which truly fits the "massively multiplayer" part i can think of would be EVE Online. Practically all the other big "MMORPG" games have forgotten the meaning of the first part of the name long ago and keep concentrating on small scale instance content only.

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14 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Yep, and then a lot of stuff happened. Covid, people moving to amazon, change of company leadership, sure. But, World Restructuring, the IMPORTANT part of what we've been calling Alliances is still happening. The fact that some WvW players who post here can't seem to get that straight is why I said what I said.

I love how you, as a customer, defend a company on a employee level. The next level would be you defending the shareholders. You need to get up from that position you are in I think...

We dont care. Its their problem. Covid happened? They had to siphon off funds? They had a change of leadership? People left? Bro 😄😄😄 Why do you care and why should I care? Like are you an Anet employee? Or you just like the game? Because I like the game too and we seem to have different approaches.

Problem: They had to siphon off funds?

Answer: Dont. Community backlash is the price. If they are willing to pay it then you shouldnt defend.

Problem: They had a change of leadership.

Answer: Change of leaders can be made without any problems. The new leader, if cared, would change NOTHING if he/she/them are happy with the staff/product. If they are not happy and they in fact do forcibly changed things be it staff, investments, what to focus or what not thats not our problem. Community backlash is the price. If they do pay it then dont blame the employees but do blame the leadership and DO NOT defend any of those, including employees.

Problem: People left.

Answer: Hire new ones. You have the money, you can hire highly experienced and/or skilled employees. I understand a sudden new addition to the team might not work even if the newcomer is highly skilled/experienced, some personalities are just not meant to be together but there is no way this caused a simple WvW update to last 3-4 years LOL. With a competent, *WORKING* team that should have lasted maximum 1 year. Again... Blame the leadership.

Problem: Covid Happened.

Answer: Same answer as above. Covid lasted few years and ended. And it didnt end this year. 😄 This update could have been delivered 3 times now. Covid hit everyone not just anet.

And just for the record if you think they are benevolently implementing World Restructring because they want to keep their promise and will work on WvW or World Restructring afterwards then you are delusional.

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12 hours ago, Makuragee.3058 said:

I feel bad for anet, theirs just no way for you guys to be happy. The game aint dying, we have another expac on the run, dev are updating their tech. Soto was great quality wise, a bit smaller but that was the point. Some system were not fully fleshout but at the same time anet try to fix some huge pain point in gw2. No matter what anet will do, people here will always cry. I think its more a reflection of their personnal live, rather than the quality of the game. Is the game perfect? No of course not, no game is. But its still one of the best and consumer friendly mmo out there, its probably the mose friendly game. Its oky to have opinion, but jizzz you guays are doomer.

You can say it's a bit smaller, but we haven't even gotten all of it yet. It's more like a Season pass.. There are still 3 more released for this expansion. And yeah, it'll probably be smaller than previous ones, but not as much as now.

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48 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Here's an article by Anet in 2021 that would seem to disagree with you:


ArenaNet Studio Update: July 2021 – GuildWars2.com

Edit: For those "confused", someone makes a claim, it's not backed up by the linked article, which specifically addresses that happened with World Restructuring and why it wasn't coming out in 2021, even though the original poster said that Anet said in 2021 it was coming out in 2021. Pics or it didn't happen.

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