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Question about the Legendary Weapon Starter Kit


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(in regards to the new daily rewards) Can you only use 1 of these starterkits(with 4 options) per account or will other versions become available with another 4 options later on and you can also select those as well? There are other old Gen 1 legendaries i'd rather make if this is just 1 starter kit per account, but i'm not sure that is what it means. As its available now, and i'd liek to get it before it gets marked up, but again i don't want it over say the dagger or another possible future starter kit.


basically what i'm wondering is can we select this starterkit now, and if another version become available later, select it again since it would have different options it would be a different box?

Or is it 1 starterkit per account regardless of the new options in the box. (i don' t know if this i coming but it seems like something they might do.)

I'm kinda confused here on this.

Edited by Kelly.7019
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From the News Blog:

One item bundle we’re debuting is a legendary starter kit, meant to provide a new inroad to the legendary crafting system. These starter kits are a way to turn your playtime into progress toward a specific legendary. We’re introducing starter kits for four legendaries in this first round of offerings and intend to rotate in others in the future; we’ll be watching feedback and usage to inform future iterations of the starter kits.


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Well... i still hope that means you can get more then 1 starter kit bundle

" One item bundle we’re debuting is a legendary starter kit, meant to provide a new inroad to the legendary crafting system. These starter kits are a way to turn your playtime into progress toward a specific legendary. "

As there are 4 kits in the bundle and only 1 and can be chosen per bundle , but... according to https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Weapon_Starter_Kit  Limit is 1 per account (not per bundle) -it's confusing

Edited by Kelly.7019
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