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Not seeing any mesmers out in OW and it's not surprising


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4 hours ago, SparklingMalibu.6328 said:

Let me tell you what the concern is.

CORE mesmer is better than mirage at doing the open world things. Mirage is only good when youre fighting a single target for 'extended periods of time' which is 10% of OW.
Lets not even talk abt virtuoso and chrono becuase hizen also 'skipped' them in his builds....

Yea but ReMagic from SC made a very fun and pretty strong (not OP, but it does the job) CVirt for OW.  😉

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12 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

I think there is some important context here in that "OW build" usually means "boss solo build". The usual wisdom is that for most of OW, a raid build with a few modifications (a little less glassy, a few utility skill, weapon, and/or trait changes to account for specific circumstances) will work, with boondps builds generally being best. Condi virt has been known as a strong open world build for a while due to strong self-sustain, and quickchrono would probably also qualify, although I haven't tested it lately myself.

Farming builds - which are usually designed for being able to at least hit multiple targets, and which are thus generally better at fighting trash than raid OR boss solo builds - are also generally not presented by the likes of Hizen and Nike, but can also be good for general open world play. This is where things like greatsword mirage come into play.

Regardless of that. farming and meta events is not where any of the mesmer specs excel at either way so even if Hizen didnt account for that does that matter? The best would be a virtuoso because your clones dont disappear but youre also extremely fragile that youll be deleted by a sniff. People joke abt eles but they have more sustain if they are 'playing' their elemental rotations. I have already switched to Ele and Im having a blast with all the 3 Ele specs. ( same for necro but you cannot seriously say that abt all 3 mesmer specs. Like previously said the core mesmer is better at the job lmao )

Edited by SparklingMalibu.6328
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4 hours ago, SparklingMalibu.6328 said:

Regardless of that. farming and meta events is not where any of the mesmer specs excel at either way so even if Hizen didnt account for that does that matter? The best would be a virtuoso because your clones dont disappear but youre also extremely fragile that youll be deleted by a sniff. People joke abt eles but they have more sustain if they are 'playing' their elemental rotations. I have already switched to Ele and Im having a blast with all the 3 Ele specs. ( same for necro but you cannot seriously say that abt all 3 mesmer specs. Like previously said the core mesmer is better at the job lmao )

I've done fairly well with them. Deceptive Evasion builds can build up clones quickly, especially if you have a sigil of stamina in play. Virtuoso isn't that squishy if you make good use of defensive skills and/or traits. I play all the professions, and I wouldn't say that ele is strictly better in those scenarios, although it is more straightforward and is helped a lot in open world by celestial gear.

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On 9/26/2023 at 8:50 PM, SparklingMalibu.6328 said:

You dig yourself into your own answer.

If you goto the SAME video youre talking about youll notice how hizen completely skips chrono and virtuoso and explains why. Mirage is only good for bosing but then WHAT? Lit any other cspec would be better at doing events or metas.

Have you tried chrono in open world? Hizen calls it trash because it can not solo bounties easily. Something 99.99% of the players never do or care about. What most people in open world do are hearts, map comp, events, metas and trains.

Chrono has a solo dps build and a group boon build. Both are very strong. The solo build is dueling, illusions, chrono with dagger/sword + dagger/focus (hopefully rifle soon) or gs. GS is not that strong without domination though and focus 4 is really good in open world. Comes with perma quick, 25 might, fury, some alac.

Just read now that you wrote mesmer does not excel in meta events. Quick/alac chrono or cvirtu are extremely good options. No idea why you think mesmer has no good group builds. Chrono and virtu are both meta in strikes. Why should they be bad in meta events?

Edited by Nephalem.8921
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1 hour ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

Have you tried chrono in open world? Hizen calls it trash because it can not solo bounties easily. Something 99.99% of the players never do or care about. What most people in open world do are hearts, map comp, events, metas and trains.

Chrono has a solo dps build and a group boon build. Both are very strong. The solo build is dueling, illusions, chrono with dagger/sword + dagger/focus (hopefully rifle soon) or gs. GS is not that strong without domination though and focus 4 is really good in open world. Comes with perma quick, 25 might, fury, some alac.

Just read now that you wrote mesmer does not excel in meta events. Quick/alac chrono or cvirtu are extremely good options. No idea why you think mesmer has no good group builds. Chrono and virtu are both meta in strikes. Why should they be bad in meta events?

One benefit Chronomancer has over Virtuoso and Mirage for map completion and exploration is that it has an automatic 25% speed buff from one of its minor traits. So it's the fastest Mesmer.

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On 9/24/2023 at 2:27 PM, SparklingMalibu.6328 said:

Most unique class in any MMO and Anet doesn't care about it at all lmao.

Mesmers are closely related to EverQuest1 Enchanter class (the most likely source of the mesmer inspiration imo). Except EQ1 Enchanters could also temporarily charm mobs & use them like a necro pet (BUT.. they would randomly break charm once in a while + instantly aggro on their former master & others close by + often killing solo Enchanters & sometimes adding to an already rough fight on the opposite side. Was a really hilarious fun mechanic with lots of entertainment value! 😄

[I would really love to see this EQ1 mechanic reinvented + adopted into GW2]

Edited by hugeboss.5432
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4 hours ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

One benefit Chronomancer has over Virtuoso and Mirage for map completion and exploration is that it has an automatic 25% speed buff from one of its minor traits. So it's the fastest Mesmer.

That became a lot less significant for map completion and exploration when mounts were released, however.

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Playing OW with chronomancer since HoT - zerk gear and mirage to solo champs etc

Who likes the spec or class will play it even with the ups and downs from the patches 

OW perma 25%speed, 2x blink, invi, reflects, quickness and alac - this is all I want/ need form this unique class

Now let's get back to crying about pve dps nerfs, lol

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1 hour ago, tAzz.8497 said:

Playing OW with chronomancer since HoT - zerk gear and mirage to solo champs etc

Who likes the spec or class will play it even with the ups and downs from the patches 

OW perma 25%speed, 2x blink, invi, reflects, quickness and alac - this is all I want/ need form this unique class

Now let's get back to crying about pve dps nerfs, lol

Chrono was actually my least favorite spec, but you make me want to go back and take a second look at it. Maybe I just need a new perspective on my magic shield maiden.

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On 9/26/2023 at 9:56 PM, SparklingMalibu.6328 said:

CORE mesmer is better than mirage at doing the open world things. Mirage is only good when youre fighting a single target for 'extended periods of time' which is 10% of OW.
Lets not even talk abt virtuoso and chrono becuase hizen also 'skipped' them in his builds....

Not true, I run dagger/pistol mirage and it kills mobs very fast, as well as champs. But it is secret build YouTubers don't share it lol.

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4 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

It really isn't spamming clones. The auto attack has to go off three times to get 1 clone. 

Okay, fair, fair, BUT

I've been encouraged recently to try the chronomancer again, my least favorite spec, and so I've been toying with that and I've been using a shatter build. I'm using Shattertorm, I'm using Mirror Images to get more clones out, I'm using Decoy and other associated traits, and I'm using a SCEPTRE along with Malicious Sorcery. And now the biggest problem I have? I'm running out of shatters. It's strange to have so many shatters to use and have ALL of them on Cooldown....I need to get better at using Continuum Shift.

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2 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

Dagger/Pistol is actually what I use for my Virtuoso. Not sure how it compares to the same for Mirage, but yeah it burns.

Well Dagger/Pistol on Virtuoso does thousands of Bleeds.

Mirage's Dagger ambush is kind of like a shotgun full of interrupts. With 3 clones there is a spread of 12 daggers going out every Dodge. I think Greatsword Mirage would be better for clearing rooms though.

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13 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

Okay, fair, fair, BUT

I've been encouraged recently to try the chronomancer again, my least favorite spec, and so I've been toying with that and I've been using a shatter build. I'm using Shattertorm, I'm using Mirror Images to get more clones out, I'm using Decoy and other associated traits, and I'm using a SCEPTRE along with Malicious Sorcery. And now the biggest problem I have? I'm running out of shatters. It's strange to have so many shatters to use and have ALL of them on Cooldown....I need to get better at using Continuum Shift.

I think Scepter is a lot better on Mesmer than people give it credit for. 


I think people discount it because they look at it as a condi weapon.

But I put one on my Berserker/Assassin Chronomancer and it seems to be doing more Strike damage than the dagger was and they seemed better than the sword.

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18 hours ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

Well Dagger/Pistol on Virtuoso does thousands of Bleeds.

Mirage's Dagger ambush is kind of like a shotgun full of interrupts. With 3 clones there is a spread of 12 daggers going out every Dodge. I think Greatsword Mirage would be better for clearing rooms though.

Do both. Greatsword with Sigil of Stamina for room-clearing, dagger for when the boss shows up.

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  • 1 month later...

Never liked my Mesmer so I never played her, besides leveling for the collection achievements, and keeping her near the crafters as she was my highest level Artificer/Tailor. Could not get any of the specs to work, nothing about her appealed to me.

I really wanted to give the class a second chance, so I scoured YouTube and found an excellent GS/GS Mirage build using Celestial gear and gender swapped from female to male Sylvari. Having so much fun with him that it has bumped the class from being the second worst, to my top 3. Will definitely play him in OW more.

Edited by VeronicanPlay.1945
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2 minutes ago, VeronicanPlay.1945 said:

Never liked my Mesmer so I never played her, besides leveling for the collection achievements, and keeping her near the crafters as she was my highest level Artificer/Tailor. Could not get any of the specs to work, nothing about her appealed to me.

I really wanted to give the class a second chance, so I scoured YouTube and found an excellent GS/GS Mirage build using Celestial gear and gender swapped from female to male Sylvari. Having so much fun with him that it has bumped the class from being the second worst, to my top 3. Will definitely play him in OW more.

If you get bored of GS/GS, the build would probably work with one of the greatswords replaced with dagger/sword. GS mirage is definitely a lot of fun in open world either way.

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5 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

If you get bored of GS/GS, the build would probably work with one of the greatswords replaced with dagger/sword. GS mirage is definitely a lot of fun in open world either way.

I am definitely open to more experimentation. I wonder what other fun builds I have missed for condemning the Mesmer for so many years, due to my misunderstanding of the class.

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17 hours ago, VeronicanPlay.1945 said:

I am definitely open to more experimentation. I wonder what other fun builds I have missed for condemning the Mesmer for so many years, due to my misunderstanding of the class.

Here you go. (I was using the same general principles before seeing that video, but I've adopted a couple of the ideas in that video since.)

It really is pretty much the same idea, except with two weapon sets rather than just two greatswords.

I tend to use Sigil of Stamina on the greatsword, on the principle that I generally favour the greatsword for clearing trash, while dagger/sword is a bit more suited to fighting elites and above.

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