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OW Chrono, worth the effort?


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Ok, so have been playing Virt for OW using ReMagic42's build from Redditt, and its great. But, am getting a bit burned out from the same ol pew pew of daggers and having never really played Mesmer much I am intrigued with the clones and all. Just looks cool! I know Hizen s not a fan of Chrono nor Virt for his stuff but I dont like Mirage for the dodge effect, its just does my head in with the not actually dodging aspect. But granted Mirage is strong as for OW, just not my thing.

But seeing that Chrono, power mostly, is making something of a comeback how does it fair in OW stuffs, i.e Metas, Rifts, etc.? And would one go power or condi?

Like I said, just keen to give something new, to me, a go but dont want the effort to be a huge waste.

Cheers!!  😉

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When I play Mesmer, I pretty much exclusively play Power Chronomancer in the open world with Greatsword. I carry Sword/Focus in the other weapon set, but I usually don't switch to it, because it's much less fun to me.

Open World is easy enough that you don't need a min-maxing build that you picked up on some random website on the Internet. Just pick the traits that sound fun to you and play away.

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Do you want to solo Champion bounties?

If so then I don't think Chrono will be your choice.

Chrono has the automatic 25% movement speed buff so it's the fastest unmounted Mesmer. But it's the squishiest.

I like the Chronomancer for running around doing events and map completion but it really struggles solo against the dangerous enemies because it has virtually no sustain.



Condi Chrono doesn't really exist currently. There is only really one overarching build.

Dagger/Sword and Greatsword. With Domination and Dueling traitlines.

You can replace the Greatsword with Focus for a bit of a DPS loss.

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That said in my Chronomancer I've been trying out Scepter/Shield and using the Domination and Illusions traitline. With full Power gear. The Scepter seems to pretty much do the same power damage as the Dagger but it has a Block and higher clone generation.

I'm trying to use more Shatters. This has worked well for OW content... except for the Chak tunnels in Tangled Depths. There are just way too many enemies there and they all seem to have Reflect Projectiles and the Scepter is lacking in AOE damage.

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Here's roughly what I use

Can mix and match stuff if you add infusions and enhancement effects etc.

I'm not sure about the sigil of frailty - I'm undecided if Bloodlust would be better in OW.

I start in dagger/focus and use the temporal curtain first half, then warden, and use the second half of the curtain skill ("Into the Void")to pull everything together, hitting dagger 2 and 3.  I then switch to the sword set, blurred frenzy, swordsman and shatter as appropriate.  Sigil of Celerity means that, by starting with a curtain pull, I can guarantee having quickness early in the fight.

Illusions is good for solo play but, in group events, Domination is better.

As for the relic, I've found Relic of the Warrior better than relics like Thief, as the reduced cd of weapon swap allows me to return more quickly to my fast-recharging sword phantasm (and the 5% damage bonus of Thief relic doesn't apply to one's phantasms' damage - and double spawning phantasms are a significant portion of the build's damage when fighting more durable foes).  I *think* it works out better as regards damage for my setup, but either way it does make play flow easier.

With decent play one can take on some harder foes, but this build isn't one for soloing legendary bounties or the like.

The dagger/focus allows one to tag well enough in OW....and I prefer it to greatsword, in part as I find the sound of GS 1 a bit irritating, and also the GS 4 skill to knock enemies away usually isn't what I want - I much prefer the focus's ability to pull everything into a bunch.

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1 hour ago, Jijimuge.4675 said:

Here's roughly what I use

Can mix and match stuff if you add infusions and enhancement effects etc.

I'm not sure about the sigil of frailty - I'm undecided if Bloodlust would be better in OW.

I start in dagger/focus and use the temporal curtain first half, then warden, and use the second half of the curtain skill ("Into the Void")to pull everything together, hitting dagger 2 and 3.  I then switch to the sword set, blurred frenzy, swordsman and shatter as appropriate.  Sigil of Celerity means that, by starting with a curtain pull, I can guarantee having quickness early in the fight.

Illusions is good for solo play but, in group events, Domination is better.

As for the relic, I've found Relic of the Warrior better than relics like Thief, as the reduced cd of weapon swap allows me to return more quickly to my fast-recharging sword phantasm (and the 5% damage bonus of Thief relic doesn't apply to one's phantasms' damage - and double spawning phantasms are a significant portion of the build's damage when fighting more durable foes).  I *think* it works out better as regards damage for my setup, but either way it does make play flow easier.

With decent play one can take on some harder foes, but this build isn't one for soloing legendary bounties or the like.

The dagger/focus allows one to tag well enough in OW....and I prefer it to greatsword, in part as I find the sound of GS 1 a bit irritating, and also the GS 4 skill to knock enemies away usually isn't what I want - I much prefer the focus's ability to pull everything into a bunch.

cheers for this! And yea, i dont do legendarys and such so all good!!  😉

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1 hour ago, Joxer.6024 said:

cheers for this! And yea, i dont do legendarys and such so all good!!  😉



I'd recommend something like this personally.


Relic of the warrior isn't as helpful when every one of your Sword weapon skills has a 10 second cooldown.


With normal timing you can use Blurred Frenzy when you swap to Sword and right before your swap to get two times. And it'll be ready as soon as you get back into Sword.

But with Relic of the Warrior when you swap back all of your weapon skills will still be on cooldown.

You'll get more burst capability by just using the normal Greatsword skills with Domination traitline.

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But this is actually probably the build I will be using.



Scepter and Shield as backup for the Greatsword.

Ranged to pair with the ranged Greatsword, low cooldown Block on the Scepter and the double channeled block on the shield with the CC.

The strike damage on the Scepter seems comparable to the dagger but less AOE which is what the Greatsword does well at.

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For OW Chrono is fine as long as you're OK with squishy, mostly single-target play.

You can strip almost any champ's breakbar in a couple of seconds, and you can dish out a lot of rapid-fire punishment.

However you can also get easily overwhelmed by larger mobs and if a champ farts in your general direction, you might get downed.

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4 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

For OW Chrono is fine as long as you're OK with squishy, mostly single-target play.

You can strip almost any champ's breakbar in a couple of seconds, and you can dish out a lot of rapid-fire punishment.

However you can also get easily overwhelmed by larger mobs and if a champ farts in your general direction, you might get downed.

That's why I don't like OH Sword much. It does a lot of damage but not AOE. 

The Greatsword, shatter, and Wells are decent AOE tools though... But it is a very squishy and unforgiving spec.

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2 hours ago, Roadkizzle.2157 said:

That's why I don't like OH Sword much. It does a lot of damage but not AOE. 

The Greatsword, shatter, and Wells are decent AOE tools though... But it is a very squishy and unforgiving spec.

Actually I tend to use greatsword / sword-pistol. It might not be optimal and doesn't include a block skill, but that stun and massive breakbar strip on pistol 5 is just too tasty for me to give up. 😄

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