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Ranked is a toxic mess


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How does anyone climb the ranked ladder when half the time you're playing with bots or toxic players who intentionally throw the game? I could get MVP and lose a game because of bad team mates and still lose ranked points. Climbing as a solo player is seemingly impossible. Also about the bots, it seems bots are just accepted in pvp because everyone knows they exist, you can report all you want they will never get banned

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Persistence will get you into plat ranks.

And even then you have to accept that there's a threshold for how far you can make it soloq when duoq exists.

The game is duoq to win. Those people you see on the LB that have won close to all their games do so through a mixture of active cheating, gaming the matchmaker, and of course; duoq. May as well be pixie dust to a soloq. Fugazi.

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1 hour ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Persistence will get you into plat ranks.

And even then you have to accept that there's a threshold for how far you can make it soloq when duoq exists.

The game is duoq to win. Those people you see on the LB that have won close to all their games do so through a mixture of active cheating, gaming the matchmaker, and of course; duoq. May as well be pixie dust to a soloq. Fugazi.

Agree; you will need a meta build and carry ability to soloq into at most I'd say p1 (~1500-~1550)--but for vast majority will cap out in the 1400 range.  If you look at Top 250 it also reflects this, as most of the bottom 250 are in g3, then top 100 p1, and top 20 above that.

On non-meta build or builds you like, you are probably capped at g2 maybe mid-g3, because non-meta isn't enough to carry a bad team like a meta build would be.

Basically, you don't climb unless you specifically are running with people that know how to game the system (this includes DuoQ which while probably the least offensive is still gaming a SoloQ based system).  

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I disagree about playing a meta build being a requirement.
Made it to 149X multiple times by playing exclusively mechanist aka a kitten tier class. (EU that is, not sure how things are on NA.)

Duo-Q tho is pretty much a free pass to low plat at very least since the advantage of having another that can cap/hold a point is absolutely massive. (Honest to god i don't even know how anyone can be hardstuck at gold while playing on premade.)
When it comes to plat duo-q becomes pretty much a requirement tho, since you want not only to increase your chances of having someone to rely on, but decrease the chance having a solo low-rank due to amazing MM/someone bringing dead weight in premade.

In general tho as someone who queue exclusively solo, the only suggestion i can give you is, if you have one of those "special" teams just afk and don't say anything.
If you slip and say something you can get in trouble, while afking tho you have time to calm down and clear your mind for the next game. 

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10 minutes ago, Dickinson.7368 said:

In general tho as someone who queue exclusively solo, the only suggestion i can give you is, if you have one of those "special" teams just afk and don't say anything.
If you slip and say something you can get in trouble, while afking tho you have time to calm down and clear your mind for the next game. 

Solid advice brother.

Yes, if you end up on a team with 2 duoqs you are morally justified to sit in spawn and fortnite dance the entire match away. They'll probably win anyway, and if they get to play the game on easy mode, why shouldn't we? Just don't do it to your fellow soloqs, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.🙏Remember that if the road is easy, the destination is worthless.


If you want something cool to watch in a separate tab while the duoq's drench their smelly chairs in sweat, look up The Chosen. Totally free to watch and its a great series, really enjoying it so far and highly recommend 👍

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57 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Agree; you will need a meta build and carry ability to soloq into at most I'd say p1 (~1500-~1550)--but for vast majority will cap out in the 1400 range.  If you look at Top 250 it also reflects this, as most of the bottom 250 are in g3, then top 100 p1, and top 20 above that.

On non-meta build or builds you like, you are probably capped at g2 maybe mid-g3, because non-meta isn't enough to carry a bad team like a meta build would be.

Basically, you don't climb unless you specifically are running with people that know how to game the system (this includes DuoQ which while probably the least offensive is still gaming a SoloQ based system).  

I've played core rev all season and just dropped below 1600 today, granted I don't display badge or care about my rating, but you can't say off meta isn't in Plat when I see random kitten builds all the time lol.

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1 hour ago, oujiboardspamname.1932 said:

I've played core rev all season and just dropped below 1600 today, granted I don't display badge or care about my rating, but you can't say off meta isn't in Plat when I see random kitten builds all the time lol.

I don't think I've ever seen a core rev in a game, and I've been as high as ~1480 when I was actively trying for Top 250.  I know that is just out of plat range but I was matched with Top 10's on the leaderboard a few time and many streamers.

Must truly be a unicorn. 

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6 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I don't think I've ever seen a core rev in a game, and I've been as high as ~1480 when I was actively trying for Top 250.  I know that is just out of plat range but I was matched with Top 10's on the leaderboard a few time and many streamers.

Must truly be a unicorn. 

Maybe 1480 is just too low idk. 

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11 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:



will translate he means by this snippet of 'top player' wisdom with internet hieroglyphs:

👭 = 🏆

tbf, it is a valid point.

players should put more time into honing their skills and learn the basic approaches to conquest.

agreed, though, that duo q, coordinated, will likely net better results, but imagine combining the two ideas.

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8 minutes ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

tbf, it is a valid point.

players should put more time into honing their skills and learn the basic approaches to conquest.

agreed, though, that duo q, coordinated, will likely net better results, but imagine combining the two ideas.

fs its sound advice

would sound better coming from someone who actually tries to hone their skills though


As He said and Matthew wrote:
"When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray on the street corners so that they may be seen by other men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full."
-Excerpt from Matthew 6:5 | Real wisdom


What do you think He meant by that?

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48 minutes ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

tbf, it is a valid point.

players should put more time into honing their skills and learn the basic approaches to conquest.

agreed, though, that duo q, coordinated, will likely net better results, but imagine combining the two ideas.

It's a weird first post for sure...

I'm sure you understand why it's currently impossible to combine those ideas--but if not, the hint is there is no individual rating in sPvP.  Your rating is a team based one and it's impossible to win by yourself--unless the other team agrees to throw--but normally, impossible.  

You can literally play perfectly and everyone else on your team dies--then you are kiting a 3, 4, or 5 on 1---it's not tenable.  

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14 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You can literally play perfectly and everyone else on your team dies--then you are kiting a 3, 4, or 5 on 1---it's not tenable.  

Sure, but that's also true for every other player in every match.

Even in team based games, you're not gonna find some guy who's actually really good but stuck at low ratings.
Elo hell doesn't exist

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18 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Sure, but that's also true for every other player in every match.

Even in team based games, you're not gonna find some guy who's actually really good but stuck at low ratings.
Elo hell doesn't exist

Have to define 'low ratings'.  If you mean bronze, silver, then yeah...I don't think anyone is disputing this.

If gold, then due to current population 'elo hell' most certainly exists because you are getting paired with anyone and everyone--and thusfar there has been no counterproof of hard carry solo to plat, just (at least in this topic) one random account saying they play core rev in plat without any proof. 

I mean, 149X with mech I can see as I was there with Druid and condi druid never really was meta (at least not in the past year when I did it)---but still kind of lol'ing at core rev in 1600, as if some magical key has been unlocked.  

Anyway, burden of proof is on those saying plat is possible solo with off-meta builds to actually post videos or streams doing this, not just random testimonials like the my pillow guy.  

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19 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Anyway, burden of proof is on those saying plat is possible solo with off-meta builds to actually post videos or streams doing this, not just random testimonials like the my pillow guy.  

I mean, I also played up to like 1600ish this season and the only thing I've played for like a year is renegade, mostly condi renegade at that, something that's down there competing amongst the worst specs in the game.
I didn't finish 1600, and I've since decayed because I only finish boxes, but just getting in to plat solo as something bad/off-meta? Really not that hard.

It starts to get difficult as you go higher and there's a lot of fights you'll just objectively lose even if you outplay the other person, which is incredibly frustrating, but you can still win games just by macro level play and rotations and stuff.

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4 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

I mean, I also played up to like 1600ish this season and the only thing I've played for like a year is renegade, mostly condi renegade at that, something that's down there competing amongst the worst specs in the game.
I didn't finish 1600, and I've since decayed because I only finish boxes, but just getting in to plat solo as something bad/off-meta? Really not that hard.

From what starting rank in the season? 

You can get into plat after your 10 games; this is not the same as say placing into say high silver/low gold (who knows what rank OP is) and actually finishing 150 or whatever games in 1600.  

Anyway, for most of the forum warriors here--say you are 'in plat' and come to find out actual leaderboard rank is like 1525 lol.  

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1 minute ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

From what starting rank in the season? 

You can get into plat after your 10 games; this is not the same as say placing into say high silver/low gold (who knows what rank OP is) and actually finishing 150 or whatever games in 1600.  

Anyway, for most of the forum warriors here--say you are 'in plat' and come to find out actual leaderboard rank is like 1525 lol.  

From somewhere in gold? Heck, I think I started lower than I usually do cause I had a bad set of placement matches this season. Went like 4-6 or 3-7 or something lol.
I played 80 games this season to finish my boxes, the vast majority in plat. That's about right for most seasons I participate in. I'd probably go insane if I tried to play all 150, but my rating wouldn't suddenly tank for the rest of them.

You don't have to believe it, that's fine, but I guarantee you there's a lot more people than you think solo queueing to plat as something that's not currently meta, on both NA and EU. It's not some ridiculously unheard of feat of strength.

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46 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

From somewhere in gold? Heck, I think I started lower than I usually do cause I had a bad set of placement matches this season. Went like 4-6 or 3-7 or something lol.
I played 80 games this season to finish my boxes, the vast majority in plat. That's about right for most seasons I participate in. I'd probably go insane if I tried to play all 150, but my rating wouldn't suddenly tank for the rest of them.

You don't have to believe it, that's fine, but I guarantee you there's a lot more people than you think solo queueing to plat as something that's not currently meta, on both NA and EU. It's not some ridiculously unheard of feat of strength.

You're saying 1600 though, which makes you top 20 at the current time.  

I have a hard time believing that is all, mostly because you say it's 'not that hard' meaning there should be a large spread above you unless you are claiming to be one of the best sPvPers in the game.  

You realize the huge disparity we have here...right? OP is claiming climbing is impossible because most of PvP is toxic thrower / afk mess and here we are saying '1600 is easy'.  Empirical evidence and logic points to the former so you can understand why I'm questioning the latter...?

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9 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You realize the huge disparity we have here...right? OP is claiming climbing is impossible because most of PvP is toxic thrower / afk mess and here we are saying '1600 is easy'.  Empirical evidence and logic points to the former so you can understand why I'm questioning the latter...?


1 hour ago, Shagie.7612 said:

just getting in to plat solo as something bad/off-meta? Really not that hard.

Being in plat isn't that hard, and that's explicitly what I said.
That's not the same thing as 1600 being easy.

But anyways, as is the case in every ranked ladder, better players climb to the top. OP can't climb because he's not as good as he thinks he is. Everyone else is subject to the same exact problems with afkers/bots.
People in GW2 have just convinced themselves that the top players aren't actually good even though most of them are significantly more mechanically skilled than lower rated players, even if they duo on top of that.

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42 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You're saying 1600 though, which makes you top 20 at the current time.  

I have a hard time believing that is all, mostly because you say it's 'not that hard' meaning there should be a large spread above you unless you are claiming to be one of the best sPvPers in the game.  

You realize the huge disparity we have here...right? OP is claiming climbing is impossible because most of PvP is toxic thrower / afk mess and here we are saying '1600 is easy'.  Empirical evidence and logic points to the former so you can understand why I'm questioning the latter...?

OG 1600 players can 1 v 3 todays "1500" players.

The experience gap is so great. If the game is not about reaction speed, you youngsters literally stand no chance against some 30-40 year with 20 years of mmo, and 11 years gw2 experience.


Just cope-

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38 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Being in plat isn't that hard, and that's explicitly what I said.
That's not the same thing as 1600 being easy.

You say you play condi rene to 1600---other person plays core rev to 1600---1600 is top 20 lol. 

We either have some super skilled players in this topic or something smells in denmark.  

15 minutes ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

OG 1600 players can 1 v 3 todays "1500" players.

The experience gap is so great. If the game is not about reaction speed, you youngsters literally stand no chance against some 30-40 year with 20 years of mmo, and 11 years gw2 experience.


Just cope-


40 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:



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28 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

You say you play condi rene to 1600---other person plays core rev to 1600---1600 is top 20 lol. 

We either have some super skilled players in this topic or something smells in denmark.  



1600 in 2015, 2016,2017, 2018...those are way better players, tested against way way way way way way way ...more players....


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2 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

Honestly, I'd just stop caring about rank in this garbage. Ooh which gigantic coward played the 0 brain cell required meta build they copied off of metabattle the best? Ooh which team win traded this time? It's all completely worthless.

If someone didn't care, would they even voice an opinion? Somehow, even the coward cheese has tiers. Most of the players are not that good at even cheese. Best of the cheese, best of the rats....still BEST.

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