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Just delete the turtle mount & the Jade Bot from the game

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On 10/23/2023 at 12:19 PM, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Nice, so for like the fifth or sixth time, medieval fantasy isn't a simulation of the middle ages. It's medieval themes and aesthetics with fantastical elements. I'm not sure how many more times I can repeat that before you'll understand it.

But having other elements besides that makes it not JUST medieval fantasy. It's a game that has medieval fantasy elements.

You can get vegetables in almost any restaurant, but that doesn't make them a vegetarian restaurant. We've always had tech in this game from day one, and you just want to ignore that. I'm not saying there are no medieval fantasy elements in this game. I'm saying there are other elements in this game besides just medieval fantasy. The fact that you can't acknowledge that a game with helicopters from day one is medieval fantasy is the real issue here.

If a restaurant serves meat it's not a vegetarian restaurant.

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On 10/23/2023 at 1:48 PM, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

your problem is trying to assert Medieval fantasy at the tip of the fantasy type tree for GW2, that is wrong.  What's closest is something along the lines of:

GW2 is  a type of Fantasy game (root Fantasy type definition) that is a blend of the follow sub types

- Fantasy/High Fantasy

- Fantasy/Historical Fantasy/ Medieval Fantasy

- and a mix of other sub genre. 

You can test this by taking a selection of key zones from the original game such as the cities and the final zones in Orr and categorise, at which point you can see Medieval fantasy is only a small factor, with high fantasy being arguable the most dominant.  The best description is however a blend including medieval.


'#Guild Wars 2 takes place in the high fantasy world of Tyria, 250 years after the players' defeat of the Great Destroyer in the Eye of the North expansion'



I think the simple flaw in your argument is that you're treating medieval fantasy and high fantasy as separate categories when they aren't. High fantasy essentially is medieval fantasy, as distinct from low fantasy which almost universally refers to a fantasy in which very few elements are found that don't adhere to a medieval theme, ie perhaps it takes place in another world that isn't Earth, but that is parallel. High fantasy is 99% of the time medieval fantasy.

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15 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

But having other elements besides that makes it not JUST medieval fantasy. It's a game that has medieval fantasy elements.

You can get vegetables in almost any restaurant, but that doesn't make them a vegetarian restaurant. We've always had tech in this game from day one, and you just want to ignore that. I'm not saying there are no medieval fantasy elements in this game. I'm saying there are other elements in this game besides just medieval fantasy. The fact that you can't acknowledge that a game with helicopters from day one is medieval fantasy is the real issue here.

If a restaurant serves meat it's not a vegetarian restaurant.

It doesn't mean it's not medieval fantasy, it simply means that it's pushing the boundaries of medieval fantasy, the same way every other high medieval fantasy does. If nothing could push those boundaries without being some crazy genre-defying science fiction universe then everything would just be Lord of the Rings, there would be no Warcraft, MTG, etc.

I feel like you just really, really want Guild Wars to be this genre-defying world that is incomparable to everything else and every genre, but it isn't, it's actually 95% medieval fantasy. And that's a good thing, since that's the demographic of people to whom it appeals, owing to its popularity. Some things are power metal, some things are death metal, some things are even industrial metal, but they're all heavy metal. And that's a good thing. But if they stray too far from what makes the genre good and appealing, then most likely, fans of heavy metal may start to object.

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On 10/25/2023 at 12:44 PM, Ashen.2907 said:

I may need to take another look at the Bayeux Tapestry. I dont remember seeing automatic repeating rifles, high cyclical RoF machine pistols, chainsaw swords, etc.

Well firstly that's because the Bayeux tapestry is from the high middle ages, when firearms didn't get exist. The middle ages is a period that spread over 1,000 years, and continued on for almost 500 more years after the Bayeux tapestry was made.


Second, the rifles aren't themselves automatic repeaters, there are literally flintlocks, matchlocks and blunderbusses. The mechanism of the firearm is manipulated by magic, meaning that it can be used in whatever way the magic is used. This is why the same firearm can be a blunderbuss shooting gravel or a sniper rifle.

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6 minutes ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

It doesn't mean it's not medieval fantasy, it simply means that it's pushing the boundaries of medieval fantasy, the same way every other high medieval fantasy does. If nothing could push those boundaries without being some crazy genre-defying science fiction universe then everything would just be Lord of the Rings, there would be no Warcraft, MTG, etc.

I feel like you just really, really want Guild Wars to be this genre-defying world that is incomparable to everything else and every genre, but it isn't, it's actually 95% medieval fantasy. And that's a good thing, since that's the demographic of people to whom it appeals, owing to its popularity. Some things are power metal, some things are death metal, some things are even industrial metal, but they're all heavy metal. And that's a good thing. But if they stray too far from what makes the genre good and appealing, then most likely, fans of heavy metal may start to object.

I has medieval fantasy elements. Steampunk elements, magictech elements.  You can't pick and choose what you want it to be, just because you want it to be that.  It's cross genre. I've been in the publishing industry for years and no one even talks about medieval fantasy. It's rarely even mentioned. We talk about high fantasy, swords and sorcery, but medieval fantasy is a little used term you've glommed onto and had very little to do with anything but your own prejudice.

What you're doing here is projecting. I'm seeing what's there. You're ignoring part of what's there. That's all you, mate.

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2 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I has medieval fantasy elements. Steampunk elements, magictech elements.  You can't pick and choose what you want it to be, just because you want it to be that.  It's cross genre. I've been in the publishing industry for years and no one even talks about medieval fantasy. It's rarely even mentioned. We talk about high fantasy, swords and sorcery, but medieval fantasy is a little used term you've glommed onto and had very little to do with anything but your own prejudice.

What you're doing here is projecting. I'm seeing what's there. You're ignoring part of what's there. That's all you, mate.

You're the one picking and choosing though, which is why you only have the same handful of examples each time. I could literally sit here all day naming elements of medieval fantasy found in the game. Because it's a medieval fantasy game with other themes added on top.

Like tying a tank gun onto a pickup truck doesn't make it a tank, it makes it a truck with a tank gun tied to it.

Like taking a hamburger and putting a cat kitten on it doesn't make it a cat-kitten sandwich, it makes it a hamburger with a cat kitten on it.

Like taking chocolate and adding nuts doesn't make it granola, it makes it a chocolate bar with nuts.

The game is plainly a medieval fantasy setting, with other themes added to it.

Since you have been at a dead end and recycling the same arguments over and over for some time now, what if we switch this up and examine it from the bottom up? As I said before, these arguments are textbook examples of the fallacy commonly called "no true Scotsman." That is, you are creating a definition of medieval fantasy that is so strict that literally nothing would fit within it. Can you name five worlds that you would consider to be medieval fantasy?

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