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WvW Defend Objective credit broken

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I'm in a 3-way fight in SMC. I've gotten 45 kills (watching the weekly achievement), many right on top of the lord and after 7 defense timers, I've gotten defense credit twice. 

Update: After 10 cycles, got credit 3 times. Can't track kills anymore because I've already hit 50 for the weekly.

Edited by Lagniappe.4869
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This has been broken since they fixed the issue where people were farming skirmish tickets by repairing the walls of SMC.   I have killed people attacking tower from tower / repaired tower walls / defended lord in tower and never received defense for the tower, I have also been part of a blob on blob fight to defend a keep and pushed the other blob out and still did not get credit for defense, but if I repair a gate with a single supply and take supplies while the tower is under attack I will sometimes get defense. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is still frustrating and broken.  I responded to an EWP for an active defense event.  I killed 3 people right by the lord.  No credit.  There's other variations of this experience, but mostly it's a repeat of 'the "Defend Objective" credit is currently broken in some unknown fashion'.  I can't even directly farm it by participating in defense events.  @_@

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On 11/14/2023 at 10:38 PM, Preppy.7046 said:

I responded to an EWP for an active defense event.  I killed 3 people right by the lord.  No credit.

Right my experience from last week defending air keep on RBL.

22 hours ago, Melok.2173 said:

It seems preposterous that you would not qualify as defending if you killed someone who merely attacked a guard (or Lord).

If you go this way, then it is just as absurd that a defense does not count as such if you build a catapult in the tower, attack the enemy under counter fire with it. Then storm their position with reinforcements, destroy their siege weapons, go back, repair the damage and as a thank you there is nothing.

I sometimes have defenses where I die myself in the enemy zone while taking apart the siege weapons, but it doesn't count as an event success because I haven't killed the 2-3 enemies that would count.

Sometimes you don't even get them anymore or they were so far away that they wouldn't have counted anyway.

Defense events should be renamed to Random Hunt Event for defenses. Because that's all it is. You have to hunt and kill something specific. Best drag it back close to the objective before you kill it. Just to be sure.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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On 11/19/2023 at 7:49 AM, Lucy.3728 said:

If you go this way, then it is just as absurd that a defense does not count as such if you build a catapult in the tower, attack the enemy under counter fire with it. Then storm their position with reinforcements, destroy their siege weapons, go back, repair the damage and as a thank you there is nothing.

I 100% agree with your assessment. 

That being said, in my earlier post I was not trying to list all the ways that should reasonably be considered defending a Tower or Keep, rather I was speaking to the act of killing an attacker and seemingly how there is a very narrow criteria needed (i.e. attacker has to kill a guard).  You have stated other scenarios that any reasonable person would have expected someone to receive credit for defense.

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On 10/16/2023 at 11:05 AM, Quirin.1076 said:

This has been broken since they fixed the issue where people were farming skirmish tickets by repairing the walls of SMC...

My WvW guild runs two hours a day, seven days a week. We defend our garries on the various maps when we can, as well as any T 2, 3 keeps plus any T 3 towers. And yeah, it's been  my experience that the defense mechanics have been broken since that so called "fix".

On 10/16/2023 at 2:30 PM, Lagniappe.4869 said:

To be honest, I know they are broken, when and how they broke but I'm still going to bring it up because it's frustrating that they make dailies, weeklies and AA weeklies out of a broken mechanic.

I very much agree that a broken mechanic should NOT be part of the dailies or weeklies. My main account is set to WvW dailies/weeklies. I routinely get them all done, except for the defense ones. It's a running joke in my guild that Tower Guardian is an urban myth. 

On 10/17/2023 at 6:09 AM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:


And this is the part that genuinely infuriates me about the broken defense mechanics. WvW players have been asking, begging, pleading, and screaming at Anet for months to fix these broken mechanics and have gotten little to nothing back from Anet except dead silence. Generally, I really, really like the Wizard's Vault and the new daily/weekly system. Mechanics that have been widely known to be broken for months now should not be part of that system though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't get the weekly world vs world credit for defending towers like I used to. I can kill enemies and defend a tower for twenty minutes without leaving, and still no credit for it. Then, occasionally, I'll get credit, but not for defending all 8. Credit is very random, and other people I've chatted with have this problem also. Please fix it or give us a different weekly task in it's place. Thanks

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It's Sunday, ladies and gentlemen, and out of this week of 10 defenses, I've managed to get to 6.
Six in an entire week of daily wvw play.

Not for lack of defending. I've been defending a fair amount.

Just got back from defending a keep and 3 towers on ebg for an hour on my main account (this one) and didn't get one counted. I've stopped now and will calm down on another game because it's too frustrating.

My side had the smc plenty this week and usually the castle was my dead certain target to get the defense counter up. But I don't know what it was this week, my luck ran out.

Another account happened to get the daily defense today, I don't actually know how that happened. I can only guess since no one was left in the hills when I arrived, but on my way down, the serpentines to the camp, I ran into a couple enemies that I had to kill, and I guess one must have counted from earlier or something. I mean, they weren't even close to the archers on the walls.


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