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Skyscale Fireball Target Icon.


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The dot is tiny, and on default settings right where your character is, making it even harder to see.
You can change the 2nd part, by messing with the Vertical Position of your camera, have it more above your character, to actually see the dot above it. Makes it a little easier.

You can find this in settings - General options. There are 2: Vertical Position Near and Vertical Position Far.

The more you slide those to the right, the higher the dot will be above your character. I have my Far all the way to the right, and simply zoom out when I need to target things on my Skyscale. 

Hope this takes some frustration away.

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I found just zooming out that it does the same thing. This only really works in places that have a lot of green/brown colouring (Ascalon/Kryta/HoM) type maps, but any place with lots of white or brighter colour maps (Shiverpeak/Amnytas/Inner Nayos/Elon) that little white dot just gets lost.

Outside Heitor's Gate for the meta I just mount up and keep my fingers crossed I'm hitting the barrier.

Edited by Eziair.2509
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