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unfortunately meh rifle


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3 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Because when your sat in with the hypers it gets clogged with spammed "omg shiney" and confuse reacted for saying anything. 

Ignore while it's obvious these weapons are gonna be power crept. We got the most niche weapon to come out so far.. litterally that kit may do great things in coordinated content, but anything uncoordinated it's not gonna be amazing at. 

Unless they completely bust its damage, which is rly unlikely. 

We only know what 2 out of 5 weapon abilities do so far and they are heal and barrier, as well as some boon support and a portal for 1 person if you choose to use them as such, please explain to me how these are niche?

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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35 minutes ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

We only know what 2 out of 5 weapon abilities do so far and they are heal and barrier, as well as some boon support and a portal for 1 person if you choose to use them as such, please explain to me how these are niche?

Heal and barrier is only useful to one specific role. Support. Portal is only gonna see practical use in a coordinated enviroment. 

This weapon will basically fill a support role. And a support role only, ontop of that its full potiental only usable in a coordinated enviroment. 

Portalling random people out of most situations will be bad. Lol, there will be very specific moments that this will positively impact a enviroment. 

It is niche. Becsuse its only gonna get used in one specific enviroment. 

It's not gonna be a good solo weapon. 

It's likely not to be great metas

It won't be great in spvp. 

It may see use in WvWvW and strikes. If we are going to break down a weapon which will fulfill a role a minority play (WvWvW and strikes) its niche. 

The vast majority of players run around open world doing meta events and large parts of those are people sprinting around in lots of directions. 

So its niche. Because only a specific % of the audience will use the weapon, unless its damage is significantly broken and gets taken into a dps role. But even then it will get nerfed. 

Spectres scepter ofcourse is a rule against the norm, because its used for both, but we know spectres weapon was intentionally made primarily single target to balance this. 

Mesmers weapons can't be aoe healing + boons. and be worrh a dime in damage, because itd be broken to realistically make this so. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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12 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

Heal and barrier is only useful to one specific role. Support. Portal is only gonna see practical use in a coordinated enviroment. 

This weapon will basically fill a support role. And a support role only, ontop of that its full potiental only usable in a coordinated enviroment. 

Portalling random people out of most situations will be bad. Lol, there will be very specific moments that this will positively impact a enviroment. 

It is niche. Becsuse its only gonna get used in one specific enviroment. 

It's not gonna be a good solo weapon. 

It's likely not to be great metas

It won't be great in spvp. 

It may see use in WvWvW and strikes. If we are going to break down a weapon which will fulfill a role a minority play (WvWvW and strikes) its niche. 

The vast majority of players run around open world doing meta events and large parts of those are people sprinting around in lots of directions. 

So its niche. Because only a specific % of the audience will use the weapon, unless its damage is significantly broken and gets taken into a dps role. But even then it will get nerfed. 

Spectres scepter ofcourse is a rule against the norm, because its used for both, but we know spectres weapon was intentionally made primarily single target to balance this. 

Mesmers weapons can't be aoe healing + boons. and be worrh a dime in damage, because itd be broken to realistically make this so. 

Look, if you keep this up you're going to be labeled a "Support Hater" and they're gonna try and ban you. Just admit that you're wrong, kiss their feet, and MAYBE, if you're lucky and they're magnanimous, they'll let you continue to play in THEIR sandbox. Because you're wrong and they're right and you're bad and their good and you get the point now.

There's no point to arguing here. You're yelling at a brick wall.

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19 hours ago, Alpha.1308 said:

projectile rather than spray auto

3 looks fine, "wait here" mechanic of wells are clunky, but two in one skill should (hopium copium) be actually a good thing, competing effects SHOULDDDD mean the lesser of the two receives buffs, in the ideal world that we absolutely do not live in lmao

when will i ever realistically use 5? in pve, pvp, or wvw?

i've never since PoF launch ever seen necro portal really be useful, either, soooo?

at least that skill can be swapped out....  

thought you had to use the portal for buffs like sand swell, lmao, my bad given some of the trash we've been given in the past

not doom and glooming just concerned for jank that has been accustomed to this class over multiple updates and releases

now I know why there is instuctions on shampoo bottle

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On 11/15/2023 at 3:32 PM, Puck.3697 said:

Heal and barrier is only useful to one specific role. Support. Portal is only gonna see practical use in a coordinated enviroment. 

This weapon will basically fill a support role. And a support role only, ontop of that its full potiental only usable in a coordinated enviroment. 

Portalling random people out of most situations will be bad. Lol, there will be very specific moments that this will positively impact a enviroment. 

It is niche. Becsuse its only gonna get used in one specific enviroment. 

It's not gonna be a good solo weapon. 

It's likely not to be great metas

It won't be great in spvp. 

It may see use in WvWvW and strikes. If we are going to break down a weapon which will fulfill a role a minority play (WvWvW and strikes) its niche. 

The vast majority of players run around open world doing meta events and large parts of those are people sprinting around in lots of directions. 

So its niche. Because only a specific % of the audience will use the weapon, unless its damage is significantly broken and gets taken into a dps role. But even then it will get nerfed. 

Spectres scepter ofcourse is a rule against the norm, because its used for both, but we know spectres weapon was intentionally made primarily single target to balance this. 

Mesmers weapons can't be aoe healing + boons. and be worrh a dime in damage, because itd be broken to realistically make this so. 

Niche - what a surprise. Like most weapons in the game? You don’t like it - ok, someone else gonna like it. Same as Axe for Mirage (as example) - it’s no less niche and many people don’t like it too.

You’re just salty that it’s not the type of weapon that you wanted/expected. Well, kittens happens. 

To me, as a Mesmer main, it looks no less niche than Staff (even if it’s questionable rn how some skills work). I’m not a support myself, but half of arguments here against this - more bias than real arguments. 

Nothing personal 

Edited by Loules.8601
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6 minutes ago, Loules.8601 said:

To me, as a Mesmer main, it looks no less niche than Staff

Are we using the same definition of niche? I feel like we're not using the same definition of niche.

I regard the Staff as a Total weapon. That is to say, it does (almost) everything, only really lacking pure strike damage. It works at long range with most of its abilities extending to a range of 1200 while at melee range it bounces back to you to buff Might and Fury to increase your damage output the closer they are to you. It's good vs single targets, it's good vs mobs with either bouncing projectiles or AOEs. It has mobility with a backwards teleport that not only removes you from a bad situation but also generates a clone, drops targetting, AND it's usable while CCed. It's got healing (with the right trait) on Chaos Armor, and of course the bread and butter is that it inflicts conditions on your enemies and boons on your applies AT THE SAME TIME. You can drop a Chaos Storm on a big melee and severely tip the scales in one direction. Calling the staff niche is....disingenuous at best. It's probably the best weapon we have.

It's hard to make too many judgements so far with the teaser for the rifle but right now the only assumptions we can make is that it'll probably do damage on 1 being the base autoattack, the question is just strike or condi, and as for everything else it has almost zero offensive value. The only damaging ability we've been told about so far is the Abstraction, which is a secondary ability and split with healing at that. In otherwords, it looks like the rifle is not going to be something you can rely on to protect yourself, so it will only see play in modes where you rely on other people to protect you while you support them. But we'll have to wait for the actual test weekend to make that judgement.

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2 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

Heal and barrier is only useful to one specific role. Support. Portal is only gonna see practical use in a coordinated enviroment. 

This weapon will basically fill a support role. And a support role only, ontop of that its full potiental only usable in a coordinated enviroment. 

Portalling random people out of most situations will be bad. Lol, there will be very specific moments that this will positively impact a enviroment. 

Heal and barrier are useful only to a build that needs a support weapon, *shocked pikachu*. These are exactly the things support chrono is going to need as of the November 28 patch. Not every new weapon needs to be the meta pick for any given build. I don't see firebrands, revenants complaining about not using staff for dps. For instance, if a revenant chooses to have staff on their weapon swap, it is almost entirely because of the CC it brings.

I mean, it will definitely be useful in organized groups, but it will also be useful in getting someone back to the group after they get teleported away in VG, if a cannon goes away too early and flame wall spawns close to them on sabetha, after placing the special action key on slothasor or mathias, getting people back to the group after dhuum explosions, getting a person back to the group after they place the 3rd skyhammer on qtp. These are just things off the top of my head, doesn't seem very niche to me. A range portal that can be used to bring someone back to the group, therefore, safety or out of an aoe they were too slow to get out of is equally useful for chaotic circumstances as it is for good groups that use it to shave off a few seconds from their kill time.

So a support weapon is going to fill a support role, amazing that. We don't know yet whether the weapon will be viable for any other build, but it doesn't have to be, they clearly stated before that they are aiming to fill the gaps in builds with these new weapons. We already have melee and ranged dps weapons, both power and condi, scepter being in a rather poor state does not mean that it doesn't exist, they will need to adjust its output to make it a viable ranged condi weapon, but otherwise, a proper support weapon was the only weapon type mesmer was lacking, which is what we got.

All in all, can we wait until we see the actual weapon skills before we doom and gloom about this? The effects of the rest of the skills as well as their numbers on release will matter a lot.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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14 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

please explain to me how these are niche

It's main mechanic is a single use portal that I originally thought was only going to appeal to people trying to do record speed runs for raids. Looking at what those communities think of the weapon they are incredibly underwhelmed by it as well. It's only purpose seems to be for Mesmers helping people doing jump puzzles. You can't really get more niche then that.

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