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[BUG] Rugged Growth


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Rugged Growth - Minor Grandmaster - Wilderness Survival

You and your pet recover health while affected by protection.

 Healing: 196 (0.122)?
 Interval: 1 second

So, after some testing in WvW and later in the golem arena i've found that the EFFECT "Rugged Growth" is not working as per wording at this moment.


What I BELIEVE is happening:


The effect "Rugged Growth" is a hidden buff that gets applied to the ranger at the moment "Protection" is applied to the ranger, ATM, this buff is not considering boon duration on the "Protection" recieved and also is not stacking with itself, only refreshing, what happens in practice is the following:


Those logs are from WvW but it's basically the same in PvE, as you can see, after taking some damage, I start applying "Protection" and "Rugged Growth" starts activating, but while "Protection" is up "Rugged Growth" does not keep up, staying at about 50% on those logs, where i applied "Protection" in small intervals, but, in this PvE Test, applying all the "Protection" i have available at once "Rugged Growth" uptimes gets to around 25% as this log:



That is it, I made this post in the intention to verify if maybe this is the intended interaction and i'm not aware, and also if anyone could check and confirm this as it couble be possibly a triggered bug or interaction.

Edited by Dredsh.2360
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While on the topic of RG. I never tested or looked further into it, but for the longest time I've felt that Rugged Growth often doesn't apply to the pet. At least not correctly. It fumbles around in WvW with protection up, but without getting any recovery from Rugged Growth. Maybe it's coded differently and doesn't apply healing the same way Signet of Renewal or Natural Healing (the trait) do, and is thus ignored by the logs and the UI. Idk. 

Edited by Lazze.9870
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It has ICD/Interval of 1s, could this be what you are noticing?

Guess to really test this, can try hunker down--should get rugged growth for each tick of protection as both are 1s. 

EDIT: Tried it in-game and I think its ok--was getting rugged growth tick for each prot tick (jumped into a bunch of mobs in Malchor's Leap for quick test).  

They probably just need to update the tooltip to 'when affected by protection' instead of 'while affected by protection.'

But for the topic, if they want it to work like the wording, then need to remove the ICD on it.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now after some time has passed and i had more time to observe the bug brought to attention by this thread

I would like to reafirm some points and say what i'll be doing next on the matter:

- My first analysis of the bug seems to be correct:

The hidden effect "Rugged Growth" is not being applied to the player character while considering the "Protection" boon full duration (concentration), only the base duration, also, the hidden effect "Rugged Growth" does not seem to be stacking with itself, these two factors brought toguether leave the actual uptime of the "Rugged Growth" effect to be between 20-50% of what is intended, only effectively happening at the first moments where the ranger recieves the "Protection" boon.

- Next step

Since none others were able to provide any more info on the matter and i'm not actually sure where this post should rest, i'll be reposting this in the BUGS section of the forum, and leave it linked to the mods to decide were to merge it (also intended as visibility 🙂 ) and i'll link this thread in the Maces Beta Thread alongside some other mace bugs i've noticed

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Ok so I just tested it in pvp lobby. Nothing is bugged on Rugged Growth in pvp at least.

Here's what I did:

  1. I let chief smack me down to 729 health and I go away from him and away from other players so no one is effecting my health except myself.
  2. I use Protect Me at 729 health which grants me 4 & 1/4 seconds of protection. On my setup the Rugged Growth says it should be healing 225 per 1s interval.
  3. After the Protect Me ends, my health had risen to 1941 from Rugged Growth heal alone. 1941 - 729 = 1212. Since the protection from Protect Me is only 4 and 1/4 seconds, it should be roughly 225*4 = 900 heal, but it healed me for a lot more than that.
  4. I had +35% outgoing heal to others on while standing here doing this. 35% of 900 is 315. 900 + 315 = 1215.

Conclusion: Rugged Growth is working exactly the way it is supposed to in pvp at least. It is healing the 225 per every second like it says and there is never a downtime. Then come to find out, +outgoing heal somehow applies to Rugged Growth as well.

Nice to know. I had no idea it was working like that.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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58 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Ok so I just tested it in pvp lobby. Nothing is bugged on Rugged Growth in pvp at least.

Here's what I did:

  1. I let chief smack me down to 729 health and I go away from him and away from other players so no one is effecting my health except myself.
  2. I use Protect Me at 729 health which grants me 4 & 1/4 seconds of protection. On my setup the Rugged Growth says it should be healing 225 per 1s interval.
  3. After the Protect Me ends, my health had risen to 1941 from Rugged Growth heal alone. 1941 - 729 = 1212. Since the protection from Protect Me is only 4 and 1/4 seconds, it should be roughly 225*4 = 900 heal, but it healed me for a lot more than that.
  4. I had +35% outgoing heal to others on while standing here doing this. 35% of 900 is 315. 900 + 315 = 1215.

Conclusion: Rugged Growth is working exactly the way it is supposed to in pvp at least. It is healing the 225 per every second like it says and there is never a downtime. Then come to find out, +outgoing heal somehow applies to Rugged Growth as well.

Nice to know. I had no idea it was working like that.

Yeah, the boon duration part doesnt really affect PvP as much because you cant really get that much difference in uptime anyway, but i would suggest you to try and apply multiple different sources of protection at the same time, for instance, Earth Spirit, the difference is a lot more noticeable because the effect also doesnt stack.



After looking at it again, it seems I was reading the logs wrong, the effect is stacking, it seems to be only boon duration that is not currently working.

Edited by Dredsh.2360
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@Dredsh.2360 You're absolutely right.

I went back in to test it in pve and it is definitely having some kind of buggy interaction where the Rugged Growth is not granting 1s of heal for the full duration of a protection duration. The thing is... I'm a bit confused as to quite exactly what is happening here. At first I thought: "The Rugged Growth is only tallying the base duration of protection for its heal duration and is ignoring duration granted from +boon duration." The more I was testing that, it sort of didn't add up. Because I'm on a build with 50% boon duration during this test in the raid golem room, and I'm buffing about 20s of prot coming from 50% boon duration, and then the Rugged Growth heal only stops healing me at around 18s. So I'm thinking: "Well that kind of doesn't add up if the problem was just it not tracking boon duration bonus". Then I try prebuffing 25s of protection, and in this case, the Rugged Growth still stops healing at around 18s and then I sit there watching the last 5s just do no healing at all. Then I start doing super elongated protection refreshes after the initial buff, and I found that every time it stops healing me at 18s, if I dodge roll to get protection off Companion's Defense, it would retrigger Rugged Growth. Keep in mind I would still have protection on just the healing had stopped at 18s and then I dodge roll and it stacks 3s more onto the protection and then RG turns back on again.

I don't know what is actually going on here. I ran a bunch of different tests with different combos different variations to try and narrow down quite exactly what was happening, but this is probably the strangest bug I've ever seen in this game. I can't quite figure out where the problem is. In some instances from what I'm seeing, it almost seems like the RG has some baked in "maximum duration" where it will not go over that maximum duration, even if protection is still on, until you receive another protection and then it will turn back on again but stop again when it reaches that max duration. But then other times it only seems like what it is doing is this: It takes a prot of 6 1/2s, a prot of 2 1/4s, a prot of 4 3/4s, and then it adds the whole numbers and ignores the fractions. Like it grants you 12s of the RG but ignores the 1/2s 1/4s 3/4s which would be granting another 2s to the 12s making it 14s, but it only gives you 12s. You see what I mean? I also thought maybe it is possible that it is tracking SOME boon duration boosts but ignoring others, so like if you have 50% total boon duration, it is somehow only identifying like 30% of that. Could be the case but it's just really difficult to narrow down what's going on here.

Regardless, there is definitely a wonky mechanic here that could use some fixing.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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6 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@Dredsh.2360 You're absolutely right.

I went back in to test it in pve and it is definitely having some kind of buggy interaction where the Rugged Growth is not granting 1s of heal for the full duration of a protection duration. The thing is... I'm a bit confused as to quite exactly what is happening here. At first I thought: "The Rugged Growth is only tallying the base duration of protection for its heal duration and is ignoring duration granted from +boon duration." The more I was testing that, it sort of didn't add up. Because I'm on a build with 50% boon duration during this test in the raid golem room, and I'm buffing about 20s of prot coming from 50% boon duration, and then the Rugged Growth heal only stops healing me at around 18s. So I'm thinking: "Well that kind of doesn't add up if the problem was just it not tracking boon duration bonus". Then I try prebuffing 25s of protection, and in this case, the Rugged Growth still stops healing at around 18s and then I sit there watching the last 5s just do no healing at all. Then I start doing super elongated protection refreshes after the initial buff, and I found that every time it stops healing me at 18s, if I dodge roll to get protection off Companion's Defense, it would retrigger Rugged Growth. Keep in mind I would still have protection on just the healing had stopped at 18s and then I dodge roll and it stacks 3s more onto the protection and then RG turns back on again.

I don't know what is actually going on here. I ran a bunch of different tests with different combos different variations to try and narrow down quite exactly what was happening, but this is probably the strangest bug I've ever seen in this game. I can't quite figure out where the problem is. In some instances from what I'm seeing, it almost seems like the RG has some baked in "maximum duration" where it will not go over that maximum duration, even if protection is still on, until you receive another protection and then it will turn back on again but stop again when it reaches that max duration. But then other times it only seems like what it is doing is this: It takes a prot of 6 1/2s, a prot of 2 1/4s, a prot of 4 3/4s, and then it adds the whole numbers and ignores the fractions. Like it grants you 12s of the RG but ignores the 1/2s 1/4s 3/4s which would be granting another 2s to the 12s making it 14s, but it only gives you 12s. You see what I mean? I also thought maybe it is possible that it is tracking SOME boon duration boosts but ignoring others, so like if you have 50% total boon duration, it is somehow only identifying like 30% of that. Could be the case but it's just really difficult to narrow down what's going on here.

Regardless, there is definitely a wonky mechanic here that could use some fixing.

Even stranger is that some days it buggs out in wvw and other days it works like it should.

Edited by Sansar.1302
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It wouldn't surprise me if there is an internal cap on it--it's an older trait and boon duration spamming wasn't a thing then--pulsing boons were.  

As said before, it may make more sense to reword and/or rework it to only when you get protection it triggers Rugged Growth for a set period of time.  Could be good in certain situations--such as dodge roll back to back, or could be bad for longer duration protection, but probably better for the game health this way.    

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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