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What’s Your Hottest PvP Take?


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On 1/25/2024 at 12:39 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

- Thief: RED HOT TAKEthe whole class needs the fattest nerf ever. Not because it's OP -it's currently isn't-, but because its tools are mechanically too strong. Talking about daredevil with 3 better dodges (I'd argue it needs either 2 more powerful dodges or 3 normal dodges, not both), talking about Bound being an uninterruptable leap finisher (I'd like it having damage rather than this... current game isn't shy of "dodges with damage" anyway; hello mirage? hello vindicator? hello engineers with explosive entrance?), talking about Shadow Return going from 15s duration to 6 duration and losing the cleanse entirely, talking about DE stealth on dodge to be entirely removed, talking about Black Powder lasting 2.5s instead of 3s so that permastealthing with SA isn't possible anymore and losing the projectile finisher since that skill is plenty strong already as it is, even without the ranged blind to prevent interrupts. When that is done, I want thief to have its initiative costs reduced (sb4, sb5, staff skills to name some), the ini trait to be made baseline and some of its skill to get some much needed improvement (eg: Scorpion Wire is super fun... but also super slow).... maybe some quickness too? But thief got nuked like this because some of its tools were mechanically impossible to manage. You can only raise initiative costs so much before facing the reality: thief doesn't have a death condition. I'm not talking about "something that kills you if you're incredibly greedy and kitten up for 30 minutes straight", nor about "something that forces you to forfeit the node for 10s to get OOC and back" or "neutering the thief by coordinating 5 people to prevent any meaningful rotation". I'm talking about something with the potential to take a thief and kill them, straight up. There's just too many last-second saves you can perform, and a bunch of those need to be removed.

I can feel the FFA mesmer tears running down your cheeks and i drink them, i drink them all. 



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On 11/24/2023 at 6:57 AM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Hate to be the guy to say this but reading a lot of these post it's no suprise games pvp has dissolved into what it has.

My hot takes.

1-downstate should be a pve only mechanic, it adds more complexity to pve combat and allows insta rez skills etc to see skillful use but has 0 place in pvp.


4- hard cc such as knockdown eyc should have a 2 sec grace period to avoid being hard cc chained with 0 counter play if build doesn't have enough stunbreaks and stab to deal with 2 or 3 players unloading their cc's on one player, this would make classes like thief who can disengage from anything via Shadowstep less annoying to people in general because they would feel less gap in disengagement capabilities. This would also benefit wvw and remove the instances where any class but thief, willbender etc can be pulled into zerg continuously with 0 chance of having enough stab or stunbreaks to escape.



I super agree with these two. Although I think 2 second icd for cc might be a bit extreme, something like a 0.25 second icd so that your breakstun actually means something and can't be auto cc'd directly after would go such a long way. Right now because there's no icd for cc's, stab is way better than it has any right to be. Giving a very small icd would allow skilled players to maneuver out of insane cc situations more smoothly without always needing stab. But for group cc stab would still be essential.

Also huge W saying downstate is dumb. Idc what anyone says it's a pve mechanic that should have never been in pvp. Just allow rez skills on dead players instead of downed ones ez. Unless they want to actually balance downstate so that it has a better place in pvp and isn't totally stupid. (Example being less large health pools, ranger downstate nerfs, warrior vengeance not being terrible 99% of the time etc). But this will never happen because that requires work that anet won't want to put into this mode. So just delete it. 

This will increase the flow of games and make respawns less dreadful to deal with as players can't intentionally bleed other players out... very fun.

Or better yet just have a suicide option when in downstate! That way you can't be bled out for 2 hours and can respawn if you want. Other games' downstates have this and it would benifit this game immensely.

Edited by gmmg.9210
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2 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Or better yet just have a suicide option when in downstate! That way you can't be bled out for 2 hours and can respawn if you want. Other games' downstates have this and it would benifit this game immensely.

Youd have to remove the rally function completely or this would become an easier griefing tool

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