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Living world seasons 26.11.2023-27.11.2023 30% sale


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Hi, can anyone tell me why living world seasons aren't on 30% sale as ANET stated in their post? I bought gems on Friday just because of this sale and now in game I don't see any LW season on 30% sale as it should be. https://prnt.sc/1zzZsuKNizpo https://prnt.sc/DdiR_c7b4tYL

Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/brew-potions-on-the-go-with-the-alchemic-power-skiff-skin/


Edited by Malterax.5942
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I bought 2 seasons yesterday thinking they were on sale, and realized after that they were not. I emailed support and they gave me a link saying that price adjustments won’t be made on stuff not bought on sale, but their other blog post says they would be on sale Sunday Nov 26 and even though I bought on Sunday, did not get a discount. 


I emailed support back again but I am not hopeful that they are going to correct this. Yes I made a mistake and didn’t check the price before I purchased, but their website said it would be on sale on a particular date and it was not. That is false advertising and I may get my CC company involved. 

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1 hour ago, ruffellprefley.2986 said:

I emailed support back again but I am not hopeful that they are going to correct this. Yes I made a mistake and didn’t check the price before I purchased, but their website said it would be on sale on a particular date and it was not. That is false advertising and I may get my CC company involved. 

It was on sale during that day but the sale itself was not activated until later in the day. It's not false advertising when you don't realize they did not have a set time of the day for them and the world has multiple time zones as well.

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7 minutes ago, elicious.9214 said:

I'm still seeing these seasons as full price. Just went to purchase season 3 a few hours ago and again now but it still says 960 gems. I thought the sale was for 11/26 and 11/27?

A few of the other items that were part of the 30% off Nov 26/27 didn't have a count down timer on them as well as the Living Worlds and currently other items that are part of that same two-day sale list are still 30% off.
Storage Expander is 30% off at 560 gems from a normal 800 but doesn't have a timer
Bank Tab Expansion is 30% off at 420 gems from a normal 600 and has a timer of 19 hours and 2 minutes to go

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37 minutes ago, HuskyKurai.7324 said:

It was on sale during that day but the sale itself was not activated until later in the day. It's not false advertising when you don't realize they did not have a set time of the day for them and the world has multiple time zones as well.

I even waited until AFTER the store refresh at 9am PST, when OTHER items went on sale, which is probably why I didn’t check. The share inv slots I bought at the same time were on sale as advertised in the blog post. 


If it’s not “false advertising” per letter of the law, it’s certainly disingenuous from a supposed player-friendly company. I haven’t had any support issues in the past, so this quite surprised me. 

Edited by ruffellprefley.2986
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7 minutes ago, ruffellprefley.2986 said:

I even waited until AFTER the store refresh at 9am PST, when OTHER items went on sale, which is probably why I didn’t check. The share inv slots I bought at the same time were on sale as advertised in the blog post. 


If it’s not “false advertising” per letter of the law, it’s certainly disingenuous from a supposed player-friendly company. I haven’t had any support issues in the past, so this quite surprised me. 

You say that but other items were already on sale before the Living Worlds and the other two-day items and I'm also seeing that Build Storage Expansions that should be 30% off were actually 50% off. I can't exactly take your word on shared inventory slots because it may have been on sale prior to the 30% or rolled over to 30% with the LW's.
Also, you can't use that 'disingenuous' excuse because they said specific days and just because you want items to be on sale during specific times of the day, when you think the store resets, doesn't give you the right to talk badly about the company when they don't meet your self imposed expectations.

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I certainly can be unhappy with how it is handled, and I am well within my right to speak how I wish about it. I am also not the only one who is confused or frustrated with the living world sales in particular, as I have seen multiple threads/comments etc about it. At the end of the day, it’s Anet’s right to deny my refund and it’s my right to feel slighted and get my credit card company involved if I see fit.

Maybe my actions reach them and they are more specific with their language for future sales. 

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The discount was announced for two days and lasted only one. I am also affected by this, as I specifically bought a gemcard for a friend because of the discount so that she would have enough gems to buy living stories season 2-4. When she came home today and logged in, the discount was gone after only one day. I think this is definitely something the people should have the right to complain about and I hope they notice that they made a mistake and the discount lasted only half the time it was supposed to, so that they relaunch it tomorrow along with the other discount that had a problem (the template expansion that didn't go live).


Edit: Update was just posted, the discount will be repeated because it ended early

Edited by Shikigami.4013
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"Technically" yes: If you buy when it is not at sale but just assume it is on sale (and for some reason just ignore that it still lists the full price) ... then you actually agreed to buy it at full price. Not too different from people that buy shortly before a sale gets announced. (And then feel annoyed - but have no right to complain.) I would be careful with "involving" the credit card company - might really lead to things happening with the account as mentiond by Inculpatus cedo.

In this case it would be best though - for the support to correct it. (Maybe just refund the difference in games between the price paid and the sales price.) Especially when new players come and buy  - and they do not know yet about the prices and how stuff is displayed in the store - some might assume the price even is a sale price if it shows normally. Not with a special style like the usually do - showing the sale price and the normal price. Bad from a marketing point of view to make a big deal out of it and to make new players angry when they should try to get more customers and new players.

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