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What is really going on here?


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This thread is half rant, but seriously asking. What is up with heavy losing/winning streaks? My story starts at a rough placement series of 3W 7L, and got placed at ~1050 points. From there I had a pretty good experience, winning or losing, but match quality was pretty alright, matchmaking worked for like 50 games where teams were more or less equal. I haven't encountered bots, or afk more than 5 times, some rare stomps here and there, but I was pretty surprised at how well things work. I could slowly push to 1250. Then it happened, after 7 losses (over two separate days) I'm back at ~1160. The thing is it doesn't bother me, but all these matches were ridiculous. Some notes:

We reached 200 game points in 2 games of 7

3 (or 4) times there were 3 duos in the game

I assume as I get higher up the ranks, the opponent, and also my team are made out of higher level players, but games still should be closely matched

On a side note, I reached Top Damage and Healing (!) and Top Revives, Top Defense 2 times out of 7 with my Tempest, which is unheard of for me, never happened to me to take top dmg+heal at the same time. It sounds like I'm bragging - partly - but I'm just absolutely sure that Tempest should not do this in a competent team.

So, not assuming anything fishy, what the hell is really going on?

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the day and hour you play affects your matches

if you care about rating i'd play always 2 hours spam from reset, where game is more populated and you less likely to have big rating gaps

weekends are also not that good

keep playing when you lost more than x games is bad for your rating most of time

when i used to care about rating i'd follow some rules

never play more than 2 hours in one shot

take at least 1 hour break after 2 losses, not in sequence, any 2 losses in your session

have at least 2 roles covered, teamfight, duelist and roamer. Like 2 different buids or a build that could fill both roles.

the rule on weekends were lose 2 and call it a day, the matchmaking won't get much better on weekends doesnt matter the time of the day you play.

as you are low rated I'd recommend play node cover builds, like necro and guardian, believe me, ppl will willingly walk into your trap and kill themselves, just dont try to 1v1 always spam you aoe in the chaos of the fight

bladesworn is another good investment, as you get decent compared to your skilll level of your rating you going to easily 1v3 with it

vallun has some nice pvp tutorials about maps and rotations and roles

as you get higher it's easier to be matched agaisnt high rated players, they usually play in duos, and unless you playing around reset time that's usually a loss, cuz the game will be like p1, p1, g1, s3, s3 vs g3, g2, g1, g1 ,g1, the p1s are going to kill your g1s just by looking at them, and even if your g3 is individually better than both p1s (that are just p1 cuz they duo) he won't be able to carry the game.

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If you are not a great player, you will be carried most games by golds, then plats if luck streaks are in your favour. If you are an ''average or slightly above" player like me, well.. you have to carry in the games where you are the highest rank, which is fking impossible at times. I litterally just finished a game as hybrid core rev support, with top damage (35%), top kills (15-2), top revives (4), top healing (53%), and top offense, yet still lost 500-300. This is around half my games, although stats are not always that extreme.

Then there are games were you and opposing best dps are decent, a fairly balanced game skill wise, but not spec wise. The game before the above, they had a decent herald, and virt mesmer. I could win the herald on sides, but the virt garunteed a 50+ second dual, every time, becuase you just can't punish that spec at all for any mistakes; invuln invuln invuln.. which ultimately led to me having to leave or die to +1s. They won the game by side capping (they had no chance on mid) but thats often how it goes, virt, bladesworn, warrior.. some horrendous spec to try and contest points against. Thats like 30% of my games.

Lastly, 20% is verses sweaty off peak plat duos, where I get farmed.


Thats what you have in stall as support/hybrid 😜 If you enjoy tempest, just go full bunker mode and have fun wasting peoples time on side nodes, rank means nothing, and you can't support when in every other game, your dps will be worse than theirs. Thats why I play hybrid, never full support.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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34 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

If you are not a great player, you will be carried most games by golds, then plats if luck streaks are in your favour. If you are an ''average or slightly above" player like me, well.. you have to carry in the games where you are the highest rank, which is fking impossible at times. I litterally just finished a game as hybrid core rev support, with top damage (35%), top kills (15-2), top revives (4), top healing (53%), and top offense, yet still lost 500-300. This is around half my games, although stats are not always that extreme.

Then there are games were you and opposing best dps are decent, a fairly balanced game skill wise, but not spec wise. The game before the above, they had a decent herald, and virt mesmer. I could win the herald on sides, but the virt garunteed a 50+ second dual, every time, becuase you just can't punish that spec at all for any mistakes; invuln invuln invuln.. which ultimately led to me having to leave or die to +1s. They won the game by side capping (they had no chance on mid) but thats often how it goes, virt, bladesworn, warrior.. some horrendous spec to try and contest points against. Thats like 30% of my games.

Lastly, 20% is verses sweaty off peak plat duos, where I get farmed.


Thats what you have in stall as support/hybrid 😜 If you enjoy tempest, just go full bunker mode and have fun wasting peoples time on side nodes, rank means nothing, and you can't support when in every other game, your dps will be worse than theirs. Thats why I play hybrid, never full support.

surreal reading this post after farming you 500-40

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Smurf accounts is why the matchmaker cannot work.  

If you see an account with 300 AP, or an adult film star name, or random garbage for a name--it's 99% chance a smurf.  The other 1% is its a bot, but I'm not sure I ever have seen that in sPVP (see them a ton in WvW though).  

So, you in 1200, are probably fighting some tryhard with alts in the top 250 but smurfing around as they play decay to keep their spot.  

Add to that where you genuinely get a crazy person placed with you that does not listen and has no skills--which is happening more now that the matchmaker can't do its job due to aforementioned smurfing + low pop.  

EDIT: Oh, and as the season goes on that will get worse--both because matchmaker at some point will set you in a spot where you get +4 for winning and -15 for losing (instead of like +20/-20 early on) and because as req. games get higher more smurf to keep their spots as they no longer need to play their mains.  

It happens at all levels--early on in the season I was at 1485, now at 1335 and will be there rest of season because no way to climb out of hole when at best you can hope for is a win streak of two or 50/50.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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I've played in silver, gold and plat. One season I was eager to progress, switched from thief to a class with actual combat capabilities and went from silver 2 to plat 2.
Now I'm consistently around plat 2 and even with my smurf I'm typically at least in gold 3 or sometimes even higher than my main.

The issue really isn't smurfing. Unless you are like a plat 3 and queue in silver 1 (which you outrank super quickly anyway, unless you throw matches ofc) there's actually not that much difference mechanically anyway.

The biggest difference between silver and gold in my experience was that silvers play pvp because it's fun and things aren't as serious to them, that's why the matches are also a lot more enjoyable. That's also why Stronghold is typically a lot more fun than Conquest in my opinion.
In gold you start to get tryhards who desperately try to escape elo hell, have strats nobody is following (as they are also garbage in 99% of time), then get salty and just rather afk and flame in team chat than play adapt to the matchup.
Or you get those people who think Conquest is not real pvp and only go fighting. Those are also the ones who cap a node and immediately leave to the next fight even if someone contests the same node just as they left, or play essentially a "carry" build with great team fighting capabilities, don't go near their team and rather 1v3 on a node while the rest of their team gets stomped, then cry about losing the map when in reality they should've realized that it's better to fight alongside their team and zerg the map.

Silvers are typically more "afraid" of dueling 1vX because they know they don't "deserve" to be Legendary, unlike a lot of golds who blame their team mates for not reaching plat 3 minimum. Silvers don't engage in completely stupid fights and rather look for team fights so they don't have to be on their own - which makes a lot of sense in Conquest.
I've seen it soooo many times in gold where people are just running into a 1v3 or whatever and then flame in team chat why nobody was helping.

This is not a gw2 specific issue tho, in any competitive game people blame "elo hell" for their own mistakes. I'm experiencing it with counter strike 2 currently yet again. Gold Nova people think they deserve at least Supreme, if not Global rank but play like complete kitten.. Players often focus purely on their mechanical skill but have absolutely no clue about how to play the game mode or just in a team in general.

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13 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

If you are not a great player, you will be carried most games by golds, then plats if luck streaks are in your favour. If you are an ''average or slightly above" player like me, well.. you have to carry in the games where you are the highest rank, which is fking impossible at times. I litterally just finished a game as hybrid core rev support, with top damage (35%), top kills (15-2), top revives (4), top healing (53%), and top offense, yet still lost 500-300. This is around half my games, although stats are not always that extreme.

Then there are games were you and opposing best dps are decent, a fairly balanced game skill wise, but not spec wise. The game before the above, they had a decent herald, and virt mesmer. I could win the herald on sides, but the virt garunteed a 50+ second dual, every time, becuase you just can't punish that spec at all for any mistakes; invuln invuln invuln.. which ultimately led to me having to leave or die to +1s. They won the game by side capping (they had no chance on mid) but thats often how it goes, virt, bladesworn, warrior.. some horrendous spec to try and contest points against. Thats like 30% of my games.

Lastly, 20% is verses sweaty off peak plat duos, where I get farmed.


Thats what you have in stall as support/hybrid 😜 If you enjoy tempest, just go full bunker mode and have fun wasting peoples time on side nodes, rank means nothing, and you can't support when in every other game, your dps will be worse than theirs. Thats why I play hybrid, never full support.

One person can't carry other 4 people on a team, that must mean  all 4 are sitting in base, while you kill/cap/decap without dieing constantly.

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