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Smokescale nerf went through, I guess


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2 hours ago, EnderzShadow.2506 said:

Sadly, that's probably true and at the same time the quickest and laziest response. Also seems to be the common denominator to every change they make.
Make other things better? Naw, don't do that. Just break the thing Rangers enjoy using. Problem Solved--HOORAY CHEER FOR US!!
Waiting for a dev to get mad at me. To be clear, Yes I am criticizing your company and your employees for how they do their job.
Those decisions effect my enjoyment of the game. But you don't want me to call you on it. Funny stuff. 

Its far better now that when they start this whole train. They nerfed so many playstyle when they came down hard with balance changes. I'm looking at you one dodge Mirage, but now they kind of pre-nerf things like you pointed out. 

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@Mell.4873  I should be used to this as I've played so many mmos. If I was a realist instead of a idealist, I wouldn't expect anything different.

 I see the same pattern in every MMO I've played (WoW, DAOC, Shadowbane, SWG, Lineage, AION, Warhammer etc etc etc)

and any company I've ever worked for, Large or Small (American Express, Little Giant Ladders, Southern Glazers-The Largest Liquor Distributors in the United States, Job Corps, to name a few)

The guys at the top, truly don't care what anyone below them has to say. Either they don't ask, actively discourage or ACT like they care.
News Flash, THEY DON'T  G A F.

One person or multiple devs. with giant Egos, disconnected from the active player base, think they know better.

 Active problem solving with devs and players would help so much.
WoW tried this, in a fake way at least. At one time they had well respected players representing their class that would talk to the devs.
That didn't work because Blizzard ignored the suggestions.

/Rant off 


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