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Target decision making with ranks


Target decision making with ranks  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Say you're roaming and you engage two enemies running same the same class with the same food. Do you target the Diamond rank first or the Bronze rank? And Why?

    • Target the Diamond rank first
    • Target the Bronze rank first
    • I don't care, I just target randomly

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I target whoever looks like they're roaming in zerging/havoc gear. Plain and simple. You wanna eliminate the glass cannons first in any 1vX because if you don't they will chip you down while the skilled roamer draws all your aggro.

If I see a Warrior for example, and it's a BSW with a Rifle, I'm getting on that butt. 

Edited by Yasai.3549
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On 12/2/2023 at 2:01 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

This one is kind of funny as overtime I have seen more people try and hide behind objects after we had the change to allow for smaller name plates. You can tell the people that use the shorter nameplate via three tells. One they never use the server name in reporting, two when you use the server name they have to ask but what color. Three they think they can hide behind a tree/column/hallway edge and not be seen.

Confused peep: So you might have players that are maxed rank but have less play time. Its due to size of play. Tagging more targets in larger scale will reward you more. Doesn't mean you learned more and are better ready for the next fight. Another example since ranks can be farmed is never assume rank. Examples: a low ranked player could be a high ranked sPvP player new to WvW or be the opposite as high ranked WvW on a new toon/build that is minutes old. So don't assume to be safe.

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Strategically for me I start with bronze initially as if their ranks really reflect their skill/potency when the weaker goes down the opponent has 2 options...res and be freecasted on or stop us from finishing their downed ally or try to stop me as I cleave the downed in hopes they try a res so I can freecast. Either way it ends with a 1v1

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On 12/2/2023 at 4:20 AM, kiwituatara.6053 said:

Just wondering what everyone's thought process was.

Say you're roaming and you engage two enemies running same the same class with the same food. Do you target the Diamond rank first or the Bronze rank? And Why?

Im pretty sure anyone who has roamed long enough has jumped on a "Footman" and realized they are indeed not a footman. Rank don't mean squat sometimes.

  • Confused 1
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On 12/2/2023 at 2:26 AM, Famine.7915 said:

Diamond rank is a pve achievement since most who have it just pve farmed eotm when that was possible. Best to just know who you're fighting and decide based on that.

Game has been out for over 9 years. What makes you think it's impossible to reach diamond rank just by playing in WvW maps?

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On 12/2/2023 at 4:26 AM, Famine.7915 said:

Diamond rank is a pve achievement since most who have it just pve farmed eotm when that was possible. Best to just know who you're fighting and decide based on that.

Forums won't let me quote both at the same time so it seems to be down to single replies. I disagree.

Karma trains existed before we had EotM. As a havoc player that hunted Ktrainers in EotM I won't deny they existed there as well after time passed. But ktrains started in the borderlands prior to EotM. As they do still today. Groups that couldn't face three way fights in EBG moved to the borderlands early on. They sought to 2 v 1 a home force. If defenders couldn't face the 2v1 on HBL they moved to attacked another side's HBL. Then they would come back to retake HBL as the sides that were attacking your HBL would return to their own. Hence the K-Train. Ktrains started on ABL. The concept did move to EotM later. But EotM issues were commanders avoiding each other since they were in the same guild on different servers after they colluded to work in tandem to try and farm. They were quite verbal against players on EotM that were not about farming WvW but saw EotM as still part of WvW and so they fought the other two sides.  Overtime we saw the EotM rewards nerfs due to various reasons, this one potentially impacting a number of others. 

With the WR we need to watch for this issue as well. Since groups linked to together but not on the same server may have options to encourage more ktrains by avoiding fights since they are are grouped and or/guilded yet assigned to different shards/servers.

So a common issue in this post and the next is group size matters. A small group farming EotM will not impact numbers as will a zerg farming EotM.

This point also skips kill trading that occurred in OS.


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1 hour ago, Lalary.3561 said:

Game has been out for over 9 years. What makes you think it's impossible to reach diamond rank just by playing in WvW maps?

Impossible, no. But the fact of that wasn't impacted by time versus scale of play. Compare a roamer vs a havoc vs a warband vs a zerg player and these numbers vary in extreme senses.

So we need to ask how does WvW level impact things. Skills, which they have lowered a number of times. Loot which they have added more to aid vets. But outside of that, what does it aid?

Should it add more?. Does it? No.

That said size of play impacts this. More players hitting less are rewarded more for doing so. Less players hitting more aren't rewarded unless they kill. And in both cases only results are rewarded. Outnumbered was moved to only the side that wins is paid. So more you have, more you win and the less numbered, you get no

So sizes impacts results. If you are looking to gain faster, run in larger groups and tag more to get paid more. If you choose to roam or havoc more, expected a lot longer to get there. 

But agree, maps don't matter on their own.

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