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Why is PvP the worst behaved community in GW2

Mount Mazama.2917

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It seems impossible to play a handful of games without someone letting out their mental health issues onto a stranger for no reason. It is after all just a game, I understand getting frustrated what I don't understand is deciding that you are going to type out all of your misplaced rage to a random group of strangers. I get a lot of people do it because it is done to them and they think it's okay or even what you should do if you feel like you are playing well and others are not. All you are doing is showing everyone that you don't care about other people or yourself by acting that way. Happy, self respecting individuals do not go crazy and have a melt down to random strangers on the internet when things don't go their way. It's sad the community seems to have more of these people than other competitive games I have played. When I was new this stuff bothered me but wasn't going to stop me from playing a game I am interested in getting better at for fun, now that I have played many games I can usually tell if someone is upset for a good reasons or not and it's way too common people blow up over things that don't even make sense.

I honestly think this behavior is a big reason why many players don't ever play PvP again after encountering it. Most people can emotionally handle losing in a game. What is harder to handle is having teammates that treat you like you are in an abusive relationship with them over and over. This doesn't make anyone want to keep participating and the whole idea of an MMO is that it is a social game. A lot of players here blame A net for PvP dying and they have neglected it some sure but for me by far the worst part of PvP and of anything I have done in this game is people having mental breakdowns and PMing me rude things while also simultaneously blocking me so I can't even respond which is incredibly childish but happens way too often. I understand you can block these people and I do but it doesn't change the fact that there is always another person who wants to throw their self loathing onto others when they don't win every game.

TL;DR: Having a mental break down on a stranger over the internet is childish and anti-social in a game all about playing with others. This drives people away from this game mode. Good sportsmanship is important to having a positive community and PvP is the worst behaved community in this game by far. It's not Anets fault it is everyone that contributes to poor conduct.

Edit: changed some wording to improve the quality of the quality of the post.

Edited by Mount Mazama.2917
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12 minutes ago, ccccc.4963 said:

It's boring to have your casual forfun game ru1ned by a slotmachine geriatric chasing their pips for a legendary

Yeah man I understand being annoyed. That isn't an excuse to be an awful person to a stranger. Go next, don't have a cry over it. I have nothing against being frustrated by something, what doesn't make sense is having a mental breakdown mid match. You didn't make much of an argument but it sounds like you are saying "Okay I am annoyed so I can whine with caps lock on and treat stranger poorly but it's okay because this teammate is not playing as well as I would like him to in an ideal world that I deserve because I am special."

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6 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

it's not even their fault tho, but anet's for let the game bleed out so much that ppl 300 rating apart end up in the same match

If that is the state of the game and you keep playing the game then why would that give anyone the right to then get tilted? You get angry when your expectations are not met, if you know that it's possible to have that happen then expect it don't have a breakdown when it inevitably happens. By the way the more people pushed away from bad behavior the less players there are and the more often you get large gaps in mmr in your games. There are many players in this game most of them don't want to be called slurs for making a mistake because timmy can't handle his reality.

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8 minutes ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

If that is the state of the game and you keep playing the game then why would that give anyone the right to then get tilted? You get angry when your expectations are not met, if you know that it's possible to have that happen then expect it don't have a breakdown when it inevitably happens. By the way the more people pushed away from bad behavior the less players there are and the more often you get large gaps in mmr in your games. There are many players in this game most of them don't want to be called slurs for making a mistake because timmy can't handle his reality.

I was talking about the low rated players, it's not their fault they end up in like g3/p1 matches. I wouldn't care about what dude said either, I've seen him afk matches from start to make someone in his team lose, funny enough the dude he was calling bad were like 150-200 rating higher than he was.

Mostly everything is anet's fault, ppl just tilt the kitten and are toxic cuz they now they're not going to get banned, you see on daily basis the same guys afking from start or after dying once or twice and use the rest of the match to play chatwars in map chat.

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3 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

I was talking about the low rated players, it's not their fault they end up in like g3/p1 matches. I wouldn't care about what dude said either, I've seen him afk matches from start to make someone in his team lose, funny enough the dude he was calling bad were like 150-200 rating higher than he was.

Mostly everything is anet's fault, ppl just tilt the kitten and are toxic cuz they now they're not going to get banned, you see on daily basis the same guys afking from start or after dying once or twice and use the rest of the match to play chatwars in map chat.

Okay I understand where you are coming from, it is frustrating that there isn't action being taken I guess I am just of the mind that regardless of what anet does or does not do the real biggest issue in PvP is poor sportsmanship and community destructive behaviors from many of the players. I would like to see some constant afks gets a perm pvp ban after so many offenses but if it doesn't happen then there is nothing any of us playing can do about it.

However the poor sports who are so upset about the state of the game trying to ruin it for everyone else are the core of the issue and they are actively making the community worse when doing so. I don't agree that it's anets fault that people who are upset at the state of the game then actively try to make game worse for everyone else. It is these players fault for shitting where they eat. They are exacerbating their own problem that they clearly don't have the ability to handle emotionally, they could easily just not play but they choose to play and make it worse. Anet isn't my daddy and I don't need them to step in I would just like people to understand this behavior makes their games worse too. It's self-destructive, self-loathing, anti-social behavior that makes no one want to play with them and thus reduces the pool of potential players furthering the problem.

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9 minutes ago, ccccc.4963 said:

Both your posts are pure projection 

What am I projecting?

From Psychology Today

"Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

The concept emerged from Sigmund Freud’s work on defense mechanisms and was further refined by his daughter, Anna Freud, and other prominent figures in psychology.


I don't really see what you are talking about here man. I am asking people to have sportsmanship, if anything the behavior I am condemning IS projection. Many of the players who have these mental breakdowns are not really that good but they claim it's all the match makers fault or all their teams fault for making mistakes in a game they are making mistakes in too.

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22 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

funny enough the dude he was calling bad were like 150-200 rating higher than he was.

Yeah the rating # goes down when you lose

7 minutes ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

What am I projecting?

The deep hatred you're implying exists, 

50 minutes ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

Yeah man I understand being annoyed

Were you annoyed when you wrote up this awful rhetorical? 


Why is PvP full of so much self hating idividuals?


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24 minutes ago, ccccc.4963 said:

The deep hatred you're implying exists, 

Were you annoyed when you wrote up this awful rhetorical? 


You are pointing at things and giving very few words. I don't know if you are trying to convince me I am wrong or trying to make yourself feel better. My title is not great sure, and I was annoyed yes. I don't see how that makes this whole thing projection. I have made several arguments as to why I believe the title and you have not done much to convince me otherwise. You have quoted no specific points I made and countered them. It is not projection, I am not in these games losing my marbles and attempting to ruin other people's days by making them feel as bad I do because I don't feel bad. I am playing for fun to improve and get better at something, I find it rewarding regardless of the match out come I want to try and improve. You aren't really arguing here you are just saying one liners, I assume because you a person who is indeed participating in poor sportsmanship and making your own problem worse.  The whole idea behind this post is to try and make the community better and understand the repercussions of these destructive behaviors.

I have made some pretty clear arguments why I believe that and I am willing to change my mind. Start with the premise of my argument.

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1 hour ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

PvP is the worst behaved community in this game by far.

it is, but a lot of it in the other areas is masked by the fact that you can't really fail 99% of the content in the game

other than that, welcome to every competitive online/anonymous video game ever tbh, that's just how people are in them
doesn't make it okay, but good luck combating anger

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17 minutes ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

You are pointing at things and giving very few words. I don't know if you are trying to convince me I am wrong or trying to make yourself feel better

You're not saying anything of meaning -- You agreed with my initial post acknowledging frustration is real what else is there to say or discuss? I don't know which player you're using as your example in this exaggerated post so I'm not engaging in it? 


trying to make yourself feel better

Did trauma dumping on the forums make you feel better or what? More projection 😁

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3 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

it is, but a lot of it in the other areas is masked by the fact that you can't really fail 99% of the content in the game

other than that, welcome to every competitive online/anonymous video game ever tbh, that's just how people are in them
doesn't make it okay, but good luck combating anger

I understand and accept this to be true, I have played Halo 3, CS:GO, Overwatch, Apex Legends all at a top 10% or better ranking. I know people act poorly when they get upset my bigger concern is how frequent it seems to be in this game versus others I have played. The only other thing that comes close is CS but it is different because no one stops playing the game to type out their frustrations and then afks the whole match, at least not with a frequency I remember. I am not new to competitive online gaming or people getting angry and my goal is not to end anger in GW2 PvP. It's the fact that the anger seems to be causing more poor behavior more frequently than other games I have played. When really there is no incentive to type slurs at your team while you stop playing the game. it seems especially strange considering most people in PvP are playing with the same people usually a smaller community is more conscientious of one another because they're kinda all stuck together for better or worse. I could be wrong though maybe GW2 is the same as any other but it sure feels worse to me. It is the only competitive game I have played where people routinely stop playing to be rude mid match.

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29 minutes ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

I don't agree that it's anets fault that people who are upset at the state of the game then actively try to make game worse for everyone else.

Well, i never played any other game where you can make it your hating playground and do not get banned or punished in anyway. So I believe it's anet fault.

Try to behave like this in dota, the least you get is an eternal low priority pool with ppl as toxic as you.

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29 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

Well, i never played any other game where you can make it your hating playground and do not get banned or punished in anyway. So I believe it's anet fault.

Try to behave like this in dota, the least you get is an eternal low priority pool with ppl as toxic as you.

This is a good point. They definitely could make something like that I think cs implemented a similar thing but it was after I played it regularly.

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40 minutes ago, Mount Mazama.2917 said:

I could be wrong though maybe GW2 is the same as any other but it sure feels worse to me.

Of all the mmos with pvp that I've played, it's not any better or worse than WoW, Wildstar, New World, or really most of them were, honestly.

FF14 limits communication so it's better in that sense, and it and ESO are relatively quick to punish people for behavior.

The rest are all about the same.

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  • Mount Mazama.2917 changed the title to Why is PvP the worst behaved community in GW2
1 minute ago, Shagie.7612 said:

Of all the mmos with pvp that I've played, it's not any better or worse than WoW, Wildstar, New World, or really most of them were, honestly.

FF14 limits communication so it's better in that sense, and it and ESO are relatively quick to punish people for behavior.

The rest are all about the same.

This is my first MMO that I played PvP in and a big part of it is actually how well done the PvP is and how engaging the combat system is. I guess it could just be par for the course in MMOs rather than this particular community but that is rather sad if true. I still hope that some people can see this and understand why behaving that way is so detrimental although maybe it is just a waste of time if this is the culture of these style of games. I just feel like I get a lot more people willing to be a teammate in the other games I play but a large part of that could be voice coms make it easier and I have friends who play FPS style games but not MMOs so I am always going in solo. I didn't consider that this is just par for the course I guess. Doesn't mean it can't improve though.

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Gotta agree with @Khalisto.5780 it's Anet's fault

Main reason being imo that they force casual and competitive oriented pvpers into the same competitive mode and we Humans are naturally self-obsessed beings that try to order things so that we get what we want, and when we don't, we get angry and we lash out at others.

For instance, a lot of PvPers are only playing ranked for rewards. They want to get in, get their legendaries and pips as quickly as possible, and get out with no care afforded to competing. Meanwhile, there are players playing the ranked mode to compete, to test themselves and make an effort to climb the competitive ladder.
However; with the way sPvP is designed, ranked is the only mode in which both types of players can do either, thus creating a conflict of interests. If unranked had ranked's rewards also, then both sides; objectively speaking, would have less reason to harass one and other or even participate in the same gamemode.  Arenanet though wants to mix everyone together in the same 'competitive' queue. Casuals and competitives, teams and solos, all in 1 ranked queue. So when these impossibly different players with their own different interests and motivations are forcibly brought together, there really is nobody else to blame other than Arenanet when they start collectively mutilating each other.

This is why we have religion; an objective moral truth, a goal and purpose to strive for beyond self-interest. It's not self-hate like these secular, narcissistic forumies will claim it to be. The ancient Greek philosophers called this "Telos" it's where we get the word 'telescope' from and it refers to something far out in the distance that one should always yearn for, though it could be best described as an end-goal or purpose. A way of playing the game, living your life that is absolutely better than whatever you, or I, or anyone else might want for themselves. Not about winning or losing, but how the game is played. That's all that really matters. 🙏

Very thought provoking topic though and I appreciate you making it, have a blessed Christmas.

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31 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

For instance, a lot of PvPers are only playing ranked for rewards. They want to get in, get their legendaries and pips as quickly as possible, and get out with no care afforded to competing. Meanwhile, there are players playing the ranked mode to compete, to test themselves and make an effort to climb the competitive ladder.
However; with the way sPvP is designed, ranked is the only mode in which both types of players can do either, thus creating a conflict of interests. If unranked had ranked's rewards also, then both sides; objectively speaking, would have less reason to harass one and other or even participate in the same gamemode.  Arenanet though wants to mix everyone together in the same 'competitive' queue. Casuals and competitives, teams and solos, all in 1 ranked queue. So when these impossibly different players with their own different interests and motivations are forcibly brought together, there really is nobody else to blame other than Arenanet when they start collectively mutilating each other.

once pve open world legendary gear drops in we'll have very little new players in pvp, guess what, it won't change a bit the match quality, the new players are less likely to rage than the pseudo pros.

I guess one year from open world leg armor this mode will be mostly dead, prolly the same ppl playing and winning mat's and god of arena cuz god forbid some plebs getting it

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Had an account named 'Why Report Me' (not exact don't worry) straight up tell the chat they were being paid to throw games.  My rating atm is I think 1380ish so not even in g3 is this happening.

This isn't really unique anymore, and they do nothing to stop it.  Between blatant throwing and duos, no wonder people are going nuts.  

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4 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Had an account named 'Why Report Me' (not exact don't worry) straight up tell the chat they were being paid to throw games.  My rating atm is I think 1380ish so not even in g3 is this happening.

This isn't really unique anymore, and they do nothing to stop it.  Between blatant throwing and duos, no wonder people are going nuts.  

what i want to say will get me banned forever, and if I dont say something that contributes to the message like a certain thread where EVERYONE did exactly just that, they will ban me, so all I can say is the love from the creator is non-existent. 

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Nothing like game after game after game watching ur team feed deaths to the enemies over and over while u almost have to try to die just once lmao, this happens all to often and drives players to such levels of frustration they turn toxic and afk because the match is waste of time and u could be doing somthing more productive till match end. It may not be the other players fault and may be purely match maker fault but when u are on average dying once or not at all per match while ur team are literally dying in double digits per match u can't expect the player to not get frustrated. At least 7 pvp players I kno left and never returned for this very reason. And I for one can't blame them. Literally tonight I am on 6th match, I have died 3 times in all those matches combined, twice in one match and once in another and not at all in 3 matches all while my team wandered around getting g blown up in secs dying on rotation. It's very frustrating to say the least regardless of what's at fault.

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1 minute ago, ccccc.4963 said:

lots of trolls on do nothing builds feeling entitled to 'team members' who play around their rlly niche do nothing roleplay build

What I don't get is u get players on classes like reaper who will run to ur home node u already own and stand their while ur teamates are literally battling for bell or hammer, mean while their spec is a team fight monster lmao, this happened tonight in gold 2. We're all fighting while a reaper sits on home node literally doing nothing. Players deal with this kitten regularly and scrape and climb solo queue to kiss plat just to get dragged down to gold one by players like these over and over. Almost every season I touch plat solo queueing I immediately know I'm gonna be low gold soon as every match with be teamed with players u can't believe arnt bots. And people wonder why the game mode is dead lmao like wtf.

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