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Why are Rangers a melee profession? -.-


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48 minutes ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

OP you need a healthy dose of ranger lessons.
Longbow is a very powerful long range weapon and prior to SoTo was part of meta raid builds for soulbeast (where damage is king).
If your damage stinks that's a you problem, not the profession itself.

Although I will agree that longbow is a meta weapon. Its powerful within reason, however. How fast can deal its damage compared to other weapons?

Longbow has a good balance of distance and damage, I wouldn't say its super bursty compared to other but its it has its damage that you need to respect it.

Edited by Oahkahmewolf.6210
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On 1/20/2024 at 5:06 AM, RDBuck.6098 said:

Look if the warrior can have every weapon to the game expect the focus why can the ranger have every weapon to and I want to play melee I play warrior or revenant I'm afraid to say that the guardian has more range than the Ranger and the Guardians getting pistols what kind of crap the ranger should get a rifle pistol or make the longbows and short bows a little bit better than what they are and stop using the melee more powerful than the Longbow and short bow and I'm so tired of people saying Rangers are not arranged person they are supportive they are range they have a pet they're supposed to stay out of line of fire and help out if you want to play melee you do Warrior or revenant but like I say Guardian has more range than the freaking Ranger and far as I'm concerned I think the Rangers are dying class in this game the only thing it has is the healing and that's sad. And what is even more sadder is that WOW Ranger is more of a ranger that this game. And the Ranger in Guild Wars 1 is a better Ranger than Guild Wars 2

Guardian doesn't outshoot ranger. Staff is a healing weapon on both. Sceptre has notoriously slow projectiles such that the effective range is considerably shorter against most targets than the advertised 900. Pistol, if it's implemented unchanged, relies on the target being within a symbol targeted at your own feet to have full effect. Longbow is the only real long-range damage weapon guardian has, and ranger longbow both outdamages it, is less reliant on skills that root the user. Meanwhile, apart from spread skills against small hitboxes, ranger ranged weapons are fully effective at maximum range, and ranger has fewer mechanics than guardian that push you to want to go into melee range.

On 1/19/2024 at 7:03 PM, CafPow.1542 said:

Duuno if somebody already mentioned it and i just do it cause I’m a lotr nerd. Aragorn had only a sword in the book. No bow. He states that he can hunt tho, but this can also be done with traps or whatnot.

anyways, is all ^^

Went to original source, and you're right. It even explicitly says that Anduril was the only weapon Aragorn was carrying - openly, anyway - when the Fellowship left Rivendell. While the description allowed for the possibility of concealed weapons and/or armour, a bow is hard to hide.

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2 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:


Went to original source, and you're right. It even explicitly says that Anduril was the only weapon Aragorn was carrying - openly, anyway - when the Fellowship left Rivendell. While the description allowed for the possibility of concealed weapons and/or armour, a bow is hard to hide.

Yeah but he could have carried other weapons in the past. As a ranger who „knows how to hunt“ one can assume that he at least decently knows how to use a bow. At least that’s my headcannon ^^

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Just now, CafPow.1542 said:

Yeah but he could have carried other weapons in the past. As a ranger who „knows how to hunt“ one can assume that he at least decently knows how to use a bow. At least that’s my headcannon ^^

True enough. Just that if he was happy to travel without a bow at all, it does indicate that 'archer' was not a core part of the identity of the most iconic ranger in fantasy.

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On 1/21/2024 at 11:28 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

True enough. Just that if he was happy to travel without a bow at all, it does indicate that 'archer' was not a core part of the identity of the most iconic ranger in fantasy.

Yeah. Okay when he started his journey in rivendell, he intended to „leave the ranger behind“…. He went of as a (soon to be) King. Not a ranger anymore. And who would want a king with a measly bow, besides some silly elf?

see… ^^

on the other hand, what else are „rangers“? I always imagine guys like trappers in those western movies with a racoon-hat etc. guys like old shatterhand (from the winnetou-movies if those are well know in NA) etc. those guys where more „survivalists“ who worked with traps, knifes, axes.

“Ranger has to have a bow“ fits well, but is surely not mandatory in my fantasy of a class like that. Double-Axe is as immersive imo.

Edited by CafPow.1542
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