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Some (simple?) beginner questions

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1. Condi Berserker
How do you kill them? I'm mainly playing Holo (if that matters) and I'm aware that I'm not supposed to win a 1v1 against them but even in a 2v1 situation they either just don't die to the point where it's easier to ignore them or they do so slowly that by the time you're done with them my whole team wiped. I'm aware of skills like Shake it Off etc. but even outside of them their sustain seems a bit ridiculous. Is there a sidenoder (hard) counter for them? Anything special to watch out for? I'm assuming a skill issue on my side here.

2. Capricorn
How do you play this map if you have a weak team fight / they have a support and we don't? Normally I'd say rotate around the support but since the map mechanic pretty much forces a team fight I'm not sure if there a realistic chance of winning. Is this just an instant loss? Am I forced to make a support so we'll stand a chance? Any other strategy I didn't think of?

3. Condi transfer
If I (power spec) transfer condis from a condi spec, do these condis deal damage according to my stats or the stats of the original caster? I'd assume my stats are being taken into account for this.

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1 hour ago, Derenaya.3479 said:

1. Condi Berserker
How do you kill them? I'm mainly playing Holo (if that matters) and I'm aware that I'm not supposed to win a 1v1 against them but even in a 2v1 situation they either just don't die to the point where it's easier to ignore them or they do so slowly that by the time you're done with them my whole team wiped. I'm aware of skills like Shake it Off etc. but even outside of them their sustain seems a bit ridiculous. Is there a sidenoder (hard) counter for them? Anything special to watch out for? I'm assuming a skill issue on my side here.

2. Capricorn
How do you play this map if you have a weak team fight / they have a support and we don't? Normally I'd say rotate around the support but since the map mechanic pretty much forces a team fight I'm not sure if there a realistic chance of winning. Is this just an instant loss? Am I forced to make a support so we'll stand a chance? Any other strategy I didn't think of?

3. Condi transfer
If I (power spec) transfer condis from a condi spec, do these condis deal damage according to my stats or the stats of the original caster? I'd assume my stats are being taken into account for this.

1: Not very favorable in your way at all. Best I can think of is somehow catching them between their defensives and getting them locked down. Most of them use Signet of Rage, so their main stun break is between EP/"Shake it Off!", and Berserk. You'd have to spend so much time catching around and avoiding them that it's not practical in an actual match setting. They also have 1900 Toughness, making it exceptionally difficult to hit them hard with Power. Best you can do is just continually kite them and manage to catch them between blowing all their defensive skills.

2: Rotating is always a good choice, if you have someone who is particularly bunker-ish, you can have them holding a node while someone else rotates to catch their openings. Bell is the hardest part of that map without a strong team fighting comp, but if your team can catch the support at the right time, such as before they get to bell, it should theoretically be in your favor.

3: Your stats are taken into account if you transfer conditions.

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1. You play another bunker and wear them down very slowly. Good zerkers will sustain forever. Poison helps. Some dps/roamers can eventually kill them off node but its almost never worth the time.

2. Have 2-3 good dps that can coordinate and jump on anyone out of position. Rotate lots. Full cap while enemy is busy on the mechanic or respawning.

3. Your stats.

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1. Keep an eye on them. Don't fight them on a node if they've capped it. If they move off node, capture the node. When they return, try to stall them for as long as possible, and when you start to lose, disengage and help your team or move to the other far/close node. Ignore them in teamfights.

2. This is general for any map where they have a support. Remember, a support means less dps for them and supports are normally very slow. Your job is to avoid any fights with support and move to empty nodes. If they send 1 or 2 dps then your team can quickly jump on them. Any isolated kills mean that their central support group is weaker and can be jumped. In short, spread out and try to jump them when they're away from each other. You'll be amazed how often you can find a single support at the central node just waiting to be jumped upon because the team spreads out.

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2 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

yes that works or hammer/sword+wh

Man would I love to see a video of someone on Hammer/Sw+Wh Untamed wrecking condi zerkers.

Outside of arena of course.  Like, in an actual game.  

EDIT: I should clarify, a non-bronze/silver game.  A known streamer would help.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Man would I love to see a video of someone on Hammer/Sw+Wh Untamed wrecking condi zerkers.

Outside of arena of course.  Like, in an actual game.  

EDIT: I should clarify, a non-bronze/silver game.  A known streamer would help.  

It works pretty well, not sure why you wouldn't be able to make that work in game, plenty of mobility, healing, barrier, stability, etc. it can easily be played in plat.

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