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Stats combinations

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I would like to build a pg with Power, Vitality, Precision, Healing Power. 

Currently, I cannot find in the game ANY combination of stats that give me that. I looked into subgroups of 3 combinations, and also combinations with ferocity, but still there is no way of building this type of stats. 

Can you help me find a combination? 
Why in the game it isn't still possible to create several stats combinations?


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It's available in PvP only (called Avatar).

I think they don't offer every possible combination of stats because of balance concerns. In about 2013 I asked why it wasn't possible to get equipment with Power, Condition Damage and Toughness and was told that would be very over-powered, that might not be the case for that specific stat combination any more, but I suspect the same applies to others.

What you can do is mix and match different sets. For example there's Keeper's which has Power, Precision and Healing Power, and Magi's with Healing Power, Precision and Vitality and probably others with the stats you want in different combinations. That's more complicated though because different equipment gives different stat boosts, so you need to decide not only which combinations are best for you (which do you want as major vs minor stats) but which items need each stat combo. But that's the way to go if you want a mix that's not available on one item.

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The problem with mixing stats, particularly mixing 3-stat pieces to make a pseudo 4-stat build is that you lose out on overall stats. If there was a way to perfectly mix power, precision, vitality, and healing power with 3-stat pieces, it would have lower stats than a theoretical 4-stat set. The benefit to this trade-off is usually that the fewer stats you have, the bigger spike you can have in a major stat i.e. berserker gives more power than marauder despite both having power as a major stat and marauder having more stats overall.

Full ascended gear provides:

  • 3-stat combo 3,303 (berserker, assassin, carrion, etc.)
  • 4-stat combo 3,612 (marauder, viper, minstrel, etc.)
  • 9-stat combo 5,751 (only celestial)


Just worth keeping in mind when you mix and match sets for your build. Usually it's only worth doing to hit things like critical hit breakpoints in PvE for 100% critical hit chance.

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Interpretacion: You care about POWEH and precision for triggers, but not much ferocity. You have some healing proc gimmick. I respect that.

precision you only need 100% with furry on and other effects. Some classes have bonus crit chance from Specialization traits.

Zelot Power++ Precision+ Healing+

Magi Healing ++ precision+ Vitality+


Edited by evilcat.6817
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