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Why the mmr keeps putting double duo q against full solo team ? (remoove duoq)

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And puts double duo q with really good players (top50), against full random solo team ? What the hell ? In what kind of universe would you call that balanced ?! This system is completly rigged to the bone, this is actually disgusting, even infuriating.

You play solo q ? Well, get lost, Anet simply doesn't care about you.

This is legit my third game where I am facing a double duoq with a complete random solo team, guess what happend ? We got stomped hard, every time.

I don't mind loosing a game, but I want some fairplay and balanced game at least, is that to much asking ?

For the love of god, PLEASE REMOOVE duo q, if people wants to play together, they can go AT, unranked, WvW, pve, I don't care, but please do something against this stupid rigged system, this is COMPLETE nonsense .

Don't be surprised because people leaves this game mode one by one...

Ranked is dead, titles means nothing, ladder means nothing until this mmr system exists in the way it is ..

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It's strange isn't it, you would think they'd want matches to be fair and inviting and fun but nope,  if they did they would never put organized premade high level teams against low level unorganized solo player teams. Feels almost like they don't want people to stick around in pvp which is a shame since pvp is the most fun thing to do in this game.( was a lot more fun a few years back though when matches where more fair and build variety existed)


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6 hours ago, whooot.5784 said:

And puts double duo q with really good players (top50), against full random solo team ? What the hell ? In what kind of universe would you call that balanced ?! This system is completly rigged to the bone, this is actually disgusting, even infuriating.

You play solo q ? Well, get lost, Anet simply doesn't care about you.

This is legit my third game where I am facing a double duoq with a complete random solo team, guess what happend ? We got stomped hard, every time.

I don't mind loosing a game, but I want some fairplay and balanced game at least, is that to much asking ?

For the love of god, PLEASE REMOOVE duo q, if people wants to play together, they can go AT, unranked, WvW, pve, I don't care, but please do something against this stupid rigged system, this is COMPLETE nonsense .

Don't be surprised because people leaves this game mode one by one...

Ranked is dead, titles means nothing, ladder means nothing until this mmr system exists in the way it is ..

I agree

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I've found if you get placed against high-ranking duo, you either have to directly q dodge them or take a 30 min break or so and try again.

Otherwise, you'll probably lose each time but if you carry your weight the games generally should not be blowouts.  I've found blowouts happen if you somehow get matched against duo+ friends and that's rarish (for me at least).  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I've found if you get placed against high-ranking duo, you either have to directly q dodge them or take a 30 min break or so and try again.

Otherwise, you'll probably lose each time but if you carry your weight the games generally should not be blowouts.  I've found blowouts happen if you somehow get matched against duo+ friends and that's rarish (for me at least).  

Exactly, and this is where the problem is acually, people starts dodging players they know they are duoq'ing.

I won't lie, I do the same time to time, when I see Boyce playing whis one of his mate, or zeolith, or some others, I am q dodging theim, cause I know for a fact the mmr will put me against their duoq every single time, whiche going to results in a loose for me at 90% of the time, and this is just a pur waste of time at this point.

I wouldn't ever do that if duoq wasn't a thing, cause I'd know that I'll have more chance to win cause game would be more balanced each side.

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fear not, the game will put you against the same platinum duo again and again for multiple games in a row even if you're silver or gold ranked, just to make sure that you get thoroughly stomped into the ground and quit pvp, then you will finally be free. i think its trying to do us all a favor here.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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Having to queue dodge when you only have specific hours of the day to play feels really bad - "I was going to play GW2 but this duo is making me prefer to just play something else in the meanwhile". It's baffling how long DuoQ has been around without so much as a comment from Anet that PvP is working as intended (who am I kidding, I don't think there is even any intent for PvP currently).

EDIT: and we even have a fellow DuoQ enjoyer reacting confused to every single post ITT 🙂 

Edited by maxwelgm.4315
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On 2/5/2024 at 3:31 AM, maxwelgm.4315 said:

EDIT: and we even have a fellow DuoQ enjoyer reacting confused to every single post ITT 🙂 

A true NPC. Confused by everything around them, but with no intelligent rebuttal or willingness to question it.

They didn't even take the time to read what they were reacting to. These posts aren't even all pro or anti-DuoQ.

I support the current thing 🤖😕

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😎Hello everyone, I agree, I propose to merge the random arena and the non-ranked random arena into a single mode,

without duoQ ect... it would reduce the queue,

have more players, because currently there are very few players who play in team and the majority are solo,

it would balance a little, because there is a small advantage when we play in duoQ, It will please and challenge the good players, to those who read this message,

I suggest you share a maximum of pvp players interested and come apply on the forum, so Arenanet decide. 

I am an old player who only does pvp with more than 20k pvp games since 2013 with some breaks, mainly only plays solo,

I think I know what I'm talking about, thank you for reading me, and sorry for my English I am French, have a good day. 🙂

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