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[POLL] Battle of the Support

What is your favorite support spec to use for group/zerg in wvw?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your favorite support spec to use for group/zerg in wvw?

    • Guardian - Firebrand
    • Revenant - Vindicator
    • Warrior - Spellbreaker
    • Engineer - Scrapper
    • Ranger - Druid
    • Thief - Specter
    • Elementalist - Tempest
    • Mesmer - Chronomancer
    • Necromancer - Scourge
    • Other - I use an off meta hybrid!
    • I don't play support, I pew pew.

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Tempest at the moment. I loved Shoutbreaker when it first surfaced in 2020 after the February patch killed dps Spellbreaker, but I've since moved to tempest and it's been a fun introduction to ele, which has been a class I was previously not interested in because the theme isn't my favorite.

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37 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

correct me if i'm wrong but i believe vindicator is the current rev support meta build. its also the one i like to play the most cuz of how bursty it is

Well there are several other specs that could be played as support, I suppose I should list Vindi instead since it's a wvw poll and not pve one.

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