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Can expansions you've bought be temporarily turned off?

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My characters are still playing HoT, I advanced one alt into PoF (spoiling just a bit of the story) just so I could do dailies that required a character in Cantha. Then I went ahead and bought EoD and SoO because they were on sale. Now I am getting daily wizard's vault achievements for Horn of Maguuma and Kryptis Rift events that I'm not ready to play yet, because I want to do the story in order.

Is there any way to have the dailies not select activities in areas for which I have *no* characters that have started any of those stories? I really don't like that the game is pushing me to advance a character before I've finished the prior content even once.

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29 minutes ago, Eastwind.7209 said:

Is there any way to have the dailies not select activities in areas for which I have *no* characters that have started any of those stories? I really don't like that the game is pushing me to advance a character before I've finished the prior content even once.

you could set your wizard vault to spvp or WvW.  not sure about spvp but WvW is usually pretty fast and sometimes doesnt even require fighting other players.

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2 hours ago, Eastwind.7209 said:

My characters are still playing HoT, I advanced one alt into PoF (spoiling just a bit of the story) just so I could do dailies that required a character in Cantha. Then I went ahead and bought EoD and SoO because they were on sale. Now I am getting daily wizard's vault achievements for Horn of Maguuma and Kryptis Rift events that I'm not ready to play yet, because I want to do the story in order.

Is there any way to have the dailies not select activities in areas for which I have *no* characters that have started any of those stories? I really don't like that the game is pushing me to advance a character before I've finished the prior content even once.

There are Rift events in Core Tyria maps, usually, each week. As mentioned above, you could set your Dailies/Weeklies to PvE and WvW.  Otherwise, you can just skip any Dailies, etc. you don't want to complete.  You will still end up with plenty of AA.

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I made the same mistake: buying multiple expansions in a bundle and wanting to play them in chronological order. I'm now getting punished for it by Arenanet. But I did learn my lesson and postponed the purchase of SOTO until I'm done with the rest. If you read this Arenanet: you are actively discouraging players to buy content with this kind of horrible game design.

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This is my pet peeve. I think it's unbelievable that Anet have built the WV (as with the previous dailies, tho it was less of a problem there due to more choice) so that the most logical choice for any new player who enjoys the story is to NOT buy any expansions until they reach that point in the story.

It's so backwards. New players who are really enjoying the game are likely keen to throw money at Anet, but they get penalized if they do!

So smart new players don't buy expansions beyond HoT/PoF - because obviously that is what Anet wants!

I've done what I can to spread the news, including posting in Steam forums, to make sure people don't buy expansions until they need them. My sister, wife and kids all only have HoT/PoF specifically for this reason, otherwise they would have purchased the other expansions in one of the sales.

Please tho, for the love of everything that is sane, Anet change it so that WV doesn't give you dailies in expansions/maps which you haven't visited yet! (or any similar fix).

Cue all the people saying just do WvW/PvP dailies (many don't like these modes), just jump forward into all the maps (yay story spoilers, I don't read random chapters in a book, why would I do it in GW2?), just skip the dailies/weeklies you can't do (do the numbers, skipping a few has a huge penalty as the bonuses for reaching 3 dailies and 6 weeklies are massive, eg 5 weeklies = 250AA vs 6 weeklies = 750AA+10 laurels+1 tome+1 Celebration Booster)  or that it doesn't affect them because they have unlocked everything (good on ya, thread isn't about you).

Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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I think it worked the same way also with the old daily quests, and I also think it's punishing and lets you feel like you have to rush to catch up, even if you want to take your time. Daily/weekly ought to be added when you discover a new map for the first time with the first character of your account. It could be tied to an explorer achievement for example.

Most of the daily in SotO don't require to complete the story though: complete 1 event, kill 10 enemies, view 1 vista and especially complete 1 rift are quite common, and you will be able to complete them if you just unlock the first map, without proceeding with the story. Considering that it's a new story,


with only 1 old character that appears at the very beginning

, your experience shouldn't be particularly spoiled.

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