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Foul Play in the Arena

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For the past week there has been a group of 5 players frequenting the Arena in the PvP lobby. Everyone of them is running a backbreaking cheat I personally have never seen before. First lets get the usual BS out the way. This is not a learn to play or being unaware of class abilities, type of situation. I joined this game during beta and am well aware of every class/build ability in the game, the game is twelve years old and pretty easy to figure out. And what I and many other players have witnessed and chatted about, is definitely a cheat.

Essentially what is happening is the players in question will either use invis or teleport and come back full health and condi free, multiple times. One player I'm talking about was hit for 23k in under 6 secs with condi burst, taking 3-7k confusions, burns and torments. All of which was recorded, then he disappears using smokescale and then comes back a few seconds later completely healed and somehow removing 25+ dmg condi's as well as vulnerabilities, weakness, and cripple all gone. And he proceeds to do it 3 more times in a 30 second span. Each time he was brought low he would disappear with either bow or smokescale and reappear condi-less and full healed.

He did the same thing on his Dragonhunter alt only instead of invis'ing he teleported away and reappeared condi'less and full healed. Many of the players seem to be running the cheat on rangers, mesmers, and thieves so they can invis and disguise what they are doing. Now granted a thief can use hide in shadows for a small heal that removes all condi's but they can't use it 3 times in 15 secs, nor can any other class remove that sheer amount of condis and heal like that. Not even the Mesmer with Mantra of Resolve could cure that much condi and heal for that much using it and I have yet to see one of their mesmer's even use that ability. 

This needed to be mentioned because it is way beyond the trainers, scripts or bots. This is an auto win for anyone running it and a lot of the players are platinum or higher and no doubt from abusing this, which makes every tournament and ranked match with them in it, illegitimate. You wouldn't record the score of a football game when one teams running back has a motorcycle to get down the field. Same goes for virtual competitions, the fact that so many players agree on what they are seeing and that you can easily see it by just watching the arena for an hour a day, makes us wonder wtf you guys are doing to stop it? Because I won't spend another dime till this is addressed, and as you can clearly see I'm worth more in revenue than 40 of your worthless ftp cheaters. 


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8 minutes ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

anet doesnt moderate pvp

lol this is more of an open your Fing eyes type of situation then true moderation. What worries me is I don't have a clue what they are doing, they could just be effecting an exploit on the client-side to trick the server into thinking they are out of combat and regening super fast. But if it is somehow something server-side, it is much more nefarious. But as widespread as this is becoming it's truly an End of life game type event to continue on with. 

WTF would anyone continue playing a game where a growing group of toxic socio players have an I win button they will openly use on everyone else. 

Edited by Fellknight.4820
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If this is specific to the PvP lobby it should be simpler to fix and not really impact the competitive aspects. If you did see it happening during a tournament or ranked match then yeah, that's far more critical - it doesn't really ruin competition imo (there has to be competition to begin with for it to be ruined and we know duos already prevent that), but it's a game breaking exploit for sure.

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14 minutes ago, maxwelgm.4315 said:

If this is specific to the PvP lobby it should be simpler to fix and not really impact the competitive aspects. If you did see it happening during a tournament or ranked match then yeah, that's far more critical - it doesn't really ruin competition imo (there has to be competition to begin with for it to be ruined and we know duos already prevent that), but it's a game breaking exploit for sure.

It's pretty well known they are using it during ranked as well, one openly brags about it and runs his mouth constantly in lobby, you can watch him running around cheating his kitten off in arena while running his mouth right now as I type this. They aren't just plat ranked and having some fun with it in lobby, they have been seen using the same crap in ranked and unranked. 

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If he is a soul beast ranger thingy, I think you can trait to where u remove all condis when u f5. I think. Gairds have full condi clear utility to I think.

Also why are you doing such retardidly heavy condi damage. You have to cheat just to have a fair chance against people like you. Good on that guy.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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1 hour ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

If he is a soul beast ranger thingy, I think you can trait to where u remove all condis when u f5. I think.

That was Druid--and it got nerfed about a year ago lol.  Was Druidic Clarity, used to clear 13 condis when you enter CA form--now clears 3.  Mutate Conditions is a full clear, but nothing with F5 does.

To the topic point I have been seeing some weird stuff past week in both unranked and ranked.  I'd have to go back through vids to find it all, but had a mesmer that was downed and ported across the map (not even desynch like WvW yaks do, just straight ported back to spawn), a thief was causing some mad lag whenever I'd get near them, and only them (seemed to be something with condi application spam causing it), and at least one bot in unranked that did nothing but zerg mid as a core engi.  

The bot one was the weirdest, as it was a 43k AP account too--and literally would do the same rotation and run to the same spot for the entire match--I got 20ish kills off it alone.  I straight asked if they were a bot both in match and after and no response...they did go back WvW immediately after game end so wonder if they just use wall running script there too.  As it seemed like a bot for rewards only, which I had seen a lot in PvE but never in PvP like this.   

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5 hours ago, youle.5824 said:

you can litterally stealth, go to char select, log back in and it would create the effect you are mentioning, especially if that person's loading time is fast 

Considering it is the same group of players who all seem to be buddies running the cheats, I seriously doubt they all have raided solid state drives and crossfired cards which you would need to log out and load in THAT fast. Only the ones trying to hide it are using stealth, some of them are just flat regening thru everything you throw at them standing in the middle of the arena surviving entire teams of dmg like an old-school bunker but with glass cannon super spike dmg.

Any doubter pls jump in the arena and check it out for yourself, anytime near primetime and you will see very soon what I'm talking about.

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