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Simple Turret Rework


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You used to be able to overcharge your turret at will, but the option was removed from toolbelt in favor of new more active toolbelt skill and gameplay, here is simple turret rework idea with best of both worlds that could make them more fun, usable and possibly give more opportunity to tweak the numbers:


1 when you have not deployed your turret it has its normal icon like at the moment

2 when you click on turret it will deploy and give the icon yellow color indicating it has been deployed

3 when the turret icon has yellow color and you click it, the turret will overcharge turning the icon red and putting the overcharge on cooldown

4 if you click the turret while it is red, it will explode

5 if you wait the overcharge cooldown to run down, the turret icon will turn from red back to yellow and you can overcharge it again (back to part 2)


You could overcharge your turret yourself and chose when it happens, do it again after cooldown without picking up your turret. Only down side is if you want to overcharge and explode your turret immediately, like your healing turret, you have to triple tap it: deploy > overcharge > explode, making it one more click than right now, but i don't think it would necessarily end up being a problem because being able to overcharge your turrets at will would open up new strategies and gameplay again

You could even make the auto attack lower and overcharge higher if the passive gameplay is not wanted (although the autoattacks already are fairly low). The more extreme example of this would be that the turrets would not have any autottack at all and would only attack brief period of time when overcharged, then you could buff the damage and health of the turrets significantly, I'm not suggesting this big change, but it is just more extreme example of the possibility of the number tweaking

Bonus idea: Make one of the Tool kit skills able to relocate your turrets with magnet, it could be toolbelt skill or maybe the skill 5 that already is magnet pulling enemy to you (although i wouldn't like it to lose its current use) Tool kit is clearly meant to work with the turrets originally as the autoattack heals your turrets when you hit them, maybe the autoattack could also lower the overcharge time.

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Let's be real here, what turret enthusiasts really want is multiple charge turrets so they can build a veritable bunker of mass turrets.

Multi charge turrets!

placing 2 turrets at the same time!

Turret cooldown refreshes!

Turrets everywhere!

turrets! Turrets! TURRETS!

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3 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

Let's be real here, what turret enthusiasts really want is multiple charge turrets so they can build a veritable bunker of mass turrets.

Multi charge turrets!

placing 2 turrets at the same time!

Turret cooldown refreshes!

Turrets everywhere!

turrets! Turrets! TURRETS!

I would just be happy with them becoming spirit weapons in gameplay. Make them perform an AoE attack for a prolonged time and they are untargetable, then they automatically detonate after a while.

Anything is better than what we currently have.

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21 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I would just be happy with them becoming spirit weapons in gameplay. Make them perform an AoE attack for a prolonged time and they are untargetable, then they automatically detonate after a while.

Anything is better than what we currently have.

Making them like spirit weapons would be good and all, but I think making them like traps/preparations achieves what you're asking for while also preserving the "bunker" feel.

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1 hour ago, Coolster.2536 said:

Making them like spirit weapons would be good and all, but I think making them like traps/preparations achieves what you're asking for while also preserving the "bunker" feel.

If you want the bunker feel why not just make them so both the player and the Turrets get significantly tankier in close proximity, then just add a way to manually overcharge them, probably via toolkit and then you have your bunker build.

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Fully commit to toolkit + turret synergy.

Buff the heal of auto attack toolkit.

Toolkit 3 overcharge the turrets.

Toolkit 4 gives turrets reflective barrier, like Experimental Turrets currently does.

Toolkit 5 can now drag a turret + all turrets in 600 radius of the target turret, to you.

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A comment got me thinking the other days, and I think they have a point. Give turrets mini-wheels so they can follow you around, in other words, make turrets into pets. One of the biggest issue with turrets is how stationary they are.

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5 hours ago, Calen.8945 said:

A comment got me thinking the other days, and I think they have a point. Give turrets mini-wheels so they can follow you around, in other words, make turrets into pets. One of the biggest issue with turrets is how stationary they are.

That'd basically turn them into necromancer minions, which, to be fair, are in a better place than turrets, but still tend to be in a bit of a state of 'you take this if you have nothing better' outside of RP minionmaster builds.

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