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Let me start by telling that this is not a complain by an unsatisfied customer. On the contrary, i find GW2 to be a fair, well made, almost F2P (we pay for expansions that is a good policy compared to F2P but in fact P2W games). I am just wondering about reporting and more specifically about selling raid/fractals runs. Every now and then (last time it was a week ago or about there) i report guys advertising selling fractals  at LFG on the respective tab. I cant find a proper category to file the report since the ones existing dont really include selling the experience. So i file them as abuse of LFG system. Are reports like that examined? Is it ok that i do it? or at some part of EULA it is allowed? Do they get a ban? What kind of ban?

Thank you in advance

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Selling runs for in-game currency is not against the rules. As ArenaNet tells us: "buying and selling of runs is acceptable. However, ArenaNet does not officially support buyers or sellers; these activities are done at your own risk." So don't report them unless they are scamming players, promote account sharing or asking real-life payment for the runs.



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1 hour ago, Karellen.1463 said:


Let me start by telling that this is not a complain by an unsatisfied customer. On the contrary, i find GW2 to be a fair, well made, almost F2P (we pay for expansions that is a good policy compared to F2P but in fact P2W games). I am just wondering about reporting and more specifically about selling raid/fractals runs. Every now and then (last time it was a week ago or about there) i report guys advertising selling fractals  at LFG on the respective tab. I cant find a proper category to file the report since the ones existing dont really include selling the experience. So i file them as abuse of LFG system. Are reports like that examined? Is it ok that i do it? or at some part of EULA it is allowed? Do they get a ban? What kind of ban?

Thank you in advance

From  the Forum Library and the Knowledge Base:  https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025699913-Policy-Buying-and-Selling-Runs

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Reports aren't automated, it notifies Anet to investigate, then they decide what to do.

That means there's a delay before anything happens (and repeatedly reporting the same person in a short time won't help) but it also means you won't get innocent players banned because Anet won't find anything wrong and won't punish them. It also means you don't need to investigate yourself and try to prove it, you can let Anet do that (and they have a lot more tools to investigate, they can see a lot more data on everyone's accounts.)

The one time you might want to do more is when the problem isn't obvious, then you could use the Support link at the top of this page (and any page on the site) to explain. For example if you want to report someone for an offensive name that's not in English, French, German or Spanish - those are the only officially supported languages so they're the only ones we know Anet understands, but there's a lot of players who use other languages and it's often not obvious something is offensive when it's directly translated. So you might want to explain why it's offensive.

Either way you'll never get told what happened. They won't tell you if someone was banned because of your report, or even if they were sent a warning or they did nothing wrong. The most you'll get (for a support ticket) is confirmation they've seen it and will investigate.

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