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Whirling Light is it doing too much for one utility?

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Is it just me or Whirling Light is just doing too much.. it does a big heavy crit burst damage, has a big radius which makes it hard to react to and covers most of the side nodes completely. The skill has a pretty low recharge rate so it's pretty in your face most of the time. WB just feels like the rinse and repeat process of just teleporting and spamming Radiant Light which makes the play styles just have a boring identity. Also the combo finisher has cleansing which makes condi builds have a hard time dealing with them a pain in the rump. I would like to see the other utilities buffed more so I could see different play styles and bring something unique to the table, but as it stands WB has been pretty strong for a long time and it just seems a bit too much for one utility to get that much benefit out of it, also just constantly just steamrolls most of the casuals, overall I'm pretty tired of it and it just gives the vibe of a very exasperated meta

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57 minutes ago, Sovarica.4368 said:

Also the combo finisher has cleansing which makes condi builds have a hard time dealing with them a pain in the rump.

57 minutes ago, Sovarica.4368 said:

just constantly just steamrolls most of the casuals

For starters, we're still in a power burst meta, regardless whether or not people disagree with that fact or not. You're condi burst didn't work? Yeah, there might be a reason for that.

Secondly, Guardian as a whole has always been notorious for farming casuals but DH does that better than a WB or power burst Core guard ever could. For starters WB isn't even the better 1v1 class amongst Core guard and DH. You can stack DH and delete some one who is unaware. DH can F1 pull a person into his Test of Faith for an instant 5k burst minimum not counting any knockbacks OUT of ToF for another 5k'ish hit.

When it comes right down to it, DH is probably #1 and Core Guard being #2 when talking about the better duelist Guard class. Willbender excels as a pseudo roamer class while also dealing some team-fight damages, stability + F2 cleanse in a team fight, some single-target focus damage, etc.

WB isn't the best 1v1 class in any shape or form. With the exception of most thieves, WB can get destroyed by every single class in a pure 1v1 standpoint. Necro destroys it, Ranger, Ele, Mesmer, etc. If you enter a dueling tournament WB isn't even in the top 5 lol. The best we can do is rotate elsewhere by using F1, or F2, or F3 to get away - reset our health - and try to focus target some one else.

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in a vacuum yeah, the same way a lot of newer abilities do a billion things, look at the tooltips on ranger maces lol
that whole "purity of purpose" thing went out the window a long time ago

whether or not that's a problem depends on the rest of the kit and tuning, i guess

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