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Mirage Advance, can we please update this dead skill already?


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It's been how many years since POF's launch and this skill has not been touched ONCE (Except for usability for underwater). And yet the solution to increase its usability is so simple: just make it comparable to Revenant's Phase Traversal, Thief's Infiltrator Signet, and Guardian's Judge's Intervention. 

  • Remove the range check

Historically, Revenant's PT has no Range check then when it was given one, everyone unanimously disliked it then it was reverted to its original state.

Thief has BOTH Shadowstep and Infiltrator Signet, yet Shadowstep is still the superior choice. Even if you couldn't teleport back with Shadowstep, Thief mains would still use Shadow step more because of its flexibility, so I don't see any reason to keep this limitation from Mirage Advance even if Mesmer has Blink. 

Also maybe consider:

  • Increase the range to 1200

To be honest, I see the argument against increase the range of this because 1. this skill does damage and can be traited to deal confusion as well 2. It's a port back 3. Clone generation. So maybe this may be overtuning it a little bit but mirage itself isn't a particularly strong class in the PVP meta at the moment and nothing is stopping people from using Blink + Mimic if they really want two reliable teleports. 

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I forgot this skill was even in the game. I had to look it up to remember what it even did. There's a reason for that. This skill is, as far as I can tell, useless and removing a range check or boosting the range isn't really gonna fix that. You can teleport to target and teleport back. Woo. It's very similar to Infiltrator's Strike on the Thief sword, but it doesn't work the same way. Infiltrator's Strike allows the thief to forego movement. They can shadowstep to target and, if they kill it in FIFTEEN SECONDS which is a huge amount of time, shadowstep back and then do it again because initiative has no cooldown. Mirage Advance can only do it once for a 25 second recharge, and it takes up a utility skill, and it's not even as useful as Infiltrator Strike. IS at least immobilizes your target so if you're harrying a target they can't run away. Mirage Advance doesn't even daze.

You're right, it's a dead, worthless skill. Unfortunately what you suggested isn't gonna fix it either. It's still gonna fall far short from what even weapons skills can do.

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Fully agree. The skill is never used and it is a bit of a tap out. Cool down is high and the effect is not worth it. At least make all your clones preform the attack as well so you have some use of it if you wanna keep it in its current state. It would add to the idea that mirages truly controlling all their clones and misdirecting the enemy. 

While at it make speed of Sand base line and actually give us a minor trait there... 

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Yeah it's always been the odd one out.

IA was really good on 20s, crystal sands at least has an evade frame again on low coolrown, and StG has two evades with stunbreak (even though it still has some issues with queueing and doesn't always immediately take priority over other actions which can be really annoying).

Mirage Advance used to be interesting when it had the detarget on Retreat, but now it's really pathetic, and only can say it has some synergy with self deception.

I'd also like it to have 3/4s evade like axe 3 and give back the detarget.

Otherwise between Blink, IA and another good utility (SoM, StG etc...) it really has no justification for existing beyond a cool animation.

Edited by Curunen.8729
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3 hours ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

With a 25 second cooldown? I feel like that harms it FAR more than the range or casting time.

25sec CD for a instant 1200 ranged shadow step the is a flip skill is good. 

I would use it to engage with power shatter combo instead of using blink.

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