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Weekly Claw of Jormag not awarding Wizard's Vault progress [Merged]

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13 hours ago, Padrion.7382 said:

That's great. However I did not yet receive the weekly success. Withholding all future purchases until this issue is solved.

They can't/won't give you retroactive credit. If you want your weekly achievement done, go do it again.

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3 hours ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

They can't/won't give you retroactive credit. If you want your weekly achievement done, go do it again.

I already did it and certainly won't do it again. I'm not asking for much here, it doesn't cost them money or anything. If they don't lift a finger to minimize the negative impact of the bugs zhey are responsible for I certainly don't lift my credit card for them any more, that much should be obvious...

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5 hours ago, Padrion.7382 said:

I already did it and certainly won't do it again. I'm not asking for much here, it doesn't cost them money or anything. If they don't lift a finger to minimize the negative impact of the bugs zhey are responsible for I certainly don't lift my credit card for them any more, that much should be obvious...

It doesn't matter. They won't give you special treatment and give you retroactive credit for a weekly achievement that you can still repeat for the same credit. It won't cost you money to do the achievement again. 

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1 hour ago, RoseofGilead.8907 said:

It doesn't matter. They won't give you special treatment and give you retroactive credit for a weekly achievement that you can still repeat for the same credit. It won't cost you money to do the achievement again.

I'm not demanding a special treatment, they should of course give all players who did it credit for this achievement..

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7 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Perhaps, you would be willing to foot the cost?

Why would I foot the cost when they created the mess? That would be beyond ridiculous. And if they don't have the proper tools to sort this out with a few clicks (which I doubt) there is really only one solution: Give ALL players credit for completion.


Anyway: I filled a support ticket and sadly only got very unhelpful automated responses. It is incomprehensible to me why Arenanet seems to be hell-bent to add insult to injury by refusing to do the most natural thing in the world. Maybe because this isn't a subscription game they don't see the immediate financial backlash (because this would be cancelled by now) but if they think I'll make future purchases from a company that acted openly hostile towards me, the are sorely mistaken...

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They have never given retroactive credit for this type of bug.  Your sole remedy is to redo the event within the time frame.  I accepted the fact that bugs happened and finished the weekly by doing some other nearby events to get the weekly.  It seems you are spending more time and effort complaining about something that people have told you isn't going to change than the time it would take you to just redo the event again.  It's not like you are required to redo an entire expansion or something.

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4 hours ago, Padrion.7382 said:

Why would I foot the cost when they created the mess? That would be beyond ridiculous. And if they don't have the proper tools to sort this out with a few clicks (which I doubt) there is really only one solution: Give ALL players credit for completion.


Anyway: I filled a support ticket and sadly only got very unhelpful automated responses. It is incomprehensible to me why Arenanet seems to be hell-bent to add insult to injury by refusing to do the most natural thing in the world. Maybe because this isn't a subscription game they don't see the immediate financial backlash (because this would be cancelled by now) but if they think I'll make future purchases from a company that acted openly hostile towards me, the are sorely mistaken...

Hostile? Did they call you names or make fun of you? Or did they just say no? I mean, your money is your money, and you should use it however you want. But this is an absurd hill to die on.

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Are you being serious?  I've done Jormag twice for other reasons on two accounts since I redid it for the weekly and posted about it 24 hours ago.  You are not dying on a hill so much as drowning in a lake while others are throwing you a life preserver.  When you "go under for the last time" at weekly reset enjoy your spite.  You said ANet has a day to come back to their senses.  So do you, so do you.

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1 hour ago, Kiof.5710 said:

You are not dying on a hill so much as drowning in a lake while others are throwing you a life preserver.

I think you are a bit overly dramatic here. Nothing terrible will happen to me. I'll keep on playing the content I have already paid for which is still one and a half expansions to go and instead of purchasing SotO I'll move on to one of the many, many other great games out there, that don't treat me like crap.

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