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The Duality of New Players

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@Koensol.5860 the only Bad thing is when these said roamers refuses to go for any nodes and instead trying to roam peops all over the map. I think this is exactly how most matches get lost these days xd.

I mean the point for roaming is to split enemys Team to then kill them to then capture/decap their nodes. And if the said peops don't do the last thing its a dead call from beginning 

Edited by Myror.7521
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4 hours ago, Duke Nukem.6783 said:

fighting on nodes is inherently more valuable,

but conquest mode is bad pvp anyways

It's not tho, the nodes are more often than not spammed with AoE circles. In the old burn dh era it was usually considered a death sentence to stand on the node in teamfights. It all depends on the situation. And why is it bad? Because you fail to understand it?


8 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Koensol.5860 the only Bad thing is when these said roamers refuses to go for any nodes and instead trying to roam peops all over the map. I think this is exactly how most matches get lost these days xd.

I mean the point for roaming is to split enemys Team to then kill them to then capture/decap their nodes. And if the said peops don't do the last thing its a dead call from beginning 

Fair enough.

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On 4/6/2024 at 2:56 AM, Ronin.4501 said:

Funny thing is OP is the one who plays how you just described. And based on when this post was written I'm the person he's complaining about. I was running on a support build (which I explained before the match began) but every time I pushed into an objective with the idea that I would heal allies around me, everyone else squirreled off in different directions. When the other team held all 3 objectives for 75% of the match I gave into frustration and just sat in the mid objective, at which point OP starts calling me out for "afking" and then complaining that I'm too busy typing to play (as though they're not familiar with the auto-run feature). Point is, support or not, I'm not going to chase after everyone on my team if they squirrel after every enemy player outside of the objectives. OP seems to be one of those players who thinks PvP is all about the "fights" and that capping/holding objectives is meaningless.

I should also mention that this was in Unranked, so take that for what you will.

Sometimes ill use my DH or support on my team as "kite spots". If they die, well.. they die! 🙂

Edited by Endorphin.9147
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My favourite build isn't fully optimised for v1's (it's mediocre at it) but great at team fights.   Some games it turns out no-one has it in mind to team fight and so the primary strength of my build is kinda blown.  Happens with pick up games.   In general then you should make sure you can at least Mediocre contribute doing something else.

Edited by shion.2084
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On 4/5/2024 at 9:02 PM, bethekey.8314 said:

New Player: "Hey guys, what build should I use in PvP? I don't even know enough about my own class or this mode to judge what's good. I also lose every 1v1."

Also New Player: "God hath revealed to mine eyes the Truth, which I hold above all other truths: that fights shall only occur on nodes. Fights off nodes do not exist, and are heresy. This is the way."

Who is telling them this? What causes this novice-expert disconnect in their brains?

I don’t see the issue. Would you rather have your team fighting off point while enemy team has 2 capped? That happens a lot

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I think some people forget fighting to win a node is different than just fighting on top of a node and hoping for the best. People also forget the game has 3 different nodes you can try to win with. You're not forced to win a very specific node unless its near the end of the game and it comes down to that node is the deciding factor of who wins or not

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1 hour ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

I think some people forget fighting to win a node is different than just fighting on top of a node and hoping for the best. People also forget the game has 3 different nodes you can try to win with. You're not forced to win a very specific node unless its near the end of the game and it comes down to that node is the deciding factor of who wins or not

Indeed, just try try to outrotate, winning fights for nodes isn't always the best case

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