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Random unranked games

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I am newer level 80 and have been doing some unranked pvp matches.  They always seem to be such blowouts.  My last one yesterday ended up 500 to 40.  Am I going up against premade teams or something?  I could of course be unlucky or so bad that I am bringing my team down too.  Just curious as to how teams are created and matches are made.


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you need significant amount of lifetime if you want to play pvp in guildwars2. its not for the casual player by now anymore. tons of specs , tons of weapons per spec... the possibilities are so step you need to ofc know all of it or are likely to get wiped.  then you have arenanet who is designing this game solely after their own purpose. that means if there are new specs or weapons inside a payed expansion these are superior to make people buy them regardless if there is any fun with it.

alot player usually quit the game after they finish their university cause real life, having a job, making a family, taking care for assets and gw2 pvp is not compatible.

also experienced players who have quit told exactly that their real life dont allow to play the game at a top level. so judge for youself if its fun for you. if its no fun consider leaving it cause you will not change the thight business fist anet holds on to since years. noone changed it and it will stay like it is.

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