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PvP Mesmer Portal Guide GEMS Giveaway

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GW2 PvP/ WvW Giveaway Quiz. The footage in the PvP Mesmer portal guide is older, but for the topic of the guide (how to use portal in advanced ways) and the giveway it does not matter! Good luck to all who will join the giveaway! 🙂 If you want to skip the giveaway instruction part and only watch the guide you can start the vid at mins 0:55!

800 GEMS + 2 COMMUNITY CHESTS GIVEAWAY! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Community_Chest

Participation rules:

1. Add the correct answer to your youtube comment (the numbers of tactical portal uses explained in the guide with # as first letter): Be careful, there is a trick to it, the summary at the start of the guide is not complete! Put in some more effort 💗

2. Insult, troll, flame, hate and racist comments will be disqualified 3. 3 winners will be randomly picked 27 may 2024, 8pm cest

4. Pls recheck your comment at 28 may or soon after that date for an answer of me, since yoututbe sometimes fail the notifications

Sponsored by Arenanet!

Edited by JazzXman.7018
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Posted (edited)

The underdodgedog is too lazy to come up with new, unseen footage? 🤬 You fought so hard to give mirage it's second dodge back, now give us content! Great guide tho 👍


Edited by phixion.9428
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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

hehe big thx for your feedback, much appreciated @phixion.9428! ❤️

but to participate in the giveaway you need to put your answer in a youtube comment

ye sry for no new content, but im still in a gw2 break (only touching the game here and there for some games with friends who are still playing) and see no reason to play it more again atm and enjoy valorant pretty much. 

sure its great that mirage has its second dodge back, but my other main balance suggestion for mirage was, to make ambushes (and with that also ih) mainly utility based and waaay less direct dmg based. but latest changes just go into the opposite direction (reducing might stacks instead direct dmg on gs ambush for example).  and i dont have fun in playing a core mes on steroids with some dodge+1 gs ambush spam for 3-7k on berserker amu+dmg rune +also too high shatter dmg, without the need to utilize any high iq combos and setups you can do with ih/de.

so the moment i run out of good giveaway quiz ideas and need to record new footage, i would probably do it with power chrono over mirage in current gamestate (if you just could play chrono with portal.. but short dura portal on anything else than lynx rune sword mirage just feels meeeh... sad eyes...).

at least my next giveaway quiz most likely will be a power gs/sw de/ih mirage guide, showing tons of examples of cool combos and setup possibilities with ih/de, since just spamming gs ambush for some low effort extra dmg and sword ambush for mobility and some random extra daze as side effect, is clearly not even near to the skill ceiling/ cap of that build, means what mirage is able to do (and also should not be as rewarding as it is right now). not to mention that signet of illusion should be completely deleted and reworked imo.

Edited by JazzXman.7018
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Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I didn't see this thread. Hi Jazz! Hope you're well!
bumping topic because I like you and your footage

oh nice hey o/ long time no read!!! big thanks for your bumping ❤️ im rly well just pretty busy irl with having a doggy 😉 how are you?

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Missed that thread as well 🤯 Nice guide if portal would be playable...

I have to admit i prefer mirage with Illuionline or with Superiority Complex trait in Duelling over your build and no Infinite Horizon. I know you dislike that playstyle 😀but it is way easier to have impact and that without doing your high iq combos and you also get some crazy condi remove on dodge with Elusive Mind. But i agree that the damage on ambushes needs to be lower and that people actually should be forced to play IH by making it baseline,  it is the trait forces to play mirage more differently to a core mesmer, it is actually THE mirage trait as such.

Anyway thanks for all your guides, tips and the great ingame training time you did spend to people for free. Helped a lot to improve at mesmer and conquest. Very sad to see you not playing anymore sensei 😢

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On 5/16/2024 at 8:28 PM, JazzXman.7018 said:

but to participate in the giveaway you need to put your answer in a youtube comment

I know, was just trolling^^ I am not hyped by gems or chests anymore, not really playing often myself these days, game is not interesting being that braindead playable. I cannot blame you for going a more skillbased and alive game. But will miss your content!

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Posted (edited)
On 5/17/2024 at 8:59 AM, Copyright.9082 said:

Anet : Let's butcher mesmer portal into unviability then sponsor videos about it. 

they sponsor the channel and giveaway not a specific vid but ye rip portal 😞

On 5/17/2024 at 1:24 PM, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

They're sponsoring a portal going directly to WoW

why wow? my portals lead to valo 😬

On 5/18/2024 at 12:55 PM, Hightop.8294 said:

Missed that thread as well 🤯 Nice guide if portal would be playable...

I have to admit i prefer mirage with Illuionline or with Superiority Complex trait in Duelling over your build and no Infinite Horizon. I know you dislike that playstyle 😀but it is way easier to have impact and that without doing your high iq combos and you also get some crazy condi remove on dodge with Elusive Mind. But i agree that the damage on ambushes needs to be lower and that people actually should be forced to play IH by making it baseline,  it is the trait forces to play mirage more differently to a core mesmer, it is actually THE mirage trait as such.

Anyway thanks for all your guides, tips and the great ingame training time you did spend to people for free. Helped a lot to improve at mesmer and conquest. Very sad to see you not playing anymore sensei 😢

dislike is a hard word, i just prefer higher skill ceiling builds personally, does not mean other builds cannot be fun too tho. also for conquest i think that ih/de build is a way better roaming build. its the least selfish and most team-supporting variant (you do not take passive dmg multiplier as in illusionline or sup. complex trait, which only work for you but instead you use active traits which also buff your team with more vulnstacks for example).

yes, ih should be baseline and the major gms and the ambushes (esp the condi ambushes from axe,staff, scepter) should be reworked and balanced around that. without ih, mirage is more a core with just some more passive extra dmg on dodge (and mobility in case of sword).

funny is, that ppl often think (not directed to you, but more in general), that de/ih is a less shatter oriented spec and more a dodge+1 style which better keeps clones alive as long as possible, what is kinda correct for condi mirage but completely wrong for power gs/sw mirage. quite the opposite is the case for gs/sw mirage, since you just prebuff your shatters as setup with de/ih what otherwise passive dmg traits do for you without any player effort and if you want to spam ambushes for dmg (the so called dodge+1 playstyle) on power mirage you better go sc trait or illu line since your own ambush will do more dmg than 2 -3 clones do with ih. but you stack less vuln, so your team will not do more dmg.  ih/de is clearly just as shatter orientated as every other power mes build, i do shatter just as often as on core or chrono (outside of chrono having lower cds ofc). but you need to understand how to play ih/de correctly, to see, that it is the least dodge+1 oriented playstyle for gs/sword mirage.

atm the too high dmg on ambushes/shatters, sig of illusions and zerker amu cover the need to play it correctly since you still can have good impact with playing it mediocre and ambush spammy. one reason i prefer to play gs power chrono atm.

On 5/19/2024 at 9:29 PM, phixion.9428 said:

I know, was just trolling^^ I am not hyped by gems or chests anymore, not really playing often myself these days, game is not interesting being that braindead playable. I cannot blame you for going a more skillbased and alive game. But will miss your content!

ye indeed 😞 big thanks for enjoying my content tho. maybe i come back some day, who knows!

anyway one day left to join the giveaway! \o/

Edited by JazzXman.7018
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17 hours ago, JazzXman.7018 said:

dislike is a hard word, i just prefer higher skill ceiling builds personally, does not mean other builds cannot be fun too tho. also for conquest i think that ih/de build is a way better roaming build. its the least selfish and most team-supporting variant (you do not take passive dmg multiplier as in illusionline or sup. complex trait, which only work for you but instead you use active traits which also buff your team with more vulnstacks for example).

yes, ih should be baseline and the major gms and the ambushes (esp the condi ambushes from axe,staff, scepter) should be reworked and balanced around that. without ih, mirage is more a core with just some more passive extra dmg on dodge (and mobility in case of sword).

funny is, that ppl often think (not directed to you, but more in general), that de/ih is a less shatter oriented spec and more a dodge+1 style which better keeps clones alive as long as possible, what is kinda correct for condi mirage but completely wrong for power gs/sw mirage. quite the opposite is the case for gs/sw mirage, since you just prebuff your shatters as setup with de/ih what otherwise passive dmg traits do for you without any player effort and if you want to spam ambushes for dmg (the so called dodge+1 playstyle) on power mirage you better go sc trait or illu line since your own ambush will do more dmg than 2 -3 clones do with ih. but you stack less vuln, so your team will not do more dmg.  ih/de is clearly just as shatter orientated as every other power mes build, i do shatter just as often as on core or chrono (outside of chrono having lower cds ofc). but you need to understand how to play ih/de correctly, to see, that it is the least dodge+1 oriented playstyle for gs/sword mirage.

atm the too high dmg on ambushes/shatters, sig of illusions and zerker amu cover the need to play it correctly since you still can have good impact with playing it mediocre and ambush spammy. one reason i prefer to play gs power chrono atm.

Facts. Btw any changes to your power builds with the new relics?

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On 5/27/2024 at 1:46 PM, Hightop.8294 said:

Facts. Btw any changes to your power builds with the new relics?

for chrono not rly, for mirage you ofc use the vigor trait in dueling instead fury for phantasm now (first slot in dueling line) and you use the new wayfinder relic, so you can use another rune than lynx and for that also no need for marauder amu anymore. i would need to try ingame what rune/amu i would use now. i prefer mara amu in general, since it is a better balanced amu than the one dimentional too high dmg giving zerker amu (mara vita does not make you tanky, it just counters a bit what should not be in the game anyway, for example perma condi spam you cannot actively outplay, you still die if you eat the key condi skills) but its pretty much self-cripple at this point, since you can have precision on rune now and i dont rly need the vita for surviving on mirage. so makes no sense to give up that much dmg, even tho zerker amu makes mirage (mesmer in general) so much easier to play.

everything else stays the same for mirage, pb, ih/de and blind on f2 trait (since i prefer active traits with skill ceiling over low effort passive dmg multiplier, and the blind is also super useful sooo often), and renewing oasis trait (its a pretty passive trait so meeeh but at least less unhealthy than self deception, since instant clone generation should not exists, also not mirror images btw).

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1 hour ago, JazzXman.7018 said:

since i prefer active traits with skill ceiling over low effort passive dmg multiplier

I guess you still use Shattered Concentration? I see some mesmers going Egotism instead, i am not sure what to think about that choice.

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@Hightop.8294 personally not a fan of it. ofc for roaming it is consistent dmg boni you get with every +1 you do with full hp, but its again just a low effort passive trait (so boring for me) but even worse, egotism is a pretty selfish trait (surprise surprise with that name). no matter what boon you remove with your shatters, your whole team will benefit and i think that benefit is also pretty consistent and overall higher. it is only less consitent for yourself but not for the whole team/ match. so egotism is a good trait for pve or when all you think about is being carried by broken dmg as much as possible by yourself and when you plan on dueling on a roaming build for whatever reasons.

imo it is even less necessary to use that trait atm , since atm you already have insane dmg on mesmer (esp with zerker amu). at some point of current dmg in your build even more dmg has less of an additional reward than going less one dimentional with your build and add some team-usefulness and utility instead ("law of diminishing returns" is it called in english i think. basic economic law). 

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