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The "glass cannon" concept doesn't exist in this game [Merged]

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Way to many moderate-high mobility power DPS getting easy jumps/damage application from instant, 0 downside access to stab/aeg/immunes; "I can't be CC'd right now, check back in 10 seconds, if youre still alive". Its very casual/low risk power application atm, generally speaking.



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go ahead and lemme know when the last time arenanet decided to do sweeping nerfs across the board was

it's not that difficult to figure out that actual strong builds have done nothing but gain and gain since then, with no sign of reversing course

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You can't buff or nerf GW2 PvP out of the trash bin anymore--neither incrementally nor with sweeping changes.  GW2 at large won't ever attract or maintain new players because to get invested into GW2 is to pay to play the "high-sustain glass-cannon" (as this thread puts it) which every profession has hidden in one of the expansions.  There isn't really that much of a skill curve to climb; if you buy the right expac and choose the current build that wins within it, you're going to hit plat with a little bit of effort.

But that dynamic isn't really all that fun.  If every class basically wants to do the same thing at the end of the day, how is anyone supposed to push any creative limits or truly define one's self as an X or Y?  How wide really is that window between "viable" and "wasting your time" when it comes to experimenting with an off-meta strat or--heaven forbid--a generally novel concept?  If every class has a real role, then this game could've had a chance.  None of them really ever did, though, even in the beginning.  PvE was three classes tops; PvP was two.  It's the same way now, except that every class gets to be one of those two things now.  No new roles ever emerged.


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On 5/7/2024 at 12:47 PM, Clumsy.7926 said:

So why is Lonecap constantly in the top 100 EU with rifle berserker? 😂

Easy, because there are always outliers. We all know of those players that can when fights with a paper bag.
So you got one guy that can make it work? This isn't a fps. It's an mmo. As someone who has played pvp in many mmos, trust me when I say, it's always been like this.

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On 5/7/2024 at 2:42 AM, Zekent.3652 said:

It just make no sense trying to play those "glass cannon" builds anymore, used to provide big damage at the cost of less tools/sustain but now everything hits like a truck while also having good tools AND sustain.

This needs to be fixed, a tab-targetting game shouldn't have this problem.

GW2 has always been like that. Everyone can heal, everyone can dps, no one is truly unique. It innately encourages selfish play because you can do everything yourself. I don't need you, I can get to far without your buffs and so can just about anyone. I can heal really well without you. Aegis? Stability? I can do that myself. I'm not saying there aren't support classes or specs that provide MUCH stronger support/heals/buffs. But at its core, no one needs anyone else for anything in particular. If it did, there would be far less roamers in WvW.

Everything has been sped up to an insane degree. How much faster can the game get? There are no diminishing returns on CC. You can get CC'd to death, no chance. Oh we brag about GW2 but even in WoW they had diminishing returns on CC.

Compare that to say a game like Dark Ages of Camelot. It's the pure opposite. There are hard counters. Everyone doesn't have self buffs or strong heals and certain classes are vital for group vs group play. There were classes that were DPS, and among those it was discussed who called targets. There were Control/CC and Heals and heals. Of course you see gvg play in WvW, which I might remind you is based off of the Realm Vs Realm open world combat of Dark Ages of Camelot.

Then comes WoW and you get closer to what we have in GW2. Id be remiss to mention Guild Wars but it wasn't my thing.

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