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Posted (edited)

@Flowki.7194 you know that there is a diff in Holding 1v2 on Sides (wich is btw the SPBs job cause otherwise it wouldn't be a sidenode.... so complaining about a side node doin is job IS another lvl of stupidness.....) and you been able to actually easily winning 1v1s with a meant roaming/plus one build right heck you can even hold 1vX sometimes on the build when good played. So its just that 1 build alone can actually fill multiple roles instead of on Just one role like Spellbreaker for example.


Also you know something is broken when you see a Mace Mace ranger plus vindi comb in enemys Team ...... and everytime you meet this comb its a hard loss even in plat plus games.... its totaly stupid and busted. And yes i know that this is not the case in lower divisions just as gold 3 or something....

Edited by Myror.7521
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4 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 can even hold 1vX sometimes on the build when good played

You can say that from multipble specs if well played, because you just outskill your openent by far then...

4 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:



and everytime you meet this comb its a hard loss even in plat plus games.... its totaly stupid and busted. And yes i know that this is not the case in lower divisions just as gold 3 or something....

Maybe because the ones that team duo up are just in general really good players..

It can win 1v1's like others aswell, but hardly easy when meeting up same lvl of skilled players in their class. So this is a far fetch, if you kill your openents easy with a power build all the time, they get outskilled. Unless you have really high sustain that you facetank a lot without dodging certain stuff even, vindi can't if you catch them out off the dodges.

And if I think which one duo you're mostly talking about, you really got outskilled by them overall lvl

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 you know that there is a diff in Holding 1v2 on Sides (wich is btw the SPBs job cause otherwise it wouldn't be a sidenode.... so complaining about a side node doin is job IS another lvl of stupidness.....) and you been able to actually easily winning 1v1s with a meant roaming/plus one build right heck you can even hold 1vX sometimes on the build when good played. So its just that 1 build alone can actually fill multiple roles instead of on Just one role like Spellbreaker for example.


Also you know something is broken when you see a Mace Mace ranger plus vindi comb in enemys Team ...... and everytime you meet this comb its a hard loss even in plat plus games.... its totaly stupid and busted. And yes i know that this is not the case in lower divisions just as gold 3 or something....

Hang on mate, being a side noder and being able to hold out 2v1 are not the same thing. A duelist is a duelist, as in 1v1.. I have no problem with a spec gearing for, and being strong in a 1v1, but SPB/Druid/Untamed have took that to game breaking levels, making 1v1's far too one sided for the skill input. At higher skill, they can then hold out 2v1 + LOS abusing, which is BAD GAME DESIGN. The only specs that should be able to hold out 2v1, for a short duration, are full supports. That reason is clear, they forgo the ability to kill ANYTHING outside of an afk player, in order to have the utility to support team mates. One of the paybacks for that, is they have to be able to survive the onslaught of DPS through mitigation.. since they have no DPS to kill the attackers (the ultimate mitigation).


If you fundementally beleive that just picking SPB should entitle you to hold out 2v1 then I guess we have very different ideas of effort/skill/reward. I could accept SPB holding out if it was actually harder to play in order to unlock that reward, but it isn't.. leading to this situation where in 1v1, it is nion impossible to draw mistaked from the SPB that it cannot recover from. No offense to spb mains, but it is a cheap, crutch duelist in its current itteration. Untamed with maces (relative to normal power untamed) has reached that status also, easier to play than its previous virsion, and dominating 1v1s through shear stab/daze/cc spam. These are crutches.


Again, nobody is suggesting vindi is weak atm. However, taking an unbias objective stance, vindi only brings dps to the table, nothing else, and it can be heavily pressured if you time CC between evades. Im telling you out of pure honesty.. I'd rather fight vindis than fight SPB/mace rangers of any sort. The design of those specs reduces the punishment for face tanking.. which means you can play flawlessly in 80% of the encounter (as in applying/avoiding dps or CC), and they can still turn that fight around just from getting it right 20% of the time. That, again.. is the definition of crutch spec.. and more importantly to note; they are both power spec, see title/op post?


You can also add DH to the list, look how it was with stealth, look how it is now.. mechanics that essentially allow it to face tank while dropping traps, and then spams unblockables to apply its damage, never mind actual timing here.. just spam it and see what happens. Yet another example of crutch crept power mechanics is SLB compared to original power untamed. I think we all know SLB is far easier to apply damage than power untamed, and the micromanedgement of pet/unlseash from the original untamed power builds. WB is back in popular use, which is still front loaded to land dps, then has ample mobility to escape when boons fade. DE essentially gets stealth just for not being afk.. yet another easier step into damage application relative to its DD counterpart, do I reallly need to keep going on? Many power specs are not risky.. and applying the damage has never been easier. Ele isnt exempt either, the lates arcane shield is just another example of cheap access to easy stab. At-least back in cata meta, you had to combo for most of it.. now you can just chain 2x arcane. Every power spec is being given these casual types of fixes, why pretend they are anything less?

Edited by Flowki.7194
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@Flowki.7194 nah i don't think any spec should be able to hold 1v2 too long just by using it. (Yes Spellbreaker was doing it easily before Nerf. Now its just less this way tho) But im also against something like vindicator cause it can easily fill multiple roles in one build and this should also not be the case if you ask me ^^

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On 5/12/2024 at 1:22 PM, arazoth.7290 said:

In the right hands, it doesn't when you know what to do.

But people who want to try it because they heard about will die easier then other specs that are easier for how it rewards...

So for who tries this and is new and go against some players who are little bit decent average, they die easier.

So I guess from your experience I am hearing you don't know and haven't seen others who tried and didn't put up same results.

Over the last couple of days I have had few people ask me for tips about the current most played revenant build. I gave them explination which skills are for sustain, kiting, offense and when to use. After this they tried it and went against some regular people inside ffa and unranked, they died a lot easier then you would expect.

So it's far from hop on the class first time, copy the build, little bit reading trying out and surviving a lot + killing. There will always be exceptions who are just really good players, but the majority won't have this experience.

So to sum up from your experience not knowing about this all, I think you indeed would probably die

a new player will die a lot with most classes its just some they die less easy on certain classes like necro because its easier to learn.

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@Axl.8924 while your right .... He is also. Vindicator is actually dominating the higher Divisions only. Its how ever Bad in Divisions like gold silber and bronze cause If bad played it dies realy hard^^ How ever If good played its also god mode Ranger Mace Mace lvl of broken xD


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On 5/13/2024 at 3:33 PM, Dadnir.5038 said:

A few years ago, there was someone claiming that it was a condi meta because most meta build were applying weakness and vulnerability...

No. If we go back enough years condi durations wete much more. And there was a lot more condi application within skills and traits.  

A lot of that was toned down over the years along with the fact some more classes gaining traits that consistently cleanse condis. Condis just dont really stick to a player unless you play something like condi reaper


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