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The problems I encountered when I became Commander.

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I have only one advice for you.. Trolls are exactly like Pavlovs dog. Just make them think the bell means food and they will come everytime you ring the bell.

So all you have to do is make sure they leave interactions with you sad and they will stop doing it.. Mad or scared won't work because people like those emotions. So stop threating unreasonable people and just make them sad.

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On 5/23/2024 at 1:43 AM, eriniy.8607 said:

As you can see from the picture below, I have been playing the game for a long time.


The problems are that some players and groups in the game cause me to experience many bad events because they do not want us to be Commanders.I encounter a lot of harassment when I open a commander tag for my own group in a meta event or WvW, which I have done maybe 1000 times.In every aspect of the game, I encounter such old players who think they know everything better than anyone else and see us as just a tool for themselves.

Few days ago I said no to the WvW commander's invitation. The reason for this is that I don't like his management and I don't like how he changes maps frequently.Until I opened my own commander tag, I received hundreds of invitations(harassment purposes). Old groups, well known by these players, are harassing me in PVP and PVE.I made the necessary notification to the support team about this issue, but this situation was quite disturbing. I was attacked again because I randomly participated and opened a commander tag in an event where there were supposed to be three commanders.

I have money, I have a commander tag, I know how to play and I will open my commander tag as long as the game allows me. Unlike you, entering my group is free:.I know why this bothers some groups of players.For example, a YouTuber from my country who was new to the game started by purchasing an account from another player.In other words, since getting stronger by playing game causes them to lose money, those who sell game accounts are trying to prevent this.Apart from this, there are people in the game who deserve me, who play in many different guilds with many different accounts, who direct the economy of the game or who see the game as a source of money.I do not use any add-ons or websites other than the wiki related to the game, because they are all dangerous and illegal.Just like the players I rank above, I stay away from such players as much as possible.They still mess with me because I don't behave the way they want.

I'm not a gamer that you can control or that will behave the way you want.I am someone who plays the game for fun and has never had anything to do with such players.As I said, I asked the support team for help on this issue and I will send an e-mail again by uploading a video. However, I advise other players to be careful and block such people.

Think about it. I'm being insulted just because I'm a commander.

I agree with you 110%, there are some petty acting individuals playing gw2. They do try to block your fun and gameplay basically projecting themselves and their hangups onto others. Gatekeeping, game setting manipulation and all sorts of immature trickery. The sad part is there's a bunch of them that all run together and come to each others defense when one is called out, unless it's only a few hopping on different accounts trying to seem like it's many. 

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Posted (edited)

Judging by this, and your most recent post, I'd contend that any problems you might have with the game, particularly social ones, might be a you thing more than a them thing.

Edited by T G.7496
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Posted (edited)

All around this was a strange post. A player with 1k hours in GW2 is, in a general sense, a "new-ish" player. Pretending to command effectively in WvW with 1k hours is kind of a joke; you basically don't know what you're doing in 99% of the critical situations. Do you have the right to tag? Sure, but accept that the tag (especially in WvW) comes with an expectation of experience and expertise which you don't have. And people will call you out for it, because it also affects them.

Most of the people answering to this post have 5x-10x that number of hours and don't have that "I paid for my tag, so I'm gonna use it whenever I want to" attitude. That's ego talking. The tag doesn't make you a better player or make anybody owe you any sort of special treatment. I don't condone you being harassed by anyone for any reason, but lets make it clear you're not being harassed because "you're a commander" (you're not, you just had a spare bit of gold to buy a tag), you're being harassed because you more than likely misuse your tag and then have an attitude about it when you're called out on it.  Block. Move on. Learn to use your tag before popping it.

Edited by devastoscz.9851
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