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Buff Eviscerate [PvP/WvW]

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It's way too weak at level 1 and 2, especially considering that it is single target and has a long telegraph.


Make power coefficient 1.82 for all burst levels (same as Arcing slice when target <50%)

Change might generation to 1/8/15 stack(s) for 5s depending on burst tier.


This makes the burst powerful and worthwhile even at tier 1 (obviously important for SpB), while still making saving up for a a T2-3 burst a good option.

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4 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I think that would work, but I also think returning Might to 5 stacks and buffing the coefficients to 1.75/2/2.5 would work better. Let me have a strong burst rather than a strong followup to the burst. The burst itself is the follow up after all.

Yeah, that would be my preference, too, honestly. I proposed what I did because ANet seems to have an aversion to skills having a power coefficient >2. So assuming they cap the dmg at 2.0 (which is actually what decapitate and level 3 Eviscerate are now), I figured having a slightly less powerful burst that is available at t1 would be preferable.

But yes, if they would be willing to go >2.0, your idea would be better.

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7 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 nah 2.5 would be too mutch since it allready crit hit for around 4-6k. I would say an only slightly buff though it would be allready enough xp. (1.66/2.0/2.33) Would be the way to Go ^^

I'd be happy with this.  It just needs more...

But, honestly, I think warrior burst tiers are an outdated mechanic. Consider: SpB can only use T1 bursts; Berserker rarely uses core bursts and needs to save adrenaline for berserk mode; and bladesworn can't use bursts at all.  And since core specs aren't really viable in any game mode, core warrior can't really expect to see much play.

Therefore, burst skills' damage should balanced around T1 with some expanded effects at higher tiers (e.g., Arcing Slice, Flurry). Hence my suggestions in the OP.

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