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Will Homesteads have VIP Lounge-like features?

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On 6/5/2024 at 2:04 PM, frazazel.7501 said:

If I had to guess, they probably will remain exclusive to VIP Lounges and other hub towns.

Those things are absolutely necessary for most players to interact with the housing mechanic. Otherwise, what would be the point of using it over any hub area?  I'd prefer a system where they are all available but locked initially and unlocked through the new housing crafting profession with enough investment.  

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59 minutes ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

Those things are absolutely necessary for most players to interact with the housing mechanic. Otherwise, what would be the point of using it over any hub area?  I'd prefer a system where they are all available but locked initially and unlocked through the new housing crafting profession with enough investment.  

What would be the point of lounges then?

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Just now, Linken.6345 said:

What would be the point of lounges then?

The same point that homesteads are.  A place players go to quickly get their banking and home instance node harvesting done.  Except with homesteads, it's exclusive to the player and presumably customizable to a point.

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1 minute ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

The same point that homesteads are.  A place players go to quickly get their banking and home instance node harvesting done.  Except with homesteads, it's exclusive to the player and presumably customizable to a point.

Uhm so lounges and home instances together is as good as homesteads?

Since you take one thing from each and added it to the other.

Yea I dont think Anet want to gut their gemstore items in favor of homesteads bud.

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Just now, Linken.6345 said:

Uhm so lounges and home instances together is as good as homesteads?

Since you take one thing from each and added it to the other.

Yea I dont think Anet want to gut their gemstore items in favor of homesteads bud.

Homesteads are part of the expansion and paid for too.  It's effectively just a paid customizable personal lounge.  What would be the point of even interacting with it if it didn't have the features of one?

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16 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

Homesteads are part of the expansion and paid for too.  It's effectively just a paid customizable personal lounge.  What would be the point of even interacting with it if it didn't have the features of one?

Well the point is to fill out a mastery and to decorate it is what it looks like.

So yea the point is not to take away anything from lounges.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well the point is to fill out a mastery and to decorate it is what it looks like.

So yea the point is not to take away anything from lounges.

That logic doesn't follow.  By that logic, each new lounge took away from past lounges. 

The point of lounges is to provide quick and easy access to functionalities normally reserved for city hubs, with only cosmetic differences and maybe a small functionality difference, such as the Mislock lounge granting access to fractals and the Canthan lounge having fishing. 

They don't "take away" from each other.  They provide unique cosmetics over the same set of functionalities in the same way equipment skins look different but the stats remain the same.

The Homestead lounge should have the same features as the other paid lounges, with the distinguishing feature being everything is locked behind a crafting system and investment and placement of stations should be customizable.

Edited by DeathPanel.8362
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1 hour ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

That logic doesn't follow.  By that logic, each new lounge took away from past lounges. 

The point of lounges is to provide quick and easy access to functionalities normally reserved for city hubs, with only cosmetic differences and maybe a small functionality difference, such as the Mislock lounge granting access to fractals and the Canthan lounge having fishing. 

They don't "take away" from each other.  They provide unique cosmetics over the same set of functionalities in the same way equipment skins look different but the stats remain the same.

The Homestead lounge should have the same features as the other paid lounges, with the distinguishing feature being everything is locked behind a crafting system and investment and placement of stations should be customizable.

The homestead is not a lounge.

It is an upgraded home instance and said upgrade we know about atm is being able to decorate it.

There will surely be something else too given there is a mastery tied to it.

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On 6/9/2024 at 11:18 AM, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I'd actually been thinking about this as well. Should Homesteads have crafting? Well, yes and no. Should they have ALL the crafting stations? No. They should not. However, we also don't use all the crafting stations. By default, you have two crafting licenses. So perhaps we could have a crafting area that we can choose, one crafting area that you can choose from your particular crafting licenses.

As the housing is account wide, and we can have dozens of characters on an account, and each character can have two crafting licenses, shouldn't the homestead be able to serve all licenses if it is going to serve any?

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30 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

The homestead is not a lounge.

It is an upgraded home instance and said upgrade we know about atm is being able to decorate it.

There will surely be something else too given there is a mastery tied to it.

There's no reason it shouldn't have lounge features.  A central hub where one goes for all the home node harvesting and crafting would be a good qol feature.

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35 minutes ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

There's no reason it shouldn't have lounge features.  A central hub where one goes for all the home node harvesting and crafting would be a good qol feature.

The reason is it make lounges less qol so not as worthy of the gems.

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9 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

The reason is it make lounges less qol so not as worthy of the gems.

That logic would be applicable to every lounge they launched after the 1st one.  Clearly, that wasn't the case since they kept on releasing new lounges.

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3 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

That logic would be applicable to every lounge they launched after the 1st one.  Clearly, that wasn't the case since they kept on releasing new lounges.

No since they are all lounges and that some focus on fishing, wvw or fractals dont take away from the others.

I dont wvw I dont fish but I did fractals so I got the mistlock sanctuary pass.

I would most likely buy a strike focused lounge pass too so I did not have to change bettwen ibs, eod, soto and any other expansions strike and instead have them in the same instance.

That is for when I buy soto and if there will be any more strikes later.

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On 6/10/2024 at 4:57 PM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

The one that they absolutely should have (if unlocked on the account) is the Home Cooking Station, and it should be available for all characters for at least bank access use. It's idiotic that we have to spend lots of mostly account-bound gold and materials for a home instance unlock that (for practical purposes) is soulbound.

I mean, who's going to level up another Chef just to gain access to something you should already have access to? Any character can walk up to any public cooking station and use the bank tab, whether that character is a Chef or not. But the one that you spend time, effort and resources to earn for your own home instance? Nope, none of your other characters are even allowed to look at it unless they're a high-level Chef.

I will keep banging on this drum because it's a stupid, stupid, stupid limitation.

I don't disagree with you and a home should have a kitchen in it. So why not both? My main is a tailor and a weaponsmith and I would really like to have a tailoring table in my home somewhere. So let the kitchen be a crafting area, and set aside some space for a variable crafting station, owners choice minus cooking because obvious.

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On 6/10/2024 at 6:36 PM, Linken.6345 said:

What would be the point of lounges then?

I read through all your posts, but I had to pick one of them to reply to so I just picked the first, and I despise your arguement. And it's not the first time I've seen it. I've already had this discussion at length before and the answer was the same then. "Oh won't someone think of the lounges!" "What about the people that already bought their passes?" "You don't understand how the game is designed" and on and on and all -I- was asking is that Lion's Pride put you back where you used it instead of to New Lion's Arch. NOW we get to have this conversation all over again because people want to have....A CRAFTING STATION in their homestead. Or for the Home Instance teleport to work with their homestead. Along with other arguements and I'm tired of it. I don't care anymore. NOt about what people want, but I don't care about the arguement. I don't care about the lounges. I don't care about peoples investments. I don't care about peoples feelings because at this point its being weaponized as an excuse to not let the other players have things. It's the "I got mine, you screw off" arguement because if everyone had bank access then suddenly you'd feel like your lounge pass wasn't as valuable, as if Anet wouldn't still be selling them on the regular. It's not an excuse. It's bitterness, resentment, and hostility even if it's passive hostility and I'm done tolerating it.

Lion's Pride should return you to where you started.
The Home Instance Portal should take you to the homestead.
The Homestead should have a crafting station and bank storage.

And I will automatically and emphatically dismiss and scorn any arguement to the contrary because they are not arguements, just tears from spoiled children.

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17 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

As the housing is account wide, and we can have dozens of characters on an account, and each character can have two crafting licenses, shouldn't the homestead be able to serve all licenses if it is going to serve any?

Okay, I have two points here:

First off, yes, these things are account wide, but not everything has to be. Lots of things are character specific or character dependent and having the variable craftign station in your homestead change from character to character isn't hard. I could code that and I'm not even terribly proficient at coding. So no worries there.

As for all the crafting stations...well, that's just too much. Don't get me wrong, from a pragmatic point of view you're right but look at the size of the crafting areas. They're huge, and we don't want to waste space on stations you're not going to use anyway. So a single station would give you crafting of your choice and bank access, which are things we need. TECHNICALLY speaking, and I hope they don't do this, they could just make a generic crafting area and you could just pick the active license from a menu, but I would much rather see a visual change with each license selected. Then again, I guess they could just have a single spot and the visual station change with the menu selection, so maybe it does all work.

Oh, and the menu selection should be FREE. We're just selecting the license we already have NOT learning a new license per the crafting master. Better add that before someone adds a nominal fee.

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Personally, depends on how accurate the term "homestead" is (lore wise)...  a well equipped house could easily have crafting type equipment (sowing machines, tool chests, etc...) but I'm not sure how many "other" people I want hanging out at my house... a mystic forge attendant, a laurel trader, a banker, a trading post agent.... you start moving all these people in and your house becomes a town.  I mean, I am not sure if I want Miyani rummaging through my house for things to give Zommoros while I'm half a world away in Cantha.



Edited by somedoug.6328
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I'd say that the homestead is unlikely to have access to all (or even most) of the lounge options, specifically the Asura Gate and Mystic Toilet. Having a bunch of vendor NPCs standing around in your place also seems improbable, and that would also seem to rule out the BLT trader. Although we could probably have some kind of Asura terminal that would allow for shopping online, as it were.

The achievement-based Cooking station is mandatory and non-negotiable imho, but if there were a selectable station it could use the holographic style and just beam the appropriate workbench into existence.

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5 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

No since they are all lounges and that some focus on fishing, wvw or fractals dont take away from the others.


And the homestead lounge can focus on providing access to resource nodes.  You've yet to show how it "takes away" from others.  You just claim it.

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1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I read through all your posts, but I had to pick one of them to reply to so I just picked the first, and I despise your arguement. And it's not the first time I've seen it. I've already had this discussion at length before and the answer was the same then. "Oh won't someone think of the lounges!" "What about the people that already bought their passes?" "You don't understand how the game is designed" and on and on and all -I- was asking is that Lion's Pride put you back where you used it instead of to New Lion's Arch. NOW we get to have this conversation all over again because people want to have....A CRAFTING STATION in their homestead. Or for the Home Instance teleport to work with their homestead. Along with other arguements and I'm tired of it. I don't care anymore. NOt about what people want, but I don't care about the arguement. I don't care about the lounges. I don't care about peoples investments. I don't care about peoples feelings because at this point its being weaponized as an excuse to not let the other players have things. It's the "I got mine, you screw off" arguement because if everyone had bank access then suddenly you'd feel like your lounge pass wasn't as valuable, as if Anet wouldn't still be selling them on the regular. It's not an excuse. It's bitterness, resentment, and hostility even if it's passive hostility and I'm done tolerating it.

Lion's Pride should return you to where you started.
The Home Instance Portal should take you to the homestead.
The Homestead should have a crafting station and bank storage.

And I will automatically and emphatically dismiss and scorn any arguement to the contrary because they are not arguements, just tears from spoiled children.

Everyone already do have bank access, merchant and black lion trading access with the ability to get back to were you started from.

Its been in since release it is called spvp lobby the crossed swords top left of your screen you click the same crossed swords when your done and press leave spvp lobby option.

Crafting have always been main cities some map like ebonhawke, hubs ( eye of the north if upgraded and arborstone) and lounges so yea it will devalue the lounges want access to that buy a lounge or go to a main city.

Not even sunsrefuge got crafting access and thats were it could have been a point to put in giving the story part already had a smith only needed to add the other craftsmen/women trickleing in due to story stuff and set up shop.

 And yes Anet will be selling them and you + others who want this access is free to buy it anytime for gems that they are back in the store.

45 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

The achievement-based Cooking station is mandatory and non-negotiable imho, but if there were a selectable station it could use the holographic style and just beam the appropriate workbench into existence.

True forgot about that yea a cook already have access to bank I agree that should carry over aswell as the home instance cats.

10 minutes ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

And the homestead lounge can focus on providing access to resource nodes.  You've yet to show how it "takes away" from others.  You just claim it.

fixed that typo for you bud, it is not a lounge so should not have said city hubs features it is why the started with lounges in the first place.

Edited by Linken.6345
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6 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

fixed that typo for you bud, it is not a lounge so should not have said city hubs features it is why the started with lounges in the first place.

Nice try at deflecting but word policing aside you've still yet to show how it "takes away" from lounges.  You already admitted lounges don't take away from each other despite having similar features, so why would Homestead "take away" from lounges by having similar features?

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53 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

I'd say that the homestead is unlikely to have access to all (or even most) of the lounge options, specifically the Asura Gate and Mystic Toilet. Having a bunch of vendor NPCs standing around in your place also seems improbable, and that would also seem to rule out the BLT trader. Although we could probably have some kind of Asura terminal that would allow for shopping online, as it were.

The achievement-based Cooking station is mandatory and non-negotiable imho, but if there were a selectable station it could use the holographic style and just beam the appropriate workbench into existence.

If Homestead doesn't have at the very least city hub features (crafting stations, basic vendor) there will be no incentive to interact with the mechanic aside from maybe achievement hunting, which isn't the top priority for the vast majority of players.

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16 minutes ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:


there will be no incentive to interact with the mechanic aside from maybe achievement hunting, which isn't the top priority for the vast majority of players.

Yes thats most likely what it will be.

It is a upgraded home instance the thing alot of people dont bother with upgrading with all wood, metal and veggie nodes either atm.

The only thing we know it will have is the ability to decorate it  yourself like you can if you own a guild hall.

Should be less expensive and easier to get materials then what it is for said guild hall ( holding my thumbs here because who knows how expensive the new crafting profession will be)

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21 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes thats most likely what it will be.

It is a upgraded home instance the thing alot of people dont bother with upgrading with all wood, metal and veggie nodes either atm.

The only thing we know it will have is the ability to decorate it  yourself like you can if you own a guild hall.

Should be less expensive and easier to get materials then what it is for said guild hall ( holding my thumbs here because who knows how expensive the new crafting profession will be)

Most players wouldn't want to interact with a gold/resource sink with no QOL or functionality.  I highly doubt this is the approach ANET will take.  The main reason lounges and home instances are interacted with is because of functionality.  The Homestead will have to provide functionality similar to that of lounges and home instances, or something else equivalent, to incentivize players to interact with it.

You still haven't demonstrated how Homesteads would "take away" from lounges by having similar functionality when you already conceded lounges don't take away from each other by having similar functionality.

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Well if they are transplanting nodes and such from our home instances to our homesteads, could they do the same with lounge passes?  For example, if you have Thousand Seas it could unlock a fishing pond.  Or what about something similar to an Ausra portal that would take you from your home instance (and back) to any lounge you have purchased a pass for?

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