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Questions about shadow arts and deadeye trees


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Random questions about thief traits

  1. Whats the difference between shadow protector and shadow rejuvenation and why does the latter not proc with cloak and dagger
  2. Does leeching venoms cause extra damage when it siphons health
  3. Where is the synergy between shadow arts and deadeye ive read about a couple of times?
  4. Whats the point of shadow meld how to use it?
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Protector as described grants regen boon to allies. Not just yourself but allies. Shadow rejuv is on other hand is selfish heal, not a boon so it can't be corrupted for example. For me shadow rejuv works, however it has interval and you obviously need to be not at full HP to see the heal.

i don't understand your question. Siphon health always causes damage to the target (unless they are invul).

SA gives you some sustain, stealth on steal, longer stealth duration and better in regen given that DE kind of needs it. You can sit in stealth in kneel (or rather sniper's cover if you take it or shadow meld) longer basically, waiting for malice stacks for example.

Can't answer that, DE is not my thing. The true question is, what is the point of DE kek.

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@"alexsapounas.7593" said:Random questions about thief traits

  1. Where is the synergy between shadow arts and deadeye ive read about a couple of times?
  2. Whats the point of shadow meld how to use it?

3: Shadow Arts enhances stealth in several ways, and DE grants additional access to stealth in several ways (Snipers Cover, new utility and Elite stealth skills)

4: Shadow Meld has a few benefits:

  • Allows the DE to slot an additional Stealth skill in a slot where no stealth skill was available before (which either frees up a regular slot for another skill or allows the DE to have more access to stealth)
  • Allows the thief to stealth even when under the revealed effect
  • Uses the Ammo system so it can be used multiple times
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About siphon life dmg i read the wiki mention some dmg number and gave me the impression that if u have ur dagger coated in poison u deal apart from weapon dmg and venom dmg also siphon life dmg which i dont know if its considerable along with lower poison skills cd and giving a dmg boost to non dmg poisons.Shadow meld has a cooldown between ammo uses so u get the same with cloak and dagger or powder pistol hs combo. Rifle doesnt rly need it cause of kneel. Also for shadow meld u have to be deadeye..Is double backstab a thing for instance in pve or pvp? Is it for backstabs in d/p thiefs?

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  1. Staggering stealth, not perma stealth, lets you take traits like Revealed Malice and Revealed Training and then something like Be Quick or Be Killed to top off an opener and reset the opener if you need to. Since you're staggering that stealth throughout the fight you're getting your traits worth of condi clear, movement speed, and damage reduction while masking your direction and dropping yourself as a target often and hopefully at range most of the time. Take your pick of Shadow Arts, I like Cloaked in Shadow for the area blind since I'm in the middle of squad play half of the time, but I do miss using Rending Shade. Reviving people gives you another stealth and makes it look like you care.

  2. "3. ... and reset the opener if you need to...", plus a back up stealth if you need to mask your getaway around a corner or across a hall or something. I like to manage my ammo for ammo skills and leave at least one Meld loaded, you never know when someone or some squad wants to mess with you specifically.

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@alexsapounas.7593 said:Random questions about thief traits

  1. Whats the difference between shadow protector and shadow rejuvenation and why does the latter not proc with cloak and dagger
  2. Does leeching venoms cause extra damage when it siphons health
  3. Where is the synergy between shadow arts and deadeye ive read about a couple of times?
  4. Whats the point of shadow meld how to use it?

3.shadow arts will give you insane sustain if you can stealth alot. with one, if not the best condi clear trait in game Shadows Embrace as well as health +ini reagen with shadows rejuvenation , 25% dmg reduction in stealth(also for allies you stealth) , 50% movement speed in stealth, stealth on mark and on rez (also for ally;extremly strong) and ofc longer stealth from skills. if you play a oneshot gimmick build like i do, you will gain very little extra damage from DA(10% if you use stolen skill during DJ/backstab for a condi and +200 power from reveald training) or Trickery(15% from lead attacks) and no extra damage from Acro, so its better to take this insane sustain. especially with rifle you need to go alot into stealth to keep your range or wait for malice to try a oneshot so you benefit alot from those traits.

4:shadow meld is for me mostly kind of oh shit button in WvW, i dont need it for perma stealth but mainly to stealth while revealed. if i just oneshot someone out of a group i can be visible for less than 3s with this and often caue people not to react, not to rez, so i can stomp. and ofc for reveal skills or anti stealth trap. and if you hide in keeps and terrorize scouts, you will run in ALOT of anti stealth traps.

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