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Anet, why do you fail so much at basic balance?

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Also just adding the third reminder.


I have made this statement multiple times, that SPB/druid are in the same ball park difficulty as condi mech, and nobody here has argued otherwise.


Go check the history of forums and see good players looking down on condi mech for being "too easy" for being "brainded". And now here we are, SPB/druid, similar in difficulty, 3x+ more effective than condi mech. Justify the double standards?.. or just ignore this and keep coping on crutch caried Anet hand outs.

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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Flowki.7194 you know there is a diff between "smashing button" Like Rotations Style like an ele and actually timing your skills to punish your enemys. If you just smash your buttons your 100% not a good warr lol

All specs are essentially using a rotation "most" of the time. An optimal burst sequence, an optimal team heal/utility sequence, etc. The difference is the complexity of the rotation, and the punishment for mistakes within the rotation. Additionally, when specs have more abilitys, the diversity of the "alternative rotations" increases. Do you really want to get into this? Becuase long story short, warrior is one of the most mechanically simple classes in the game. Condi zerker is brainded, even zerkers admit that, blade is brainded. SPB has a bit more going on mechanically, but not vastly more than condi mech, so why is SPB 3x+ more effective? Will you of all people answer this?.. you know full well good players look down on condi mech, why not spb? Is it becuase it is power?, well, condi zerker isn't power, and it is by far the most brainded condi spec in the game, yet another warrior build.


Power is both sustain and mobility crept, while very few are weak to condi anymore. It is geneuinely more risk/effort to play something like condi mech than a lot of the current most popular power specs, that is how crept power got.


Myor, please don't take this personal, I know you enjoy warrior, and you seem like a decent person. What I am getting at here is effort/risk > reward ratio. Warrior has no business being anywhere near meta at its current effort/risk rate, just like my own build has no business being anywhere near meta. Yes, it is my opinion that more effort/risk should = more reward, but within that opinion, is an unbias take.. too many low effort/risk builds are overperforming.. and that is an absolute kick in the nuts for average skill level players on things like holo, hammer cata, herald, and multiple other moderate-high effort/punishing specs. Look around at the class/spec representations, its so fking obvious you'd have to be bias to refute it.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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16 minutes ago, Avatar.3568 said:

idk i think it was ele and it was a few weeks ago, i just can remember because i read your posts

It was more likely the meme FA tempest, I havent been foolish brave enough to play hammer cata last 2 seasons.

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@Flowki.7194 well what i want to tell you is. You can not say "but this whole class needed more skill than the other class".

It is more like "this build is more easy to play than the other one".

See i get that Defence staff spellbreaker is more easy to play than for example fresh air ele or something like that. But this is how the meta works u want to play the less efford/most rewarding Builds. I myself would also prefer strength spellbreaker over the defence one since its more punishing for doing mistakes and in that case more fun to Play ^^

Besides this .... i know that the difficulty on warrior is not to stay alife (compared to other classes). The difficulty is to do your dmg since most of your hard hit attacks are so telegraphed.

Edited by Myror.7521
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Spellbreaker has three things running for it that makes it just a better core warrior.

  1. Full Counter:
    Literally just an additional defensive tool that blocks a single attack and is unblockable in return. This is only as available as it is due to Warrior NEEDING to run the Disipline trait line for the Fast Hands minor trait and getting the Versatile Power minor trait as a side effect, reducing cooldowns 12s  → 10.2s.
  2. Attacker's Insight:
    A free stat buff for doing warrior things like CC.
  3. Magebane Tether:
    A tool that negates a solid 95% of every other professions disengage tomfoolery and actually allows warriors to stay in melee range.

None of the actual Spellbreaker skills are viable for PvP, so core warrior skills are the only things used anyways. You dont even get acces to tier 3 bursts so your only operating on half speed on your core profession mechanics anyway.
This is technically fine since the idea was that you were gonna use dagger anyway that does nothing but more damage with higher burst tiers anyway, unfortunately dagger was designed around Attacker's Insight stat buffs in mind so the weapon is underpowered by default.

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16 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

is this another thread about how cata was totally fine 

Not at all, but in double standard fashion, everything people complained about with power cata has been surpassed by the current popular specs, one way or the other. Plenty of stab going around, plenty of attack while block-immune, more CC/daze, and mobility in general is high, while punishment/risk/effort is lower. Do you think that is untrue? 



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1 minute ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

one day Flowki will post a gameplay VOD and we will all be blown away by their amazing off meta builds, and their amazing off meta skills

one day...

one day...

Yeah when the average game is not being farmed by p2, or farming g1s, ill post a vid. Till then, I duel a lot in arena, anybody is welcome to join. My dueling level on core rev is around g3-p1, I have nothing to hide here.

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2 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Yeah when the average game is not being farmed by p2, or farming g1s, ill post a vid. Till then, I duel a lot in arena, anybody is welcome to join. My dueling level on core rev is around g3-p1, I have nothing to hide here.

nothing to hide? so post VOD then.

show us what you talk about in your posts, give us indisputable evidence. c'mon.

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6 minutes ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Im not hard to find, make your own video.

thought so. no VOD, no gameplay to back up your claims. nothing to hide eh? I doubt that, I can feel your nerves thru the screen.

as for easy to find? yeah, let me pay to transfer to EU and start waking up in the middle of the night to stalk you just to see if you can actually back up the skills you claim to have in posts with actual gameplay...

don't think so, I'll just assume you are terrified to show your own gameplay and just want to continue writing poor little ele essays. am correct? if not prove me wrong and put egg on my face.

nothing to hide? eh'?

and c'mon who here doesn't wanna see P1 core rev gameplay. I know I do 🥵

Edited by Bunbury.8472
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Imagine doing the effort to make a video about everything you're trying to say for that 1 person. Only for them to already have an answer/judgement ready if it would be posted. 

Don't waste time for them 😁

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

thought so. no VOD, no gameplay to back up your claims. nothing to hide eh? I doubt that, I can feel your nerves thru the screen.

as for easy to find? yeah, let me pay to transfer to EU and start waking up in the middle of the night to stalk you just to see if you can actually back up the skills you claim to have in posts with actual gameplay...

don't think so, I'll just assume you are terrified to show your own gameplay and just want to continue writing poor little ele essays. am correct? if not prove me wrong and put egg on my face.

nothing to hide? eh'?

and c'mon who here doesn't wanna see P1 core rev gameplay. I know I do 🥵

Come and join me in sPvP, we can play 5 or 10 games together when 5s start, then you can littearlly make your own video about how much core rev (or me) sucks, etc. Deal?



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13 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Imagine doing the effort to make a video about everything you're trying to say for that 1 person. Only for them to already have an answer/judgement ready if it would be posted. 

Don't waste time for them 😁

Exactly. If he is P2+ then nothing I do will be good enough for him, becuase he's right, I'm not at that level. If he's low p1 or below, he can jusdge for himself in our duos (which he is 100% is not going to do).

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