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A sad case of player not knowing Mirage mechanics (WvW)

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Just saw this, and feeling sorry for the this mesmer who is being accused of using a dodge bot.

I actually fought this mesmer and they were kind enough to give me the build. Its just sad that the mirage dodged his attacks and killed him a few times and he has to make a vid calling the person of using a dodge bot.


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Yeah they would need a bigger sample size to show dodge activation timing, if somehow it was able to trigger all the time exactly synchronised on specific opponent skill usage (I have no idea if that is even possible).

But otherwise, lol, imagine if they fought pof release mirage with 1s dodge, elusive mind no exhaustion stunbreak, 20s IA, 20s jaunt, adventurer rune on mirror heal etc. Even after all the nerfs and huge windows of opportunity to smack the mirage down, immobilise being almost a death sentence, still people find the ability to complain about it.

It's only dagger ambush that's busted (balanced by the normal 1-3 skills being terrible), and even then it has less defence. Axe has it's teeth pulled out without the trait, sword is like purely mobility, and cooldowns totally suck now without staff perma alacrity. About the only decent thing that has happened is Mental Gymnastics giving another source of vigour, which may open some build options.

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The video creator is a moron, he has rudimentry knowledge of the game and is at best the usual trash NA reaction streamer gamer.

How do I back up this statement? He didn't target the mesmer most of the time even when it was very clear for 2s and all he had to do to completely shut down the build was use elixir gun auto attack as weakness reduces endurance regen. Also commenting he has no mobility when he has both shift signet and rocket boots is next level copium.

He got outskilled, plain and simple and not even by someone who's great, just someone with a strong build rotating their skills.

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23 hours ago, Curunen.8729 said:


But otherwise, lol, imagine if they fought pof release mirage with 1s dodge, elusive mind no exhaustion stunbreak, 20s IA, 20s jaunt, adventurer rune on mirror heal etc. Even after all the nerfs and huge windows of opportunity to smack the mirage down, immobilise being almost a death sentence, still people find the ability to complain about it.


Exactly. And people forget how to solo fight, they’re so used to running away when convenient and ganking outnumbered. Mind you, This guy not only chased this mesmer clear across the map as a 22k health Mech. But also forgets NOT EVERYONE IS BAD. The mesmer has dodge keybinded and is reacting preemptively decent. Meanwhile, the chasing mech failed to dodge any ability whatsoever and realized that mesmer is condi or cele. And got bursted, then cries because he didn’t use any stun breaks or condi cleanse and dies as a result. So the enemy dodged Your abilities but you failed todo the same. People like this shouldn’t have 4K followers. I’d be losing brain cells if I watched more than 5 mins of this trash gameplay. Quiet honestly. Wish people would watch their own gameplay before posting about someone else’s because wow the delusion 

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Combination of you using your skills into the dodge and Mesmer dodging your skills is what's happening. Mirage has LOT I frames. If you're evading or in distortion you shouldn't be able to use skills/damage (coming from Vindicator player). You can CC people in evades, blocks for example (guardian gs 5 pull) mirage evade/distortion are unaffected. Try wait out all the evades/blocks/distortion hopefully you get good power burst or conditions ticking OR just run them over with friends let them OR don't fight it

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