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World Restructuring Status Update

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This is a mess. I have never had such unpleasant wvw play. Back when we had servers, people had a responsibility to each other and scouts & roamers had incentives to actually do what they do best. With the new team system, its really just gvg and most teams are unfairly balanced with 24 hour coverage with zergs on all maps while the rest of us do what we can with 20 players only across all maps.


Please just revert everything back to the server system. Years and years of community building down the drain for a little project that is definitely not working. 

Edited by Cqv.3710
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Despite having said in another thread that I more or less had given up WvW I did give it another, proper try with the new re-shuffle 3 weeks ago, a whole different team and setup from the previous one which highly discouraged me from partaking.

Fortunately I got into a pretty decent team, we worked our way up to T1 and overall it's been pretty decent when it comes to fights and our way up to T1, but at some point (in T1) it still begins to fall apart regardless of setup and team one may end up in and everything bad about this new World Restructuring system comes back to give you that wakeup call;
That this new kind of WvW has no soul, the majority of people (including myself) do not care about the overall objective and goal of WvW, the score is secondary to none (Has it always been like that?), one still ends up at some point facing an overwhelmingly uneven setup where one team overwhelms the two other ones, the losing team stops playing and WvW ends up being desolate with the exception of those few prime time hours where a few guilds knock heads.

As the majority have claimed in previous pages, I would consider this World Restructuring experiment a complete failure, aside from the loot grinding there isn't really a reason for me to be in WvW anymore. It's not my server and community I used to know, the familiar faces and people one would win and lose with but still pull through. It's easier to dissociate and eventually walk away with the loot or additional gold one makes from a WvW session today than an overall experience with people you're representing your server with.

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