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I actively avoid playing fractals if Lonely Tower is the daily.

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I would rather see it removed from the game completely then wait years for it to be fixed. Even when it its fixed, its not fun. Please. Remove it until you totally redesign it. Its doing more harm than good simply by existing.

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Posted (edited)

Just try it with a t4 comp (healer/support 3 deeps) and try each one of you catching a single color of orb during the whole fight , it helps a lot (try avoiding blue if you are a dps)  , the boss has reduced hp now and does really less damage , the only attacks you should care of is the stomp with shockwave and the x4 arrow corrupting boons , the rest can easily been overhealed if you have a decent healer.

but i agree with a random pug group in t2 - t3 ppl struggle a lot without healer , this fractal is more designed like a strike than like a fractal , bit like silent reef.

The orb mechanic goes like that , each color and name has an attack associated with:

-Blue : called despair , spawns aoe in a lotus shape all in the arena , decrease your dmg done and taken for player , decrease dmg taken if boss absorbed 

-Purple : called malice , lil aoe who follow player attack , gain more breakbar damage for player , boss inflict bonus condition if absorbed

-Red : called rage , shocwave followed with hexagone aoe (to avoid with a roll) , increase dmg done and taken by the player ,  boss deal more damage if absorbed

-Green : called envy , x4 arrow crossway attack , get bonus from boons , but take more dmg from condition for the player , boss attacks can corrupt boons if absorbed (has x% chance per stack)

-Orange (or yellow for somes) : called gluttony , spin magnet attack , lifetsteal but take damage overtime for player , boss gain health back when he succeed to absorb an orb.

I know it's a lot for fractals who are mostly rushed , but by simply having everyone tied to a color , you gonna ease this boss a lot , the problem many ppl have is they don't care about orbs and when eparch has like 15-20 stacks of each he becomes mostly unbeatable.

The less exp ppl should take gluttony as it will help him survive and the most xp player should rage or envy , also taking another color while you have another buff from orbs , negate stacks from the previous color taken without adding a new effect.

So dodge the stomp (red , rage orb attack) , dodge the crossway arrrow attack (green gluttony attack) and 1 person = 1 color , and you will be fine.


Edited by zeyeti.8347
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I would say this is the best response to content released in this state. Anet needs to understand that if they spend time and resources on gimmicky, untested instances like this, the community will I’ll just actively avoid/ignore it. So basically they are just wasting time and effort.

The sad truth is that I don’t believe they have any resources left to try and fix this clusterkitten of a fractal, since they have an expansion coming up next month.

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13 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Just try it with a t4 comp (healer/support 3 deeps) and try each one of you catching a single color of orb during the whole fight , it helps a lot (try avoiding blue if you are a dps)  , the boss has reduced hp now and does really less damage , the only attacks you should care of is...


To me its not about the difficulty. Is it beatable? Yes. Is it fun in any way? Not really. Is it good design? No.

In my mind its a case it being an example of the worst GW2 has to offer. And the fact its buggy as all hell is just an extra layer.

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Just try it with a t4 comp (healer/support 3 deeps) and try each one of you catching a single color of orb during the whole fight , it helps a lot (try avoiding blue if you are a dps)  , the boss has reduced hp now and does really less damage , the only attacks you should care of is the stomp with shockwave and the x4 arrow corrupting boons , the rest can easily been overhealed if you have a decent healer.

Why are you presuming that this isn't something SatyricL is already doing?

Edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493
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On 7/8/2024 at 2:19 AM, SatyricL.2784 said:

I would rather see it removed from the game completely then wait years for it to be fixed. Even when it its fixed, its not fun. Please. Remove it until you totally redesign it. Its doing more harm than good simply by existing.

It's been said before, but I'll say it again: If Anet were to remove things some people don't like, we'd soon have no game at all left.

It's ok to not like a specific part of the content, and it's certainly a good idea to suggest improvements to things - whether you like them or not. It's also ok to not play certain content that you don't like. In my opinion, though, it's not ok to ask for content to be removed because you don't like it.

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6 hours ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Why are you presuming that this isn't something SatyricL is already doing?

Cause no where in title he imply it's in t4 , t3 or whatsoever and from my experience in fractals doing cm + t4 every two days , when i do recs it's often with a "come as you are" group and the day he released this topic was a day where this frac was the rec 75 and is difficult with a regular rec group 

Also i am not assuming ... i am supposing , it's you who assume i assume , so instead of trying to find something to just kitten off ppl , better try to find some solution or share your exp instead of playing the spoiled, but heh i do not expect exp share from a party pooper... just trying to help someone who struggle here and ppl like you take a dump on my head ... don't be stunned i return the favor.


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3 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Cause no where in title he imply it's in t4 , t3 or whatsoever and from my experience in fractals doing cm + t4 every two days , when i do recs it's often with a "come as you are" group and the day he released this topic was a day where this frac was the rec 75 and is difficult with a regular rec group 

Also i am not assuming ... i am supposing , it's you who assume i assume , so instead of trying to find something to just kitten off ppl , better try to find some solution or share your exp instead of playing the spoiled, but heh i do not expect exp share from a party pooper... just trying to help someone who struggle here and ppl like you take a dump on my head ... don't be stunned i return the favor.


For clarity, I dont waste my time on recs. Only T4s.

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3 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

...and the day he released this topic was a day where this frac was the rec 75 and is difficult with a regular rec group 

no, topic was created on a day 100 was daily. OP wrote on "Posted yesterday at 02:19 AM" (at the moment i am looking). yesterday we had  "Aquatic Ruins, Lonely Tower, Thaumanova Reactor" t4

lonely tower 75 rec was 3 days ago, not yesterday


besides it is exactly as SatyricL wrote, " Is it beatable? Yes. Is it fun in any way? Not really. Is it good design? No."  although i would change "is it fun? not really"   to    "hell no...".

i have said it quite a few times already on this forum that making it doable or nerfing it so its just easy, will not make it good in any way. it was, it is and sadly it will remain terribly designed fractal. it is not about balancing, numbers, hp etc. it is purely about design issues, unclear mechanics, unfair rng but also overall randomness in fight and most importantly how unfun it is.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Zohane.7208 said:

It's been said before, but I'll say it again: If Anet were to remove things some people don't like, we'd soon have no game at all left.

It's ok to not like a specific part of the content, and it's certainly a good idea to suggest improvements to things - whether you like them or not. It's also ok to not play certain content that you don't like. In my opinion, though, it's not ok to ask for content to be removed because you don't like it.

I think there is room to differentiate between content that some people dont like because its not their thing and content that has a massively negative reception do to being rushed, poorly designed, and riddled with bugs because it wasnt tested at all.

Lets not try to compare this to people who want to see pvp/wvw gone simply because they dont want to play it. There is absolutely reasonable precedent for deactivating content released in this state, under these conditions. At the very least it should be removed from the daily fractal pool until its been in the oven longer.

Edited by SatyricL.2784
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, SatyricL.2784 said:

I think there is room to differentiate between content that some people dont like because its not their thing and content that has a massively negative reception do to being rushed, poorly designed, and riddled with bugs because it wasnt tested at all.

Lets not try to compare this to people who want to see pvp/wvw gone simply because they dont want to play it. There is absolutely reasonable precedent for deactivating content released in this state, under these conditions. At the very least it should be removed from the daily fractal pool until its been in the oven longer.

Atm this fractal has clear mechanics , i stated what every orb is doing , every attack the boss has , and attacks ppl should acre about.

The thing i understand is that this fractal alongside with silent surf are mostly designed like strikes : one boss encounter and maybe a few back section that are not long and that those bosses have adpated hp to the meta numbers of today. 

For example 98 cm is for me the most fun  , but with high dps you clearly bypass a lot , anet seems to align the new encounters with the powercreep we have today , as proof look at cerus and dagda in normal mode , two hp sponge bullets if you have average dps.

And for it having negative reception ... you know we are on a video game forum , people are here to complain , not to say "hello anet, this stuff is great gj !" so don't think that what most people of the forum think is the mainstream and why this fractal is bypassed as daily it's because it's fairly new , do you see any bypass on 99 when it is dayli now ? no , people managed to deal with it , and so will be for the new 100 when people will get a good grip of it , think of it like thaumanova endboss , instead of saying a number you say a color , it's so simple ...

And if they are mechanics who are not clear just tell me which ? i could explain.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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12 minutes ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Atm this fractal has clear mechanics , i stated what every orb is doing , every attack the boss has , and attacks ppl should acre about.

The thing i understand is that this fractal alongside with silent surf are mostly designed like strikes : one boss encounter and maybe a few back section that are not long and that those bosses have adpated hp to the meta numbers of today. 

For example 98 cm is for me the most fun  , but with high dps you clearly bypass a lot , anet seems to align the new encounters with the powercreep we have today , as proof look at cerus and dagda in normal mode , two hp sponge bullets if you have average dps.

And for it having negative reception ... you know we are on a video game forum , people are here to complain , not to say "hello anet, this stuff is great gj !" so don't think that what most people of the forum think is the mainstream and why this fractal is bypassed as daily it's because it's fairly new , do you see any bypass on 99 when it is dayli now ? no , people managed to deal with it , and so will be for the new 100 when people will get a good grip of it , think of it like thaumanova endboss , instead of saying a number you say a color , it's so simple ...

And if they are mechanics who are not clear just tell me which ? i could explain.

You seem to be having a conversation with someone other than me. I've never expressed that I was confused about mechanics. Just that fractal is bad design. They certainly are NOT clear mechanics for the average player, but clarity was not one of my points because there are so many other problems. Thats just one small aspect of bad design.

Also my conclusion on the mainstream opinion on the fractal doesnt come from these forums at all. I dont use or read these forums enough for that. It comes from literally everywhere else. The reception of this fractal is widely negative across the board, not just here.

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6 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Cause no where in title he imply it's in t4 , t3 or whatsoever and from my experience in fractals doing cm + t4 every two days , when i do recs it's often with a "come as you are" group and the day he released this topic was a day where this frac was the rec 75 and is difficult with a regular rec group 

Also i am not assuming ... i am supposing , it's you who assume i assume , so instead of trying to find something to just kitten off ppl , better try to find some solution or share your exp instead of playing the spoiled, but heh i do not expect exp share from a party pooper... just trying to help someone who struggle here and ppl like you take a dump on my head ... don't be stunned i return the favor.


You're poisoning the well with the supposition that the chief reason the OP doesn't like the fractal is because he isn't doing it right.

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This will be anecdotal evidence for sure, but since Anet changed the fractal to be more like other t4 in length and difficulty, I'm not having problems getting a regular pug group on t4 tower days, and more and more people seem to like it.
If I were to rank(non-CM)  fractals on their "boringnesss", I'd for sure rank Silent Surf as the worst one, possibly followed by either Sunqua or Maw. Lonely tower is actually (in my opinion) pretty nice now, everything's clearly telegraphed and the mechanics are easy to handle.

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3 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

And for it having negative reception ... you know we are on a video game forum , people are here to complain , not to say "hello anet, this stuff is great gj !" so don't think that what most people of the forum think is the mainstream and why this fractal is bypassed as daily it's because it's fairly new , do you see any bypass on 99 when it is dayli now ? no , people managed to deal with it , and so will be for the new 100 when people will get a good grip of it

ppl are on forums to give feedback, suggestions, issues/bug reports etc.. most of it is neutral, very rarely positive and sometimes negative. dont expect flood of positive feedback, when devs throw you something of that low quality. lonely tower had it all, bad design, boring/unfun mechanics, very unfair rng, extremely overtuned numbers and insane amount of bugs ( way more than silent surf).

also people were doing silent surf cm even before soto and all bug fixes happened, sure it was taking a bit more time to find group but it was a matter of waiting maybe 10 maybe 15min and you were good to go.

lonely tower tho? you have to sit there and camp for it, and even than a lot of groups simply disband before they even start because no one joins for half an hour and there are plenty of cm-100 groups all the time.

and for the record, both 99 and 100 nm were never an issue after the first round of fixes. i wish i screenshot it, but 2 days ago when lonely tower was daily at some point i have seen literally like 15+ cm-100 or t4-100 groups. i have never seen anything like that before lonely tower


3 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Atm this fractal has clear mechanics , i stated what every orb is doing , every attack the boss has , and attacks ppl should acre about.

3 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

And if they are mechanics who are not clear just tell me which ? i could explain.

ok, than please tell me:

  1. how does eparch picks his target for skills and cc?  when and why he swaps target?    (why there is no target marker lol)
  2. also why he sometimes targets pets and other times he ignores them entire fight
  3. what is the hitbox of arrow skill? (spoiler: it doesnt match with visual and its buggy)
  4. what triggers malice/regret (spoiler: its not range related)
  5. why rage wave corrupts boons when you jump over it (without getting hit, mostly in melee)
  6. when fissures deal dmg, why cant you just jump over them? (spoiler: its not when you step on them)

and add phase:

  1. at what point adds (spites?) give essences to eparch (any indication how far they can go?)
  2. why eparch sometimes randomly gain essences when you close last portal?

also about clarity/bugs:

  1. fissures dont deal dmg in middle where eparch was standing when spawning them
  2. stealth lets you escape being pulled by gluttony (lol)
  3. wave from rage doesnt match visual... still...
  4. dmg to close portals scales with... something? power dps with rage does it 5x faster than support
  5. also is malice still bugged with torment?


this tells a lot about clarity of fractal mechanics and i am sure there are more issues i forgot right now. just because they nerfed hp, envy and probably gluttony pull making eparch easy on t4 doesnt solve all the issues everyone has with it.

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2 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

why eparch sometimes randomly gain essences when you close last portal?

Specifically for this, we aren't talking about how he ALWAYS consumes Spites that are still alive after Portal closing, right?

Im pretty sure this behavior isnt intended either, as players have alrdy done the proper mechanic of doing the Rifts and all, stalled/killed Spites.
Its just mind numbing to always NEED to stop closing portals and turn to shredding Spites every time its the last portal.
And ofc, Enrage doesn't reset if you wipe after 10% for some reason either, rofl.

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17 hours ago, SatyricL.2784 said:

You seem to be having a conversation with someone other than me. I've never expressed that I was confused about mechanics. Just that fractal is bad design. They certainly are NOT clear mechanics for the average player, but clarity was not one of my points because there are so many other problems. Thats just one small aspect of bad design.

Also my conclusion on the mainstream opinion on the fractal doesnt come from these forums at all. I dont use or read these forums enough for that. It comes from literally everywhere else. The reception of this fractal is widely negative across the board, not just here.

Then tell us what are the problems ? the only thing i see who is bugged to me are the fact eparch can absorb orbs almost immediately after spawning them while anet stated there will be a 5 sec treshhold for the orbs to be actually able to be absorb , all of that aside i don't see the problem(except few more bugs in cm) , the hp of the boss has been drastically reduced , the corrupting waves don't corrut all your boons but 3 at most.

It's actually difficult to know the problem you have with this fractal because you do not state anything , only thing i read is "it's bad because i decided it's bad"

10 hours ago, Nimris.3781 said:

ppl are on forums to give feedback, suggestions, issues/bug reports etc.. most of it is neutral, very rarely positive and sometimes negative. dont expect flood of positive feedback, when devs throw you something of that low quality. lonely tower had it all, bad design, boring/unfun mechanics, very unfair rng, extremely overtuned numbers and insane amount of bugs ( way more than silent surf).

also people were doing silent surf cm even before soto and all bug fixes happened, sure it was taking a bit more time to find group but it was a matter of waiting maybe 10 maybe 15min and you were good to go.

lonely tower tho? you have to sit there and camp for it, and even than a lot of groups simply disband before they even start because no one joins for half an hour and there are plenty of cm-100 groups all the time.

and for the record, both 99 and 100 nm were never an issue after the first round of fixes. i wish i screenshot it, but 2 days ago when lonely tower was daily at some point i have seen literally like 15+ cm-100 or t4-100 groups. i have never seen anything like that before lonely tower


ok, than please tell me:

  1. how does eparch picks his target for skills and cc?  when and why he swaps target?    (why there is no target marker lol)
  2. also why he sometimes targets pets and other times he ignores them entire fight
  3. what is the hitbox of arrow skill? (spoiler: it doesnt match with visual and its buggy)
  4. what triggers malice/regret (spoiler: its not range related)
  5. why rage wave corrupts boons when you jump over it (without getting hit, mostly in melee)
  6. when fissures deal dmg, why cant you just jump over them? (spoiler: its not when you step on them)

and add phase:

  1. at what point adds (spites?) give essences to eparch (any indication how far they can go?)
  2. why eparch sometimes randomly gain essences when you close last portal?

also about clarity/bugs:

  1. fissures dont deal dmg in middle where eparch was standing when spawning them
  2. stealth lets you escape being pulled by gluttony (lol)
  3. wave from rage doesnt match visual... still...
  4. dmg to close portals scales with... something? power dps with rage does it 5x faster than support
  5. also is malice still bugged with torment?


this tells a lot about clarity of fractal mechanics and i am sure there are more issues i forgot right now. just because they nerfed hp, envy and probably gluttony pull making eparch easy on t4 doesnt solve all the issues everyone has with it.

1. randomly

2. don't play with pets (i played hscg with golem and he never targeted it .... random maybe)

3.you dodge the arrow skill , arrow are an indication of direction of skills , not the actual hitbox (same goes for dagda arrow , if you are out the arrow indication slightly , you still take damage)

4.why do you bother what triggers it ? assign someone to the color 

5.waves of rage are bugged and you have to time your dodge slightly before the visual hits you (or your jump) , no problem if you stay melee you dodge after the 3rd signal eparch is doing , you loose boons cause maybe eparch had eaten envy orbs and every one of his aoe have a x% chance to corrupt a boon (jumping over has a slight chance to succeed cause it's only when you are the highest in your jump that you avoid any damage aoe on the ground (bettrer dodge)

6. fissures deal damage (the damage is laughable , only when eparch have some rage orbs eaten it starts to actually trouble) , but fissure deal damage 1 secs before appearing (shouldn't matter because you must stay melee to dodge easily the shockwave and so avoid any fissure damage while rolling)


1. look in the sky ... spites needs to be killed before ending rifts (the last rift), can be done easily as they are easely packed (no breakbar) and can get completely blocked by cc skills 

2. he gains essence cause you let a spite alive and you have like 2-3 secs to end them before eparch eats them , you should do a fresh clear before killing the last portal.


1.i don't see why they should deal damage there is no fissure where eparch is standing ...

2.didn't know that , thx for the tip

3.yep , shouldn't matter as you dodge on 3rd eparch signal

4.scales with power , i did it as support , and you take ages to close them 

5.that i don't know.

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11 hours ago, MercurialKuroSludge.8974 said:

Specifically for this, we aren't talking about how he ALWAYS consumes Spites that are still alive after Portal closing, right?

Im pretty sure this behavior isnt intended either, as players have alrdy done the proper mechanic of doing the Rifts and all, stalled/killed Spites.

that is actually not correct, hence why i wrote "sometimes". i have logs of both cases where he consumes and doesnt consume spites from last portal, whats the difference? well... probably range/position.

probably because we cant be sure, but it seems that spites give essences to him when they die and are in range (lol), sadly eparch comes down before killing them (bigger lol) so if they barely spawned from portal and didnt move an inch or got feared away, it is likely they will not give essences, but not guaranteed.

so its not always. clear and working well mechanic, right?

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6 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

1. randomly

2. don't play with pets (i played hscg with golem and he never targeted it .... random maybe)

3.you dodge the arrow skill , arrow are an indication of direction of skills , not the actual hitbox (same goes for dagda arrow , if you are out the arrow indication slightly , you still take damage)

4.why do you bother what triggers it ? assign someone to the color 

5.waves of rage are bugged and you have to time your dodge slightly before the visual hits you (or your jump) , no problem if you stay melee you dodge after the 3rd signal eparch is doing , you loose boons cause maybe eparch had eaten envy orbs and every one of his aoe have a x% chance to corrupt a boon (jumping over has a slight chance to succeed cause it's only when you are the highest in your jump that you avoid any damage aoe on the ground (bettrer dodge)

6. fissures deal damage (the damage is laughable , only when eparch have some rage orbs eaten it starts to actually trouble) , but fissure deal damage 1 secs before appearing (shouldn't matter because you must stay melee to dodge easily the shockwave and so avoid any fissure damage while rolling)

  1. thats incorrect, he is clearly following a pattern which you can try to use to bait cc on support, but... it doesnt always work and no one has figured what set of rules he follows (which is important with mechanic like drain/cc skill). also no mechanic in this game is actually random, there is always some silly rules (position, direction, toughness, dps, etc.) and somtimes it can have few "checks" making it seem like random
  2. also incorrect. you really want consume to target pet as pets cannot collect essences and pets dont care much about reduced hp. also you can resummon them which will get rid of stacks, but how to bait consume on pet... no idea
  3. i was talking about "arrow skill" visual, no arrows themselves which are just telegraphs. that 4 black waves that travel.    rephrasing: visual effect of envy skill, the black corrupting waves dont match the hitbox, you may be far away from eparch, not touching them and still get corrupted. it probably gets thicker further away...? it is weird.... also envy corrupts before attacks visual even starts...
  4. why? beacuse it is repeating issue of this fractal, half of stuff is broken, half we dont know how works which ends up in frustrating situations. everyone is in melee and we get malice, kinda not fun.
  5. this is yet another not working properly skill, i am not there to guess if its me who screwed up mechanic or it is just bugged.  rage with envy stacks on boss will always corrupt you if you try jumping over, even if you dont take any dmg from wave itself, why...? /shrug
  6. dmg is not important here, but corrupt from envy or malice stacks on eparch. you would think you could jump over fissure on ground, right? thats how it should work, thats what intuition suggest you?  well, wrong becasue they dont work like that and you can still get corrupted, lol       (they "tick" every, i think 2s, so jump or just walk through them, doesnt matter, you have to be lucky and do it in that window or dodge - counter intuitve mechanic) 
6 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

1. look in the sky ... spites needs to be killed before ending rifts (the last rift), can be done easily as they are easely packed (no breakbar) and can get completely blocked by cc skills 

2. he gains essence cause you let a spite alive and you have like 2-3 secs to end them before eparch eats them , you should do a fresh clear before killing the last portal.

  1. you are not understanding questions. how close to eparch can spites get? is there any indication on ground when they get consumed? any clarity on mechanic, marker, telegraph, circle indicating where is the zone where eparch will kill and consume them?  there is none, this fights visibility is very poor 
  2. this doesnt work like that... there are no 2-3 sec for you to end them, if you kill them near eparch he will consume them as well. he seems to gains stacks of essences in certain (unknown) proximity, so if adds spawn when you finish last portal, they may, or may not give eparch stacks.  which obviously should not happen
6 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

1.i don't see why they should deal damage there is no fissure where eparch is standing ...

2.didn't know that , thx for the tip

3.yep , shouldn't matter as you dodge on 3rd eparch signal

4.scales with power , i did it as support , and you take ages to close them 

5.that i don't know.

you see all the weird interactions, unclear mechanics, bugs, hitbox mismatches and confusion around this fractal? like:

  1. you are right, but its poorly visable and probably unintended, just like with envy not hitting in boss hitbox (before fix)
  2. stealth interaction is also probably not intended (btw if you hide behind pilllar, pull also wont work)   its very niche, but stealth can let you/party easily escape gluttony pull in dire situation
  3. rage wave is another annoying visual mismatch
  4. ye i also guess its power related  -  but closing portal should not be scaling with power, thats just stupid - another example of terrible design decisions/issues
  5. i dunno either, but we cant sit there and test every mechanic for all possible bugs, there should be some sort of QA and its clear they did 0 testing on this fight

this is basically the issue people have with this fractal, unclear mechanics, poor visibility, hitbox mismatch, frustrating rng (essences flying on the other side of map, 3 range champions at 33%, etc.).

whats worst is that i am sure there are more issues with this fight that i just didnt discover yet because i dont bother doing it everyday. its not because its hard, its because of all the other issues this fractal has, making fight very frustrating to play and unfun overall, which results in people just skip it and not bothering.

Edited by Nimris.3781
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@Nimris.3781 and @zeyeti.8347 I believe your are both talking about different aspects of this fractal. Nimris I believe you are talkingg about the CM version while Zeyeti is refering to the NM mode.

The way it stands now I believe is (and I'll be honest, I've been very inactive in fractals for the last few weeks having focused on Cerus CM and LCM while this fractal did nothing to get me excited to run fractals again): the NM was nerfed so far that it can now be reliably completed with a proper comp ignoring the bugs and issues while the CM still suffers under those inconsistencies, bugs and some not addressed design elements.

Maybe I am mistaken though.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I don't even see cm title runs anymore on LFG... people just aren't doing it, not even when it's a daily. And pug cm runs don't get filled nearly as quickly, I had to wait nearly an hour for my exp run group to fill just to do a pug run.

The CM needs fix asap.

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6 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I believe your are both talking about different aspects of this fractal. Nimris I believe you are talkingg about the CM version while Zeyeti is refering to the NM mode.

not neceserily, i was refering to this fractal as in general, or if you prefer, from design decisions, clarity of mechanics and overall quality perspective. and 90% of issues i listed are persent in NM as well. they did nerf hp, envy and added 5s grace period on essences but beside this changes, eparch fight still remains very unfun and terribly designed

6 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

The way it stands now I believe is (and I'll be honest, I've been very inactive in fractals for the last few weeks having focused on Cerus CM and LCM while this fractal did nothing to get me excited to run fractals again): the NM was nerfed so far that it can now be reliably completed with a proper comp ignoring the bugs and issues while the CM still suffers under those inconsistencies, bugs and some not addressed design elements.

yes you are correct about NM, it was heavily nerfed and is now on par with other NM fractals, CM is different story tho. overall both share same design issues and the only reason that NM is considered "fine" is because its kind of easy, so you can just do that daily once a week and dont think much about it (just like aquatic or solid ocean - both are disliked, but once a week is whatever, people can live with that)

think of lonely tower issues this way:  PVP is now (and was for quite some time) considered really bad, has low participation rate etc.     players list multiple issues it has, all the problems, balancing etc. now Anet comes, nerfs 1 spec, break 3 more specs, up reward points for losing team than x2 all rewards and call it a day.   was pvp fixed? is it fun now? no.    and lonely tower is pretty much in simmilar spot. they did 3 quick fixes and left fight as it is

i dont like bringing streamers, but i agree with teapot saying they should take this fractal down, fix, rework and than put back. i want fun, intresting/engaging and polished fight, not crappy conent that was done overnight 

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