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Everything posted by DaZeeHero.5210

  1. Oh definitely there are exceptions but I'd still like to think theres someone in the dev team who even if they dont play the game want to make it good and enjoy their job.
  2. The biggest reason GW1 was in many ways mechanically better than GW2 is it was made in an era before gaming had become so corrupted by big corporate CEOs who have never played games in their life calling the shots. Games are always better when the decisions on what goes into the game are made by people who understand said game, devs who are also gamers and love the game they work on. Whether or not FFXIV is something you personally can appreciate the biggest reason it has become only more successful with time is that is exactly how they do it. Square Enix lets Yoshida do what he wants with the game, and his dev team, and they truly do care. This is becuase SE has realized that quality and not being disconnected from the playerbase brings far better long term success. They may not always give the team 100% of the funding they ask for but all the major decisions on content and things that end up in game are made by the devs, not bean counters. When the bean counter non gamers are calling the important shots it not only upsets players, but the devs as well, since I can guarantee at least some of those devs want to give us better but aren't allowed to. and then if players get angry at the "devs" it must feel terrible to those who wanted to do right by us and the game but couldn't because the REAL enemy is the ones who are pulling the devs strings.
  3. Trade off has to be accepted as worth it in a majority of situations. if it's not it's a bad trade.
  4. Scrapper is great though. Berserker... eh could be better. But the people who are all giddy over the prospect that new elite specs will be horribly weak compared to everything else both do not understand the game and its mechanics, and will be singing a different tune when the game is boasting 9 elite specs no one will ever use.
  5. Trade offs are an important part of class balance but it's tough to get right especially in a game like GW2 where each class and spec can be built many ways. The trade off can never be too extreme or be trading for something that is only useful in limited situations because that ends up making it weak or just only useful in those situations. You also need to consider the interaction with every other ability able to be used with said skill on that spec. sometimes if you can't perfectly balance it, it's better to look at something else normally used to boost it, most of the time something that is OP is not OP in a vaccum it is OP when combined with other factors. by limiting how those factors contribute to that specific skill, you can nerf without nerfing it directly, which is sometimes the better option.
  6. I would actually use the cosmetic charges system and not just outfits if the look would STAY when putting new gear on unless changed again. Also why the FREKK can't we dye weapon models??!
  7. Well so much for me looking forward to any of the elite specs, unless major changes are made.
  8. whoever decided that was pretty dumb. having good counters to a playstyle in pvp fixes much more than nerfing a playstyle people find OP. Sometimes a nerf is required, but it is very rare if ever that you need to make something not good or viable at all. Stealth spam getting too OP in pvp? that's because not enough people can reveal stealth or keep people from re entering it, for instance.
  9. Yeah I don't think elite specs should be significantly superior overall to core specs. however I don't think elite specs need nerfing overall either, but some core specs need help. Each elite spec should have its own gameplay possibilities it enhances. Like how Mirage enhances clones and Chronomancer adds all kinds of new group buffs and debuff potential. Reaper adds to the survivability and hybrid gameplay of necromancer, similar to how Scrapper does for engineer, while Scourge goes further down support route and Holosmith goes to high melee dps territory. These elite specs still have aspects of support and survivability, as they should, but add more functionality to specific aspects of gameplay.
  10. A trade off is just another way of saying "This class or spec can do one thing better than it can do some other thing" it can be done correctly and it can be done in a way that ruins the skill/spec/build type.
  11. In response to dragon trigger, if you're talking about that one skill for bladesworn, I'd rather it do less damage and be faster and more often useable than do OP damage and be something that has a long cast time and recharge. that's not neccesarily a nerf in fact if it makes it more useable and still quite good it could end up a buff in most situations.
  12. To clarify, "Adjustment" is a balance change that is not technically a nerf since the class or playstyle remains just as powerful in pretty much all the same ways, but changes its mechanics so as to eliminate or reduce some form of exploit or unintended consequence. this is what should be happening instead of most nerfs we see. yes it is harder to do than making an entire spec or playstyle worthless, but it is also not going to kill the game long term like nerfs always do if they keep up.
  13. People who cry for nerfs before something is even released properly are to be pitied as they clearly have low intelligence no self worth beyond their imagined game knowledge, and no respect for the fun of others or playstyle choices. Just look at this, the new elite specs horribly bad compared to everything else and how did we get here? because Aenet made the mistake of listening to the worst possible people. Protip to any and all game devs, NEVER EVER take advice from someone who asks for nerfs more than other adjustments or buffs.
  14. FF14 has pop culture from everything though. most obviously japan cuz japanese devs but it has references to everything. just look at the quest names lol. every one is a pop culture reference.
  15. I have a very good fiber optic internet service and zero issue on other games, GW2 is the only game doing this right now. please find whatever this is and fix it. in the event its a bad server somewhere along the path, please post a workaround to bypass it. like, yesterday, thanks.
  16. This isn't a shortbow problem. the game has been lag spiking a lot for the past week.
  17. For people who don't know what anime is maybe.
  18. Joko is not dead for everyone! he may have been devoured but he lives on in our hearts, in every really awful dad joke and zombie pun we make!
  19. FF14 isn't anime, at least if you know what anime means. it uses some similar "rule of cool" techniques but anime refers to ANIMATION, in a specific subset of japanese style. Also FF14 has more bunny girls than catgirls since Shadowbringers.. and the bunnyboypoaclypse will be upon us once Endwalker hits. And here I am having played a hyur midlander girl for 6 years, with no intention of changing
  20. Cantha began to worship the evil gods of anime, and is now full of catgirl demon creatures who have enslaved its populace!
  21. Isn't there some shadiness about queen Jenna that implies logan was magically compelled to help her but wont tell anyone because aside from the occasional shady behavior she has been a good queen for the humans and made good leadership decisions? We could do with some more good male characters in the story for sure. no one likes mary sues of any gender, and when they are all of one gender it makes it even worse. Braham is a norn. Norn have a tendency to be thickheaded but steadfast allies, add his angst over his mom being killed by a plant monster and all that. Would definitely like to see another good male supporting cast or 2, preferably human, so you cant say "But rhytlock is a cat"
  22. I have it on good authority Jormag originates from my freezer that one time I didn't open it for about a year.
  23. Braham is just a big dummy who we love when he's being a decent guy and hate when he's being an angry jerk.
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