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Nerf quickness to 25% and Alac to 15%

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59 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Right, so remove the boons then. Counterplay solved.

This game is built around boons. The boons themselves are not the problem, the lack of counterplay is. You can trace issues with the boon blob along with all the instances where Roy sweettalked CMC into reducing boon rips and corrupts.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

This game is built around boons. The boons themselves are not the problem, the lack of counterplay is. You can trace issues with the boon blob along with all the instances where Roy sweettalked CMC into reducing boon rips and corrupts.

Well achtually quickness wasnt a boon until 2015 and alacrity wasnt a boon until 2018. 

So the original game wasnt built around either as a boon.

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Well achtually quickness wasnt a boon until 2015 and alacrity wasnt a boon until 2018. 

So the original game wasnt built around either as a boon.

Quickness still existed, but as an unstrippable, but rare effect, like superspeed or stealth. Ditto stability. So by your argument we should get rid of stability too right? I hope you enjoy being an Asura ball.

Making quickness into a boon though opened counterplay, as it could then be stripped or corrupted. Guess what the balance team has been on a warpath to nerf? Strips and corruptions. Guess what has gotten out of hand as a result? Boons.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

So by your argument we should get rid of stability too right?

Yep wouldnt mind that at all. I also think all CCs should have ICD with immunity for at 5+ seconds afterwards so you cant even stack them, and thus wouldnt need to stack stab.

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9 hours ago, zinkz.7045 said:

Quickness has always been in the game. (it was also originally a 100% increase)

Well yeah, but it was an effect, and fairly rare, and nowhere near able to keep a high uptime. It was changed into a boon in 2015, which is what I was referring to.

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On 7/19/2024 at 5:48 PM, joneirikb.7506 said:

Well yeah, but it was an effect, and fairly rare, and nowhere near able to keep a high uptime. It was changed into a boon in 2015, which is what I was referring to.

And just so we are clear, the '100%' was really a reduction in cast time by 1/2. The current quickness reduces you cast times and aftercasts by 1/3rd. So, in comparison to the original version it is much weaker, just more common than before.

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