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Prime time winning points and LAG

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WHY dont you fix the LAG at prime time if you are going to give out more winning points.

It is pointless trying to fight at prime time with the LAG. When skills take 1 to 3 seconds to go off, it is just plain unfiar giving more winning points at these times.

The LAG puts many players off playing prime time.

Edited by Tum.5894
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Why does no one comment on this problem ?

Anet is gving away massive amounts of points to the winners of skirmishes in these prime times, when most of us players get massive lag and abilities take 1-3 seconds to go off.

Totlally pointless playing this with this lag.

Also this new point system is going to put players off playiing world v world at the non peak hours.

What a stupid system to inroduce.

Pointless playing it anymore


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Because "fixing the lag" is probably a lot more work than it's really worth for ANet. They'd probably have to start with halving the effects of all skills so they don't do so many things at the same time (that the server has to calculate), half the boons, less spammy skills, possibly less targets, less condi, less variable abilities on weapon that require more calculations etc. And that's just the first half, then they'd likely have to rebuild the entire server structure from the bottom up, which at this point is likely going to be close to a complete engine rewrite. To make it better able to process information back and forth and divide processes more efficiently between different server clusters etc.

The short version is that it would very likely be easier and cheaper for them to just develop GW3 instead.

The only other thing they've been able to do in the past that has had some kind of positive effect on lag is reducing the map-caps. And I'm certain no-one would ever complain if they did that! 😛

The third option would be to move more things away from the server and onto the client. In this case the skills (activations and effects), so the clients themselves can control this, and just send the info to the server afterwards, instead of waiting for the server to authorize it as it is currently. I'm suuuurrreeeeeeeeee that wouldn't be exploited or made into cheat programs at aaaaaaaaallllll...........

Everything is trade-offs, so basically pick your poison.

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13 minutes ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

Because "fixing the lag" is probably a lot more work than it's really worth for ANet. They'd probably have to start with halving the effects of all skills so they don't do so many things at the same time (that the server has to calculate), half the boons, less spammy skills, possibly less targets, less condi, less variable abilities on weapon that require more calculations etc. And that's just the first half, then they'd likely have to rebuild the entire server structure from the bottom up, which at this point is likely going to be close to a complete engine rewrite. To make it better able to process information back and forth and divide processes more efficiently between different server clusters etc.

The short version is that it would very likely be easier and cheaper for them to just develop GW3 instead.

The only other thing they've been able to do in the past that has had some kind of positive effect on lag is reducing the map-caps. And I'm certain no-one would ever complain if they did that! 😛

The third option would be to move more things away from the server and onto the client. In this case the skills (activations and effects), so the clients themselves can control this, and just send the info to the server afterwards, instead of waiting for the server to authorize it as it is currently. I'm suuuurrreeeeeeeeee that wouldn't be exploited or made into cheat programs at aaaaaaaaallllll...........

Everything is trade-offs, so basically pick your poison.

People always want events, it would be interesting to see a no boon, combo fields and condi event. 

Like, a straight up power build week. 

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If there are skill lags it means players are not dying fast enough. Sounds like a joke but I am only half joking. I miss the days when people need to dodge red circles and spellbreaker bubbles, or anything which once are deadly.

Get boonball balanced properly and the lags would be gone quickly. Maybe consider a similar patch like the stupid Feb2020 one, just half all the healing and support skills across the board. Don't just do it literally but you get the idea.

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