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[Matchmaking Abuse] Why is Duo = 2 and GuildTeam = 50% ... a thing? [Merged]

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1 minute ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Bro...are you sure you're ok?

Im not your bro.

This number of 1-2 players is referring to players who wintrade r1 and r2 every now and then.

2 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

one which you said 'the people with those titles probably aren't good'

Do you even read? I was stating that seeing people with pvp titles doesnt necessarily mean they got them legit/on their own. Thats DOESNT mean everyone with those titles is bad.

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11 minutes ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

Do you even read?


Lemme break this down for you since you don't seem to read what you write 😂

12 minutes ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

I was stating that seeing people with pvp titles doesnt necessarily mean they got them legit/on their own. 

This is just 'people with pvp titles', not god of the arena--no one mentioned god or demigod of the arena.  In fact, I very specifically named princess (rank 4) and baroness (top 100) of the arena.

To summarize, this makes you saying only place 1 and 2 are wintraded / RMT'd laughable, btw.  

What was your main account, if I may ask? 

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12 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

this makes you saying only place 1 and 2 are wintraded

Indeed, well i guess we should include r3 aswell but yeah

12 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


You can look at certain sites that offer a top250/100/25 title boost. But the actual amount if boosted accounts on the leaderboard is negligibly low.

12 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

What was your main account, if I may ask? 

is* and no you cant ask

Edited by Mne Malo Tebya.2965
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22 minutes ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

You can look at certain sites that offer a top250/100/25 title boost. But the actual amount if boosted accounts on the leaderboard is negligibly low.

It should be 0.  Negligible also does not mean 'none', which you are now directly stating only what, rank 1-3 now is wintraded / duo boosted / etc.  Which is impossible under 'negligible' amounts, meaning more than just 1-3 is boosted.  

22 minutes ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

is* and no you cant ask

Of course, I had a feeling I was debating an alt.  Not just because the name is a seemingly random ref to a Russian pop song, but the overall defensiveness screams of hiding behind an alt.  

Why can't you just post under your main? Should probably ban alt accounts on the forums too, but that's a different discussion.  

Edited by Gotejjeken.1267
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1 hour ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

Man noone is wintrading a fricking top 100 title.

dunno about that there is so many very bad barons

if they wasn't win trade they should play like plats but they play like g1

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I always look at these and think to myself "do you guys honestly think selling rank 1-100 in a mostly dead pvp community would net any profit vs time invested?" 

125 games x 15 mins per game = 1,875 minutes or 31 hours, and thats not even a complete season. This would be a job on par with a Venezuelan gold farmer on osrs in 2015. Don't be mad at potential sellers and wintraders, feel for them because that's miserable. That said I think they're virtually nonexistent and people make up believable theories in their heads and run with them/ play victim. 

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3 hours ago, Unknown.6851 said:

I always look at these and think to myself "do you guys honestly think selling rank 1-100 in a mostly dead pvp community would net any profit vs time invested?" 

125 games x 15 mins per game = 1,875 minutes or 31 hours, and thats not even a complete season. This would be a job on par with a Venezuelan gold farmer on osrs in 2015. Don't be mad at potential sellers and wintraders, feel for them because that's miserable. That said I think they're virtually nonexistent and people make up believable theories in their heads and run with them/ play victim. 

Complete hogwash. Miaz and others have already posted receipts, and selling ranked titles is a 1000$ business. Making 1k in 31 hours is double that of which I make working a normal,  honest job in 40 hours and those degens are earning double by cheating in a video game.

The Venezuelan grannies selling levels and zulrah runs in OSRS aren't at all comparable either because that's a victimless crime. It's against ToS but they're just helping people to skip a grind or solo a boss they might not be able to do on their own. Helping is the operating word there.
Wintraders operate at the expense of everyone else playing the game. I'll pray for them still, but they're far from innocent.

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22 hours ago, Mne Malo Tebya.2965 said:

Let me try to explain so that someone with room temperatur IQ (not you ofc :)))) can understand: If you are a top 100 player, youre mostlikely decent at the game and know what youre doing. Because there arent many good players left, you play vs worse players in most of your matches. Simply because being at p2 rating means that you wont find 9 other players with p2 rating aswell (unless its prime time i guess). That means your match is gonna get filled with p1 and gold 3 players (depending on the time even lower). As a p2 player you are way ahead of those players and can easily carry matches vs them. Means you will have a winrate over 50%.


Never denied that sometimes 1-2 players abuse silver q'ing or wintrade to rmt titles.


I feel like you are trolling at this point. My statement was that if you see a top25/top10 player in your match it doesn't necessarily have to mean that they are actual top25/10 players. You know that those titles are sold and can be obtained by anyone who wants to buy them. For example anyone can buy an account with top10 title or you could let someone play on your account and get you the title. When those people play on their own after buying titles, they not gonna be in top10 rating. They will be in whatever rank they belong. Means you can see a prince of the arena in g1. And the reason those people buy titles is to flex in ranked: "Look at me im a top10 player!!!"


matchmaking works as best as it can (in this terrible situation from anets decision making over the past years)

top 100 are good in the current state of the game (if you compare them to top100 5 years ago, they suck balls)

titles mean nothing, because anyone can just buy them

you are not a top 100 player from my glory days, and the talk about room temp iq...yours is in the coldest basement,

i don't get how you think you can talk about a top 25/10 player perspective when you are not one

talk about a top 2500 player, that is your expertise

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7 hours ago, Asuran.5469 said:

dunno about that there is so many very bad barons

if they wasn't win trade they should play like plats but they play like g1

Thats simply because avg skill level has decreased over the past years. If you would compare todays players in top100 with players in top100 from 5 years ago, you would notice a big difference.

Anyone not being able to q and get the top100 title in 2024 is insanely bad at the game.

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1 hour ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

you are not a top 100 player from my glory days, and the talk about room temp iq...yours is in the coldest basement,

i don't get how you think you can talk about a top 25/10 player perspective when you are not one

talk about a top 2500 player, that is your expertise

Ive been playing since season 1. Was legy during the first 4 seasons (thats not impressive i know). When they changed the league system i was consistently able to soloq into p2/p3. And you are probaly right about me being just a top 2500 player with a p3 rating in 2017.

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