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Stat Optimizer : Healing Equation

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Ah yes, another one of the "math" threads where we get to discuss pages of useless math on an issue because in the end: the actual baseline assumption is flawed.

Healing power is not the primary attribute you pay attention to when making WvW healers almost all the time.

As Dawdler.8521 already pointed out:

- damage is far more important, which in turn means reducing said damage as well as possible is of significance (there is a reason for recommended breakpoints for specific builds)

- boons are a thing and with them boon duration

- vitality is a thing

Now given build-craft is limited due to certain fixed stat limitations, and given the above points, the selection of viable or useful stat combination shrinks to a so minute amount that healing power almost doesn't factor in any more.

So for all intents and purposes, optimize away, until you realize that you end up with pretty much minstrel or celestial atm (in fact, vitality+hp results in exactly 5 stats combinations, while toughness+hp results in 7. That's without any concentration for actual boons. Hp + conc results in pretty much 2 if you consider the primary stat) . It is interesting in regards to which infusions to run I guess, yet even here the choice is between concentration and healing power and most often concentration wins out.


Almost forgot, in case this is about not healing supports but any other type of hybrid, roaming, w/e build: celestial. There done.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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43 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

Ah another useless Cyninja post. I make these kind of tools exactly because of people just like you that don’t have anything to back up their opinions, and putting tools into the hands of individuals to keep people like you in check. 

I plan to make optimizers for the other domains of magic (power and condition). Healing Equation is just an easy equation that I could knock out in a couple days…damage and condition are gonna be a bit more involved. 

don’t bother responding I’m not gonna waste my time on you again.

Ah yes, the come back. The oh so useful tool for deciding how to increase healing power, while it is a minor stat on most stat sets and a major stat on so few, that only 1 remains valid: minstrel. Incidentally the stat set which also covers ALL the other stats desired by WvW supports.

As Dawdler said, you are looking at numbers at already max healing power, and even there the increase is insignificant. 1,880 healing power, that's pretty much stacked minstrel or clerics.

Let's use your tool to look at actual stat ranges where ANY gear change actually CAN occur (given 1,880 hp pretty much already locks you in specific gear choices).

Outgoing Modifier: 1 (almost no skill has this high a modifier. In fact most are between 0.15 and 0.3, especially for WvW)

Healing Power stat: 520

Healing Coefficient: 1.021 (again, a very high coefficient)

Base Heal: 1,000

Doubling healing power to 1,000 leads to an increase of 33% (30% at 0.3)  from 3k (2k at outgoing healing modifier of 0,.3) heal to 4k (2.65k at 0.3) heal. Congratulations, you've proven what everyone already knew: healing power brings poor results per point (and I was being generous with the modifiers already).

Which again changes nothing about what I said: healing is NOT the primary stat WvW healers/supports are built around in todays meta. It is far more significant to cleanse, boon, survive as long as possible as support, than heal for a few more hit points (at the expense of the earlier).

Incidentally all of this is already combined in 1 stat set: minstrel, celestial for the squads which put even less value on support stats and want the supports to provide additional pressure.

So once again a thread where you can feign dominion and superior intellect, while not finding a tree while standing inside of a forest.

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34 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Outgoing Modifier: 1 (almost no skill has this high a modifier. In fact most are between 0.15 and 0.3, especially for WvW)

Outgoing Heal Modifier, is the amount of outgoing healing modifiers on a build. it's common for a healing build to have anywhere between +50% (Scrapper) to +120% (Revenant) expressed as numbers : 0.5 - 1.2. (if you want to express that in Dawdler speak is 1.5 - 2.2)

You are confusing Outgoing Heal Modifier, with Skill Coefficients brah🙃

But anyway, you can just sweep through all of the ranges (they are sliders) to see the scaling of their relationships Fig 1 In the OP i stated about 3 theorems, one of them sums up the relationship Healing Power has to the other stats : When the sum of skill coefficient and outgoing healing modifiers are greater than 1, Healing Power always gives compounding returns : more healing per point of healing power invested. Likewise, when the sum of skill coefficient and Outgoing Heal Modifiers are less than 1, you will always have diminishing returns on healing power stats.

If you just sweep through ranges (by just playing around with the sliders) you can see where you might be poorly investing your stats. Lets take extremes: Let's say you are using skills with low coefficients like 0, and low outgoing heal modifier like 0, then at any value of healing power...whether its 450 or 8000 for instance, you have infinite amount of diminishing return : Each point of Healing power contributes 0 healing to your healing skills. Here i just sweep through all the ranges so you can see that relationship. Fig 2

Take the opposite example : Say a skill coefficient of 4, and outgoing heal modifier of 2 which are fairly large,  Healing Power becomes exponentially more and more valuable to you...Every point of healing power is worth 8 times what it is normally worth. as you approach infinite modifiers, a single point of healing power is worth an infinite number of times what it is normally worth. Shown here is the example sweeping through these ranges. Fig 3

This information, tells you stuff about the relationships these things have with each other : When coefficients and modifiers sum up to greater than 1, you are making use of your healing power stat. It also tells you that you need to pay attention to what skills you are pressing. If all the skills you press have low coefficients, then you are obviously not taking advantage of the healing power you invested in, and this graph shows you the result of doing that. That decision consequently is not exclusive to heal power, it also effects your investment into outgoing heal modifiers too. Fig 4

You can complain about boons or condi's being better than healing or whatever, but this thread isn't about that, hence the name, therefor, make your own thread about that. This thread is about diminishing returns (and compounding returns) incurred on stats with regard to the Healing Equation.

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