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When will they nerf Warrior?

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23 hours ago, cOf.7940 said:

( it is still unkillable with anything 1v1 )

This is not true - warriors can for sure get spanked 1v1 right now. However, this is a 5-man game. Warrior being able to stay strong and slug it out 1v1 with most classes is how warrior should be performing (I am not a warrior main btw) what's required is what coordinated play looks like - to plus the warrior to put the pressure on him. (do it quick and get in and get out - all the initial person has to do is survive long enough for their plus to rotate) Believe it or not thats actually balance and what coordinated team play looks like. It's hard to do because we have a 5-man game meant for quick call outs being played together by people who have never met each other. (In otherwards this is what happens when you have a system meant for team play but dont play with more than 1 other person.)

23 hours ago, cOf.7940 said:

Warrior is dominating sidenodes since EoD launch

Im growing weary of clueless takes on these forums - I mean no disrespect when I say this - warrior is suppose to dominate side nodes. Thats the entire point of the profession my man. Thats why when you nerf them into the point of not being able to do this you stop seeing them at all.

Warrior is meant to have the edge in a side node. This does not require a nerf. Learn to plus fights for wins or disengage from unfavorable fights. Balance does not mean every engagement is a winnable one, or totally even. Part of balance is understanding where your matchups are favorable, or not favorable for you and being able to read the God blessed map and team and adjust accordingly. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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20 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


What if I were to tell you that Staff Spellbreaker was fine, and that the real problem was Defiant Stance mechanics in a DPS power crept meta.

It's like a 4s invuln that heals you to full. I don't see why more people aren't identifying what's going on there. At this point it's just better than Mending. Why even bother to remove condis on your heal utility when you can use them to heal yourself to full?

Funny, I said that ages ago (years even), pop it late if condi, early if power, but aparently a full heal at best, or a pseudo immune at worse "was not good enough"

Edited by Flowki.7194
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17 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Just 1 quick question...

Has anyone took the time, to report the bug and also create a Thread in the Bug-section, that is causing FC to be up every 8 seconds?

Oh the amount of bugs that have been found and reported on every side of this forum from the warrior mains.

Aint a word from the Anet in regards to any of them. They joked when rush was fixed, "12 years in the making" they said.

Im nearing my limit with this.

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15 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Are you willing to trade [warriors being hard to move off point] for [warriors hitting you for 10k on competitively viable builds if you don't dodge]

or nah, and this is just being mad at adversity again?

You know the answer, the question is superfluous.

You know what always happens when people get hit with an Arc Divider. Every time someone lands it successfully, the scaling is reduced by 0,05.

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5 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

You know the answer, the question is superfluous.

You know what always happens when people get hit with an Arc Divider. Every time someone lands it successfully, the scaling is reduced by 0,05.

First they came for our spins, then they came for our coefficients...

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9 hours ago, soldierboy.2684 said:

Warrior is not OP.

Spellbreaker is (to) strong. 

Berserker = not strong

Bladesworn = Poop

That means you got to deal with Spellbreaker itself and not warrior in general.

It wont matter, core traitline nerfs are incoming anyway.

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