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Is JW a good time to change how mounting and dismounting works?

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With warclaw getting a mastery that stops it taking fall damage, the majority (4/7) of land mounts will be either naturally immune to fall damage or have skills that can prevent it. So could we finally be able to mount/dismount non-flying mounts in the air? I'm fine with that being locked behind a mastery on griffon and skyscale because it's a fundamental part of their use, but as extra QoL, it wouldn't be game-breaking to have it on other mounts.

I know we can technically dismount any mount in the air with Bond of Faith, once every 20 seconds, but not only does it have a cooldown, you're also locked out of mounting or gliding for a couple of seconds after using it. Not being able to mount other mounts in the air makes swapping to them inherently clunkier, because you have to dismount, wait until your feet touch the floor, then remount, unlike griffon/skyscale which you can pretty seamlessly swap to from a different mount with the right keybinds.

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On 8/6/2024 at 5:30 PM, Manpag.6421 said:

Not being able to mount other mounts in the air makes swapping to them inherently clunkier, because you have to dismount, wait until your feet touch the floor, then remount

Well, everytime you dismounted a raptor in mid-air, someone would have to clean up the bloody mess afterwards. 😆

I like the fact that you can basically cheese a fall on the jackal and skimmer without taking any fall damage. It would be a shame if this fun mechanic became obsolete once a general dismounting-in-mid-air ability was introduced.

Bond of Faith is also a fun mechanic to dismount. There are many ways to make good use of it, and it would also become kind of redundant.

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4 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Well, everytime you dismounted a raptor in mid-air, someone would have to clean up the bloody mess afterwards. 😆

I like the fact that you can basically cheese a fall on the jackal and skimmer without taking any fall damage. It would be a shame if this fun mechanic became obsolete once a general dismounting-in-mid-air ability was introduced.

Bond of Faith is also a fun mechanic to dismount. There are many ways to make good use of it, and it would also become kind of redundant.

Off-topic but thank you, your first sentence made my day. And the mental image of cleaning squads waiting for the "Go! Go! Go!" signal in a secret cave in every map is now stuck in my brain forever 😄

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7 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Bond of Faith is also a fun mechanic to dismount. There are many ways to make good use of it, and it would also become kind of redundant

It wouldn't become redundant, because like you say, there are many ways to make good use of it. Launching you using your mount's momentum and cancelling fall damage are fantastic, unique attributes, which is exactly why it feels bad to waste it and put it on cooldown when all I need is the basic dismount part of it.

7 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

I like the fact that you can basically cheese a fall on the jackal and skimmer without taking any fall damage. It would be a shame if this fun mechanic became obsolete once a general dismounting-in-mid-air ability was introduced.

Would that become obsolete, though? I'd have thought if anything it'd get used more, because I'm sure a few new players are skipping straight to PoF for mounts, so don't have gliding yet and might use skimmer like a glider in the short term.

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In truth, I don't recommend getting into any situation that has a mount take fall damage. The reason is because nearly all situations that involve lethal fall damage can be turned around with Bond of Faith + Jade Bot Glide Booster and converted into an opportunity to griffon! It can be done every 30 seconds. I don't feel like fall damage is relevant to me anymore in open world content, outside of jumping puzzles. The warclaw ability or adding another method of dismounting won't change much for me.

This isn't an argument against allowing dismounting off land mounts midair. It's more of a statement that it won't change much for advanced players, as Bond of Faith is incredible for transitioning into an air mount. I might get some use out of it if I have an eccentric enough moment to open up such an opportunity to use it. It might allow newer players who have yet to unlock the features mentioned above grow more accustomed to swapping between mounts.

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